Nov 04

myanmar coup death toll 2022

1.8k shares Read Article. [167] In September 2022, the G7-led Financial Action Task Force announced plans to blacklist Myanmar for failing to stem money laundering and terrorist financing. [122], With the monsoon season came a general decrease in warfare due to rain and mud. [84] The United Nations have called for a 'thorough and transparent investigation' into the incident. News. But the costs of the militarys takeover and the ongoing desperate push to resist it have continued to mount. How will DR Congo defeat rebels in the east? [85] On the same day, Matupi CDF teamed up with the Chin National Army to attack an outpost of Light Infantry Battalion 304 on the road linking Matupi to the town of Paletwa. In 2015, the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was signed between 8 EAOs and the central government. As the conflict drags on, many are paying the steepest costs while contending with a loss of faith in their future and a sense of being abandoned by the world. An Australian professor and former adviser to Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been jailed for three years by military authorities. But the dreams of millions in Myanmar were shattered when the military staged a coup on February 1 last year. But every day, she also sees signs of an invisible toll that will be impossible to calculate. [63] 50 junta soldiers were reportedly killed in a series of landmine attacks by resistance fighters in Gangaw Township. Zin Moe told him that he was already an adult and that adults didnt need birthday parties. [103] 35 junta soldiers had been killed in attacks by local PDFs in the Sagaing and Bago regions on the 8 February. KNU Brigade 6 spokesperson did not answer to calls which are to ask if the group had authorised the raid. The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! And who is helping us?. [103] 35 junta soldiers had been killed in attacks by local PDFs in the Sagaing and Bago regions on the 8 February. [29] By the time of the 2011-2015 Myanmar political reforms, the junta had regained control of many long-time rebel strongholds including Kokang and the KNU-controlled Karen State. They left in February but are still offering services in Myanmar remotely, while also launching a new digital marketing operation in Singapore. The junta said the airstrike on the concert was retaliation for attacks on its military bases by resistance forces. [64] These attacks occurred in Central Myanmar, also known as Anyar, an are that had rarely seen armed violence in recent times. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. Two workers for non-profit group Save the Children remained missing after the attack. There have been several other cases of guerrilla fighters across Myanmar dying in accidents caused by handmade explosives. Kyaw Shwe spoke slowly, leaning against his knee as he sat on the floor. [120], On 15 April, junta soldiers suffered at least 30 casualties after being pushed back by the KNLA at the battle for Lay Kay Kaw. The United Nations said it needs $826 million to address basic humanitarian needs in Myanmar for 2022. Protestors used homemade weapons against soldiers and security forces attacking a protest camp. Powerful countries have done little to stem this downward spiral, resistance leaders say. Gathered under the name of the People's Defence Force (PDF) and under the orders of the National Unity Government (NUG), formed by former parliamentarians in office before the coup d'tat, the PDF and the NUG officially declared a "defensive war" against the military regime in September 2021. We are trying to confirm details.We renew our call for aviation fuel sanctions to try to help stop these attacks. Early this year, he recalled, on one of the few quiet weekends the family had together, Bhone Wai Yan Kyaw announced that he planned to have a birthday party when he turned 19 on Sept. 6. He had just started learning how to play the guitar, and on Instagram, he posted covers of folk songs that he and Kyaw Shwe recorded together. The Myanmar Civil War (Burmese: - ), also called the Myanmar Spring Revolution, is an ongoing civil war following Myanmar's long-running insurgencies which escalated significantly in response to the 2021 military coup d'etat and the subsequent violent crackdown on anti-coup protests. [108], At least 30 junta soldiers and allied militiamen from the Pyu Saw Htee militia were killed by joint PDF attacks in Kani Township, Sagaing Region on February 1st, 2022. The raid was one of the biggest on a rebel group since the military coup in Myanmar last year. There was a buzzing in his ears, he recalled, before he fell to the ground. In a backpack, he stuffed a few sets of clothes, his phone and his reading glasses. In Early 2022, Arakan Army and the junta began clashing again in northern Rakhine State and Tanintharyi Region PDF saw increased activity. Ma Cho, 48, lived with her teenage son in the southeastern state of Karen before the coup. [118][bettersourceneeded], Fighting broke out in parts of Loikaw City on 14 April. The reference for global information. [39] and in late March the Arakan Army (AA) threatened to end its ceasefire with the military should the latter "persist in massacring civilians". [110] The Kachin Independence Army also claimed that around 200 junta soldiers, including a battalion commander, had been killed in three days of clashes in the Hpakant Township, Kachin State. [22], The bloody repression of anti-coup demonstrations led to the creation of armed groups to fight the State Administration Council, the military junta. On 17 November, dozens of junta forces ambushed and captured an outpost of the Moebye PDF in southern Shan State's Pekon Township. Kyaw Shwe lifted the coffee in his hands but couldnt bring himself to speak. This came after the confession by a suspect involved in an attack against Tatmadaw troops, in which the Tatmadaw troops then raided the People's Defense Forces (PDF) in Maha Aung Myay and Pyigyidagun Townships. The hatred felt by the Kachin people for the military has just soared. [35] After attacks continuing into 2020, a ceasefire was signed with Arakan Army. [32] However, as soon as 2018, the NCA had already begun to fall apart due to alleged violations of the agreement by Tatmadaw soldiers entering EAO territories to build roads. Another clash happened on the same day near Wailon village along the road linking Hpakant with Mohnyin, about 17 miles from Hpakant's urban centre. [29] By the time of the 2011-2015 Myanmar political reforms, the junta had regained control of many long-time rebel strongholds including Kokang and the KNU-controlled Karen State. According to an aid worker, more than 10,000 people have left Mindat in southern Chin State as the Myanmar military started an all-out operation to quell an armed revolt headed by local citizens. [128] Around 40 junta soldiers and 11 PDF fighters were also reported killed in clashes in Pekon Township, Shan state. [135][136], The military junta court sentenced former state counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi to six years in prison for corruption in July. CPJs 2022 Global Impunity Index, which lists countries where the killers of journalists go free, found that Somalia remains the worst offender on the index for the eighth straight year. [154] As of June 2022, 7.8 million children remained out of school. Like many who have joined Myanmars rebellion, Comrade Kite was not a fighter he had never even held a gun until the coup in early 2021. [5][15][16][17][18][19] In many villages and towns the junta forces attacks drove out tens of thousands of people at least. But she waited in vain for more than a year. There are villages in Magway and Sagaing literally on fire, said a 31-year-old rebel who asked to be identified only by his battlefield name, Comrade Kite. It also denied civilians including musicians were killed in the bombing and claimed A Nang Pa was a KIA 9th Brigade military camp. Death Toll from Myanmar Juntas Airstrike on Concert Rises to 75. [13][14] In the months following the coup, the opposition began to coalesce around the National Unity Government, which launched an offensive against the junta. [119] Recent combat in Kayin state marked an increase in refugees on the Thai border. [70][71], On 7 October, junta controlled media reported at least 406 junta informants had been killed and 285 wounded since 1 February in targeted attacks by resistance forces. [86]The junta forces also carried out a night operation in December in which they captured and burned a camp of the Thein Min PDF (TM-PDF) after a heavy firefight. Fighting was also continuing in Putao, Hpakant and Momauk Township. The Tatmadaw severely weakened ethnic insurgent groups, destroying most of their bases and stronghold through the 1990s. The UN special envoy for Myanmar warned Tuesday that the political, human rights and humanitarian crisis in the military-ruled Southeast Asian nation is deepening and taking a catastrophic toll on the people.. Noeleen Heyzer told the U.N. General Assembly's human rights committee that more than 13.2 million people don't have enough to eat, 1.3 million are Two days later, Bangladesh summons Myanmar ambassador Aung Kyaw Moe to protest violation of land and airspace strongly. Bhone Wai Yan Kyaw, the oldest of Kyaw Shwes three children, had been an ordinary teenager before the military takeover. [51] In conclusion, the battle lasted four days, killing 30 junta soldiers with no casualties for the CDF, and Mindat has been a ghost town since. Courtroom left in tears as 5-year-old expresses love for his family in adoption hearing [123], On 17 May, National Unity Government Defence Minister Yee Mon asked for international help to arm resistance groups similar to support given to Ukraine. ", "Mass Exodus: Successive Military Regimes in Myanmar Drive Out Millions of People", "Myanmar military announces new State Administrative Council", "Min Aung Hlaing: the heir to Myanmar's military junta", "Myanmar shadow government calls for uprising against military", "10 Conflicts to Worry About in 2022: Myanmar", "UCDP Candidates data set January to December 2021: Version", "The Burmese Communist Party and the State-to-State Relations between China and Burma", "Myanmar says Kokang rebels killed 47 of its soldiers", "Myanmar's National Ceasefire Agreement isn't all that national", "Myanmar Signs Historic Cease-Fire Deal With Eight Ethnic Armies", "Conflict Resumes in Karen State After Myanmar Army Returns", "Myanmar tensions: Dozens dead in Rakhine militant attack", "8 killed as ethnic rebels hit Muse- DVB Multimedia Group", "UN envoy urges action to prevent Myanmar 'civil war', "As slaughter of civilians continues, some decide it's time to take up arms", "Brotherhood Alliance tells military to stop killings, threatens to abandon ceasefire", "The Junta Is Dragging Myanmar Into Full-Blown Civil War", "KIA says more clashes likely despite junta's ceasefire announcement", "10 soldiers killed in Myanmar base attack: Rebel group", "Myanmar Villagers Take Up Homemade Weapons Against Regime's Security Forces", "Eleven killed as Myanmar protesters fight troops with hunting rifles, firebombs media", "MYANMAR'S MEDIATION BLUES: Negotiation or zero-sum game? [112] Later in February, 32 junta soldiers and 20 resistance fighters were killed in clashes in Mobye, southern Shan State as well as in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Region. Before the coup, Ma Thin Thin and her husband ran a company in the food and digital marketing sector. Horrific reports of 60 killed & 200 injured by Burmese military airstrikes on a music festival in Kachin State last night. Kachin State. As a founder of a startup in Myanmar, U Myo wanted to leave the country even before the coup, frustrated by economic reforms passed by the NLD government during its first term. An Australian professor and former adviser to Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been jailed for three years by military authorities. Resistance groups are denouncing the attack as a war crime and calling for increased sanctions in response. Arakan Army claims to administer most of Rakhine State with an independent government. Download the SBS News app now. Entire villages have been razed; loved ones have been executed in secret; and 1.1 million jobs have evaporated from the economy. [113][114], Throughout March, the junta carries out repeated air bombing and looting of villages in Shan and Kayah State, attacking civilians, in what Amnesty International later accuses the junta of Collective Punishment[115], On 30 March, around 20 junta soldiers were reported killed in ambushes targeting junta convoys in Mindat township, Chin state. [45], Seven insurgent groups who were signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement aligned themselves with the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, including the All Burma Student Democratic Front and the Karen National Union. [96], Tatmadaw soldiers captured 12 suspected resistance fighters including 3 injured fighters after several bombs exploded by accident in Yangon's Hlaing Thar Yar Township. [93] On 17 December 20 resistance fighters from Yaw Defence Force were killed after the Tatmadaw and members of the military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia launched a surprise air assault on the village of Hnan Khar in Magway Region's Gangaw Township where YDF was holding a meeting. [166] Many foreign and multinational companies, including Telenor, Ooredoo, Chevron, British American Tobacco, and Woodside Petroleum have exited the Burmese market as the conflict has intensified. On the same day, Brigadier-General Phyo Thant, a senior commander of the North-western junta forces was reportely detained after allegedly contacting resistance forces with the intention to defect, making him the highest-ranking official to have attempted to defect so far. [148], On 27 October, Karen National Liberation Army-led forces seized the junta base for Light Infantry Battalion 339 in Kya Inn Seikgyi Township, Karen State. It was painful to talk about his son, but his death was the reason Kyaw Shwe had made his family leave Myanmar. A lockdown in Pabedan Township, Yangon in April, 2020. Were young. Several Kachin celebrities were among the dead, including singers, musicians, and possibly an actor. The UN special envoy for Myanmar warned Tuesday that the political, human rights and humanitarian crisis in the military-ruled Southeast Asian nation is deepening and taking a catastrophic toll on the people.. Noeleen Heyzer told the U.N. General Assembly's human rights committee that more than 13.2 million people don't have enough to eat, 1.3 million are The resistance fighters had to retreat after military employed heavy weapons and snipers. [150], The human rights situation in Myanmar has deteriorated substantially since the beginning of the civil conflict. The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has already been on the offensive against the military since February and seized the military base of Alaw Bum near the town of Laiza on the 25th of March. [119] Recent combat in Kayin state marked an increase in refugees on the Thai border. ", "Ten Myanmar policemen killed in attack by ethnic armies opposed to junta-report", "Junta's armed forces launch attack to reclaim base seized by KIA", "Myanmar: The small embattled town that stood up to the army", "At least 30 regime soldiers killed by Mindat locals in four-day battle", "Junta cuts off water and food supplies to rebel town of Mindat", "Who are the Chinland Defense Force (CDF), Chin Myanmar", "Aung San Suu Kyi supporters unveil Myanmar 'national unity government', "Opponents of Myanmar's junta set up national unity government", "Can Myanmar's New 'People's Defense Force' Succeed? This, really, is a very painful feeling for me, Ma Cho said, choking back tears. [113][114], Throughout March, the junta carries out repeated air bombing and looting of villages in Shan and Kayah State, attacking civilians, in what Amnesty International later accuses the junta of Collective Punishment[115], On 30 March, around 20 junta soldiers were reported killed in ambushes targeting junta convoys in Mindat township, Chin state. [121] Later in april, two junta officers and 24 men working for the military council's electricity department were arrested by KNDF forces in southern Shan States Pekon Township. As of July, the world body had raised $106 million 13 percent of that goal. 2.3k; By Hein Htoo Zan 27 October 2022 . The Rohingya genocide is a series of ongoing persecutions and killings of the Muslim Rohingya people by the Burmese military.The genocide has consisted of two phases to date: the first was a military crackdown that occurred from October 2016 to January 2017, and the second has been occurring since August 2017. State media accuses the People's Defence Force of responsibility, which the PDF denies. Welcome to AFP News . [117] Eight Tatmadaw soldiers were killed according to Khit Thit Media. However, there are no casualty reports on this particular clash. [20], On the morning of 1 February 2021, the Tatmadaw successfully deposed the elected Myanmar government, forming a military junta. This came after the confession by a suspect involved in an attack against Tatmadaw troops, in which the Tatmadaw troops then raided the People's Defense Forces (PDF) in Maha Aung Myay and Pyigyidagun Townships. He has also encountered major obstacles to his working life since the coup, including unstable internet and regular power blackouts hitting even Yangon, the countrys commercial capital. [74] [67] Resistance forces, who were now all past the first anniversary of warfare, found the rain advantageous as the junta could not carry out air strikes as easily. According to an aid worker, more than 10,000 people have left Mindat in southern Chin State as the Myanmar military started an all-out operation to quell an armed revolt headed by local citizens. [89] On 9 December, resistance fighters from the Myaing People's Defence Force (PDF) in Magway Region attacked two military vehicles with 3 handmade explosives in an ambush in the early morning. [142] The military claimed that the village had been harboring resistance fighters from the Kachin Independence Army and the People's Defense Force. Turning down the heat on cold collections, Everyone wants to be a moderate, but political reality has other plans, How immigration took over Arizona's elections, No strings attached: Why the southern border is littered with shoelaces, Musk aims for Twitter overhaul next week and laying off 50% of staff, Worthless wall: $2.5M of steel sits idle at border while shipping containers are used instead. Among them was the Commander of the KIAs Brigade 9, and members of the Kachin Region Peoples Defense Force (KPDF). [98]. [139][140] Later in October, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen made a statement that border bombings by Myanmar stopped after he met Chinese ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming. By The Irrawaddy 25 October 2022 . The number of people killed by a junta airstrike on a music concert in ANang Pa village, Hpakant Township rose to 75 as of Thursday, with more in danger of succumbing to their injuries as regime troops block medical treatment, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) said. On 28 September, at least 20 junta soldiers were reported killed in ambushes in Shan state. [133][134] The international community, including United Nations Secretary-General, the G7 nations, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and the European Union strongly condemned the executions. [53][54], The National Unity Government then declared the formation of an armed wing on the 5th of May, a date that is often cited as the start of the 2021-2022 Myanmar civil war. Since the coup, open conflict has resumed between the Myanmar army and bitter rival the KIA, which has been fighting for greater autonomy for the Kachin people for six decades and has voiced support for the anti-junta resistance. [169] Poverty and food insecurity have disproportionately affected Myanmar's Dry Zone and the Irrawaddy delta regions, which account for over 80% of the country's agricultural area, and are home to a third of the country's population. The raid, which targeted a house located near the village of Laharyet, was carried out at around 9am.

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myanmar coup death toll 2022