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unctad digital economy report 2020

Also, UNCTAD emerged second out of 23 agencies in the 2020 ranking of the Association of Accredited Media to UN Geneva for its sterling media outreach work, climbing from the fifth position it held in 2019. Planned joint initiatives will improve the ability of countries in the Pacific to better tackle challenges such as climate change and pandemics such as COVID-19. Another recent module introduced in 2020 comprises integrated planning, management and reporting, allowing managers to plan and monitor their substantive work and resources based on defined activities, tasks and timetables, utilizing the results-based management methodology. "Both automation and augmentation can create benefits and both can be profitable. Abstract . The World Investment Report, now in its thirtieth year, supports policymakers by monitoring global and regional FDI trends and documenting national and international investment policy developments. We look forward to engaging further with PIFS and other partners to expand the current support for e-commerce and digital development in the Pacific region for the benefit of all, she added. Key indicators by economy, 2020. UNCTAD has benefitted from implementing the UNs revised delegation of authority framework, which entered into effect on 1 January 2019, bringing decision-making closer to the point of service delivery by decentralizing authority directly to entities. Published every other year, the Report is prepared in close collaboration with external experts and organizations, including e-commerce associations, the ITC, ITU, UNCITRAL, UN regional commissions, UPU, World . Global trade in goods decreased 9%, and global trade in services decreased 15%. The global economy is expected to bounce back this year with growth of 5.3 per cent, the fastest in nearly five decades, according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). amount Nations Conference on Trade and to only 1.7 per cent of total gross Development (UNCTAD)-Eora GVC . The Report presents recent trends and discusses key policies for value creation and capture in the digital economy, notably with regards to entrepreneurship, data, trade, competition, taxation, intellectual property and employment. The global economy contracted by 3.9 per cent in 2020 (UNCTAD, 2021) and 255 million full-time jobs were lost (ILO (2021).1 Developing countries have not only been hit harder economically by this crisis but will also take more time to recover because of their limited financial resources (UNCTAD, 2020).2 The World Bank (2021) estimates that . Global economy projected to show fastest growth in 50 years a number of developments point to the strong rise in e-commerce in 2020," said the report . We are collocated with the United Nations Office at Geneva, which, in 2020, fully met four out of five of the Greening the Blue environmental performance indicators. Context: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released its latest Trade and Development Report. Shamika Sirimanne, Ph.D. on LinkedIn: Fostering the digital economy in While these are still early days of the digital economy, it is already clear that it will have globally transformative impacts on the way we live, work and develop our economies. Global flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) will be under severe pressure this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Three-quarters of humanity resides in 137 developing countries, and, according to the UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019 [3], these countries account for 90% of global digital growth. According to the report, global FDI flows are forecast to decrease by up to 40% in 2020, from their 2019 value of $1.54 trillion. They shared their experiences of using STI in their COVID-19 responses by using data science and digital tools for tracking and tracing the virus and the local production of sanitizers and medical equipment such as ventilators. Industrial Policies. It highlights key facts and main developments, and . We require all our partners to affirm their zero tolerance for sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, and firmly commit to the prevention thereof. The FDI is projected to decrease by a further 5% to 10% in 2021. PIFS is the regions premier political and economic policy organization. At the same time, e-commerce's share in global retail increased from 14% to 17% from 2019 to 2020. UNCTAD/UNDP. Umoja enables a harmonized and streamlined approach to the UNs management of finance, human resources, procurement, assets, programme planning, and performance results, in an integrated manner across all duty stations. When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in February 2020, containment measures made digitalization essential for economic and social resilience. The report notes that it takes an average of 2.4 years and 16.5 percent of the estate to resolve bankruptcy in Argentina. We reoriented the focus of our analytical work to offer insights on how to tackle the fallout from the pandemic. UNCTAD Reviews COVID-19 Impact on E-commerce, Digital Trade economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) a As indicated by the LSBCI 2021. b As indicated by the LSCI. International: UNCTAD promotes cross-border data flows in Digital It also includes a new chapter, added at the request of the UN General Assembly . The COVID-19 pandemic presented both challenges and opportunities for the world, including our region. The numbers speak for themselves: the digital economy is equivalent to 15.5% of global GDP, growing two and a half times faster than global GDP over the past 15 years. After hardship comes relief, as the Swahili saying goes. UNCTAD warns that Asia, global economy headed for a recession As part of UN management reform, the biannual regular budget process was simplified and adjusted to an annual cycle. . Our new project will provide training to policymakers in 38 SIDS on: - Legal aspects of e-commerce; - Digital identity and digital authentication; and - Data collection and statistics for the digital economy. I commend its information and analysis to a wide global audience. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development released the World Investment Report 2020. o Measuring domestic and cross-border electronic commerce (e-commerce). Member States discussed how to harness STI to accelerate progress on the SDGs and to address the pandemic. 4. Philippines Digital Economy Report 2020 - World Bank A sampling of news and insights from our team featured in journals and publications across the globe. In 2021 the E-commerce and Digital Economy Programme continued to deliver on the mandate to assist developing countries to enhance their readiness to engage and integrate into the digital economy. UNCTAD and UNEP, as custodians of indicator . (UNCTAD) produced in 2019 the report Overview of Economic and Trade Aspects of Fisheries and Seafood Sectors in Costa Rica: . PIFS will help strengthen e-commerce capacity-building and knowledge-sharing activities in the region and bring the Pacific regions experiences to other partners and stakeholders. We warned that if austerity wins out again, then a lost decade would be unavoidable, spelling an end to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. No part of the world was spared, showing our collective vulnerability and our interconnectedness. World Investment Report: UNCTAD - Drishti IAS Gross domestic product; Current account; Foreign direct investment; Prices; KEY . . 2020 Entertainment and Digital Media. Thanks to robust communications and external relations activities, public interest in our work grew substantially in 2020. Journal Article Archives Stanford Digital Economy Lab In October 2020, UNCTAD signed a new agreement with the Pacific Islands Forum to enhance trade benefits in Pacific nations. Data and research on internet including broadband, telecom, security, privacy, ICTs, openness, Internet economy, e-commerce, consumer policy and e-government., The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 examines trends and analyses emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. ECONOMIC TRENDS. This would bring global FDI below $1 trillion for the first time since 2005. The IMF estimates that Albania's economy contracted by 3.5% in 2020, due to the combined effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the November 2019 earthquake. Economic trends. All staff members at the director level and above, and those with specific financial and procurement responsibilities, are required to complete a confidential online annual disclosure of the assets, liabilities, outside activities, and affiliations for themselves, their spouses and dependent children. The new format and shorter cycle also allow our managers to estimate resources more accurately and make more informed planning assumptions, which improves their accountability for results. The government sees honey as a product that could help diversify the countrys oil-dependent economy and is working with UNCTAD and the European Union to improve production and boost exports. Through this programme, UNCTAD assisted the Solomon Islands in developing its first national e-commerce strategy. It has been estimated that global Internet traffic in 2022 will exceed all the Internet traffic up to 2016. Digital Economy | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Map 1. to decrease by up to 40% in 2020, from their 2019 value of $1.54 trillion, according to UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2020 . Our mission is to advance our collective understanding of the digital economy in order to build a tech-driven economy that benefits everyone. Post on 16-Jun-2020. The year ended on a hopeful note, with COVID-19 vaccines promising to bring back a sense of normalcy. We worked with investment promotion agencies to determine where funds were needed the most. Notes: Top 10 overall connected economies are shown in the default selection. India among top crypto adopters. Available online (viewed 28 Oct. 2019). Adapting Trade Digi Era | PDF | E Commerce | Economic Growth Latest Context of UNCTAD. a commitment to inclusive trade - unctad | The initiatives various cooperation and spin-off activities have been funded by Australia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It has been estimated that global Internet traffic in 2022 will exceed all the Internet traffic up to 2016. The monitor allows users to conduct customized analysis to assess trade's contribution under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The consequences could last well beyond the immediate impact on investment flows. economies and societies. Investment Incentives The scores and rankings may thus have changed . Why in News. The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.. A new report with statistics covering the period from 2005 to 2020 was released in May 2022. Based on an in-depth look at the consequences of the crisis most likely to affect low- and middle-income economies, it advocates a set of policies and measures to mitigate the interconnected economic risks stemming from the pandemicrisks that may . Includes bibliographical references (p. 194-213). Download the full Creative Economy Report. gds2022d1_en | PDF | Economic Growth | World Politics UNCTAD forecast that global foreign direct investment flows would decrease by up to 40% in 2020, from their 2019 value of $1.54 trillion, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Philippines, unfortunately, has not been able to leverage digital technologies to their full extent because of poor access to affordable and high-quality internet and long-held analog practices. | Find, read and cite all the research you need . It has noted that foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in the second quarter of 2022 reached an estimated $357 billion. Investment Climate Statements: Custom Report Excerpts - United States As such, this years World Investment Report is required reading for policymakers and an important tool for the international development community. Our due diligence process also requires that the prospective partner has not been found to have any convictions, charges, investigations or allegations relating to sexual abuse and/or harassment. Since its inception, the UNCTAD Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) programme has assisted member States in reforming their customs regimes, procedures and systems in line with international standards and best practices. Science, technology and innovation (STI) policies will play a key role not only in post-COVID-19 recovery plans, but also in the decade of action to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, was a key message of the 23rd session of the UN's Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) held in June. Geneva. World Bank's Doing Business Report: 2020: . Data and research on industry and entrepreneurship including small-medium enterprises (SMEs), global value chains, tourism, steel and shipbuilding., The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 examines trends and analyses emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. ASYCUDA continued to be the largest technical assistance activity of UNCTAD, accounting for 46.02% of total technical cooperation delivery in 2020, followed by DMFAS accounting for 22.18%. The Pacific e-commerce portal, a regional information repository on e-commerce development in the Pacific, was launched in August 2022. UNCTAD issued timely and regular policy advice on trade, investment, debt management and other issues to guide global efforts to cushion against COVID-19s onslaught on economies. The world looked completely different in 2020, which for many was a year of hardship and pain. With less than a decade left to the agreed deadline of 2030, this makes it all the more important to evaluate the implications of the expected changes in the investment landscape over the coming years. The data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances: Only 20 per cent of people in least developed countries use the Internet; when they do, it is typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached. Under the new framework, we now have direct authority and accountability over decisions impacting our human, financial and physical resources. UNCTAD warned that the COVID-19 economic crisis would worsen poverty in the worlds 47 poorest nations or least developed countries (LDCs) and push as many as 32 million people in LDCs into extreme poverty, reversing years of painstaking development progress. UNCTAD Report Details Economic, Social Impacts of COVID-19 Flows to developing countries will be hit especially hard, as export-oriented and commodity-linked investments are among the most seriously affected. PDF | The advancement of digitalization is gradually transforming the existing structure of the global economy. Investment Climate Statements: Custom Report Excerpts - United States PIFS initiated the Pacific E-commerce Initiative in 2017. Technology and Innovation Report 2021 UNCTAD - Lombana Bermudez, Andres. Research shows that a 10% increase in mobile broadband penetration in Africa would result in an increase of 2.5% of GDP per capita. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation and added urgency for Governments to respond. Home Stanford Digital Economy Lab and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives. According to UNCTAD, the global share of ICT goods in merchandise imports surged from around 13 per cent in 2019 to nearly 16 per cent in 2020 the greatest annual increase since the records . Wikizero - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development .10 No.7, July 23, 2020 DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.107082. Global FDI flows flat in 2019; moderate increase expected in 2020 (UNCTAD . The report was released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 examines trends and analyses emerging opportunities Determining what is the best way forward will be difficult but necessary. When 104 nations convened online in October for the Eighth United Nations Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection, UNCTAD recommended key actions that governments should take to strengthen consumer protection and competition. Despite the monumental disruptions caused by COVID-19, UNCTAD proved to be pandemic-proof by adapting to resource constraints, exercising flexibility, pulling out all the stops to deliver on our mandate using innovative approaches and providing maximum support to all stakeholders, with positive results. World Development Report 2022: Finance for an Equitable Recovery examines the central role of finance in the economic recovery from COVID-19. The lack of such data currently constitutes a significant gap in the tool-kit governments need to design and implement ICT policies for development. Cortesi, Sandra. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation and added urgency for Governments to respond. UN projects 2.2% global GDP growth for 2023, pushing world economy into recession. As the world takes the first steps on the road to recovery from the pandemic, UNCTAD will amplify its efforts in supporting developing countries to build a better future, together. The World Investment Report, now in its thirtieth year, supports policymakers by monitoring global and regional FDI trends and documenting national and international investment policy developments. The work of the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) programme in 2020 was largely driven by its response to countries needs for support in debt management resulting from the COVID-19 crisis. E.18.II.D.4 WIR 2017: Investment and the Digital Economy, UN Sales no. to quantify the size and growth rates of digital economy in Hungary as well as the CEE region and provide realistic scenarios for the economic impact of digitization through 2025. The framework operates under the premise that accountability is strengthened when heads of UN Secretariat entities have direct authority and can subdelegate it to responsible managers, instead of it being concentrated more centrally. With respect to the minimum necessary travel UNCTAD undertakes, we purchase carbon offsets. Trade indicators - UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2021 First introduced at UNCTAD in 2015, Umoja has seen tremendous continuous development. In 2020, informal employment decreased to 44.1 percent (compared to 46.3 percent in in 2019 . The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation and added urgency for Governments to respond. "Although it will take some time to get the full picture of the impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce. Pandemic boosted e-commerce in 2020: UNCTAD - Tech Xplore Attendees expressed solidarity and reaffirmed the importance of supporting research and development and innovation activities as well as skills development. The findings of the assessments informed the development of a Pacific regional e-commerce strategy and roadmap, outlining the Pacific consensus on the priority regional measures to boost e-commerce readiness in the region and help businesses make the most of global online markets. We shared best practices with member States as they struggled to keep economies afloat while taking measures to contain the impact of the pandemic. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Assessments should conduct institutional and stakeholder analyses to engage public agencies, and . Digital solutions and policies to help the world recover better from the coronavirus crisis were in sharp focus during UNCTAD's eWeek event held in April and May. Responses are also needed to mitigate the risk of abuse and misuse of data by States, non- State actors or the private sector. The report noted that acquisitions in India's digital economy turned out to be the largest . Data have become a key strategic asset for the creation of both private . The rapid rise of digital economy - the application of internet-based technologies to the production and trade of goods and services - has reshaped how we consume, produce and trade. In a post COVID-19 environment, digitalization . PIFS coordinates the implementation of the regional strategy, supported by numerous partners including the Pacific Digital Economy Programme, a joint initiative by the UN Capital Development Fund, UNCTAD and the UN Development Programme, with financial support from Australia. UNCTAD outlined how COVID-19 had both sent shockwaves through global maritime transport and laid the foundations for a transformed industry and associated supply chains. Global value chains (GVCs) powered an economic revolution over the past three decades: growth accelerated, incomes rose, and poverty rates plunged. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its "UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2021, recently.In its report, UNCTAD noted the Philippines as one among six countries that allows free flow of data across borders. Make or break for green economy - United Nations Conference on Trade Billions residing in these nations will be lifted out of poverty through digital tools during this Fourth Industrial Revolution. Digital Development Overview: Development news, research, data - World Bank The DESI 2020 reports are based on 2019 data. The digital intelligence produced with those data by We hold ourselves to a high standard of ethics and integrity. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ('UNCTAD') published, on 29 September 2021, its Digital Economy Report 2021, focusing on cross-border data flows and development. In particular, the report examines the implications of cross-border data flows, especially for developing countries, and calls on countries to enable digital data sharing as freely as necessary and possible. Get Free World Investment Report 2017 Unctad Home Our ministerial quadrennial conference is paper smart and makes predominant use of digital technologies. PDF New Digital Economy Estimates - Bureau of Economic Analysis Pacific Islands Forum joins UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative India was the biggest 'overperformer' in frontier technologies than the country's per capita Gross Domestic Products (GDP) would suggest, according to a recent country-readiness index of the Technology And Innovation Report 2021. Geneva, Switzerland Responsible for delivering UNCTAD's digital content and leading on digital strategy, campaigns, and outreach for the organization and with partner agencies, donors, and stakeholders. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication . We have made multiple commitments to keep our staff and conference participants safe, including by adhering to UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres initiatives to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse, and the UNs Model Code of Conduct to prevent harassment at UN system events. Greece ranks 156 out of 190 countries for Ease of Registering Property in the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 Report, down from 153 . Digital Economy Report 2021 | UNCTAD Free flow of data is required to boost the digital economy. Maritime transport indicators. 2020: 169%: 2019: 127.5%: UNCTAD data . The global tourism standstill due to COVID-19 has cost the sector dearly, especially in countries heavily reliant on it, like small island nations. Contact. Over 25,000 small and medium enterprises in Cameroon joined the formal sector by registering their operations through UNCTAD's eRegistrations online platform launched in the country in 2016.

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unctad digital economy report 2020