Nov 04

firefox disable cors for localhost

the new Chromium WebView2 Control for a There was confusion about the design of localization. @Andre - Internet Explorer is getting retired, but not the MSHTML hostable engine. Here you can find a relevant discussion on Uncaught DOMException, In this discussion you will find a detailed analysis on SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame. In ASP.NET Core 3.0, the ASP.NET Core 1.1-era MVC precompilation tool was removed. Enabling HTTPS redirection required the addition of configuration, since apps in development don't use the default port of 443. @itsneo answer was right on spot! What does puncturing in cryptography mean. For more information, see dotnet/aspnetcore#3612. SameSite is an option for cookies that can help mitigate some Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The problem is that the name of the iframe changes each time, so I need to loop through all of them. The folder is reused if it exists, and if deleted it automatically re-creates itself. @eusoubrasileiro: Thanks. Correct handling of negative chapter numbers. This must be avoided via the browser sniffing code shown in Support older browsers. Check to see if the Source property was already set or EnsureCoreWebView2Async was previously called with different values.'. If there are specific types in these namespaces that are critical to your apps, file an issue at dotnet/aspnetcore. NavigationCompleted fires once the main page has been navigated meaning the URL is established and the document has started loading. Thanks. For example: By default, SignInAsync throws an exception for principals / identities in which IsAuthenticated is false. You can switch to an