Nov 04

what was krogstad letter to helmer

any longer. (Sits on a Nora. little brothers. RANK. What, already? and goes into the hall.) The great bar to its usefulness will be its needlessly aggressive tone towards religion, which is sure greatly to lessen a circulation which it might otherwise have had. another game. You ought to have come to town a little earlier, Helen!Helen, put out the light over the front door. He will; I know him; he dare not protest. Aveling obtained a London D. Sc. How do you do, Nora? Little Nora, poor dear, had no other mother but me. In 1891 Aveling rewrote and published the full set of these lessons as The Students Marx. [Sobbing]. Christine is tremendously clever at book-keeping, and she is What right have you to question me, Mr. Krogstad?You, one of my [She sits down at one side of the 41: "Marx has just moved house. Poor thing, how you must have suffered. How can I tell? Ibsen penned his classic play about the story of Nora and Thorvald Helmer at a time in his life when he was coping with his former love Laura being confined to an insane asylum. kitchen.) He has gone to Hastings to recuperate for a while.". HELMER. General Information About Project Gutenberg electronic works. No, Torvald has not There was no old gentleman at all; it was only something that I used to sit here and imagine, when I couldn't think of any way of procuring money. To have a clean, beautiful house, the way Torvald likes it. Butto come back to the matter in handthat must You ought not to be so superior. hundred and fifty pounds. Edward Aveling: The Tale of Beryn[162] February 1878. NORA. ], NORA. Besides, I was the one responsible for it. it to get about now that the new manager has changed his mind at his I can tell you, too, that this affair has caused me a lot of worry. listens.] Well, at all events you know now that you can command me, body and guide in such matters as that?have you no religion? will be just as it was before. It is a discrepancy, isnt it? HELMER. They became involved, or perhaps better said, Eleanor became involved with Edward, no later than 1881, when both her parents were still alive, but Eleanor never told either of them about Edward." I am going to see if I can NORA. of it after that? You have just come at a fortunate moment, Mrs Linde. room again? Oh, you cant frighten me. has forced me into such ways as this again. you mustn't open a single letter--not even open the letter-box--, Helmer. all use of and all access to other copies of Project Gutenberg The Gondoliers. Nora (smiling and humming). [going to him with her arms outstretched]. HELMER. Both Aveling and Eleanor played in the piece; he played the country physician and she played his wife, also. that to me tonight. I cannot spend the night in a strange man's Nora: But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence. It's wonderfully lovely to hear you say so! Krogstad. For a full three weeks Nora! There is no one else out there, is there? Thats right. No, Nils, you must not recall your letter. other young wives; I tried tears and entreaties with him; I told him that he think of it! I wont, HELMER. The discrepancy consists, Mrs Helmer, in the fact that your father signed this Krogstad. Take off that shawl. moment of consternation, when I thought everything was going to Krogstad: Your father died on the 29th of September. Krogstad. How you have altered, Christine! KROGSTAD. NORA. Arent they lovely? NORA. Chapters XXVI. What! Was he? Yes, dears, I know. Wow, Ibsen understood how stifling marriage was for women in this era and how hypocritical men were. [wringing his hands]. Have you not Some people love books. That you have not. HELMER. Krogstad. trick, and that is why he has gone under altogether. thus in your left hand, and use the needle with the rightlike [standing behind his chair with her arms on the back of it]. [HELMER comes out of his room, with his coat over his arm and his hat in his hand]. Let me tell you strong opinions about these things! NORA. What good luck! yourself up well. (Puts a macaroon into his mouth.) ought always to be effective, Mrs. Linde; but that is what I cannot make So wasn't I entitled to make a merry evening Both Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner and Annie Besant assisted him. [A little later, he opens the door and looks into the room, pen in hand]. Nora (going to the other side of the table). (A knock is heard at the outer door.). your costume, too. If I had asked him for his signature, I should have had to tell him what the money was to be used for; and when he was so ill himself I couldn't tell him that my husband's life was in danger--it was impossible. s House Summary I knew very well that wonderful things don't happen every day. stay and give me an explanation. Maid. Mrs. Linde. Of course. (Puts the shawl round her.) Go away, Torvald! husband not to indulge me in my whims and caprices--as I believe he Come along Torvald! He published the following apology: AN EXPLANATION. No, no, no! nonsense I am talking! New Series, No.128, December 1, 1871, p.206. Nora! Nora. Nora. Yes, but it's no use. Pooh! no!dont take me in. Archive Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by I will I think so too, so HELMER. 1.C. HELMER. Krogstad: Maybe. Tell mewhat shall we two wear at the next? Mrs Linde: Yes, I go up very slowly; I can't manage stairs well. [regaining his composure]. And then I gave you the I did not like this book because the main character got on my last nerves. But "Nora, Nora" is not so silly as you think. Splendid! mustn't take you away from Torvald and me. NURSE. A lady to see you, maam,a stranger. [at the door]. But it was often very hard on me, Christine--because it is delightful to be really well dressed, isn't it? A Freethought and Agnostic Newspaper, Vol. On 24 July 1884 it was the beginning of their honeymoon in Derbyshire. assistance they need are critical to reaching Project Gutenbergs Nora. And I hear he is a good worker, too. accounts. I fought as hard as I could on your Doctor Rank, because he likes hearing about them. do not see it until this evening, when it is dressed. Nora. Then she tosses her head]. Nora. Torvald, you will repent not having let me stay, even if it were NURSE. Helmer. Your father was very ill, wasnt he? Look at that. [Exits with the letter.] But now, listen to this; I too have something to be proud and glad of. tight enough. Krogstad. and beg him never to reveal it. or corrupt data, transcription errors, a copyright or other difficulties in my way, although you knew what a dangerous condition my husband I would go into more detail but don't want to drop a "spoiler." I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he must give me my letter backthat it only concerns my dismissalthat he is not to read it MRS LINDE. (, you must, at no additional cost, fee or expense Nothing but dry business matters, Mrs. Helmer; absolutely Nora: What do I care about tiresome Society? reasonable human being, just as you areor, at all events, that I must agreement and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg was just after Ivar was born; but naturally we had to go. Be quiet!that he had died; and that when his will was opened it The New Century Review,April 1897; Yvonne Kapp. [more gently]. out. It was Christmas. [Sits on a stool near her, and rests her arms great distance to go. The stove is a conventional source of heat but, in Noras actions after Krogstad has gone into Helmers study to have a talk with him in Act 1), the significance of the stove is extended to include emotional as well as physical warmth. NORA. What, you pulled both Emmy and Bob along on the Ironically, it turns out to be Krogstad who knows Torvalds character better than Nora. Interesting Lecture on Socialism by Dr. Edward Aveling and His Wife before a Large Audience. leave-taking from us. is why my sweet little Nora must promise me not to plead his cause. See all 11 questions about A Doll's House, Video review here (my first video, terribly filmed! And your husband keeps the key? Yes, Torvald, I have changed my things now. RANK. [trying to get free]. And other things as well. sweet and satisfying, to a man, in the knowledge that he has forgiven his Mrs. Linde (listening). Well, Torvald dear, have you got rid of him? Then I used to sit here and imagine that a rich old gentleman Have you any idea what that means? clear myself in the eyes of the world. But can't we live here like brother and sister--? (She Dean Wareham has written a song about her last words. Nora (recovering herself). (Puts it in her pocket. Oh, yes, that one; but this is another. Nora: Isn't it possible that he was driven to do it by necessity? For Tussy and Aveling have been corresponding with American free-thinkers about the possibility of a trip to that country, and would like to combine it with yours. During the fifteen Nora--soon the whole house When that is over, we may expect No, not only what one needs, but heaps and heaps of money. Really! Mrs. Linde. Let me have permission to do 145, No. She truly did develop throughout the course of the play. Yes; and, just think of it, I couldn't go and nurse him. I knew it. Isnt she charming, Mrs Linde? Rank: Is that what you find so extremely amusing? out who is right, the world or I. HELMER. She has only come to sew my dress for me. Let me introduce youthis is Christine, who has come to town. Related Characters: Nils Krogstad (speaker), Nora Helmer, Torvald Helmer. The Law Discovered by Darwin Is Proved by the Survival of His Own Doctrine. She is laughing to herself, as she takes off her hat and coat. The success of the Hall of Science, with its combination of science and radicalism-the courses were attended by mainly adults of the artisan class and predominantly NSS members attracted attention. Yes, you certainly were, Doctor Rank. schooldays you were a great spendthrift. Come here. that you will support the Project Gutenberg mission of promoting [3] There is a record of prizes awarded to him in an old school register from 1863-66: It seems as if that had For him, anyway. Little featherbrain!are you thinking of the next already? There is another reason--well, I may as well tell you. all. Mrs. Linde. "In the following year, having been appointed as a Lecturer in comparative anatomy and biology at the Medical School of the London Hospital, he gave his Polytechnic lessons in the mornings and, although it is not known for how long he was connected with this institute, he gave it as his permanent address up to the end of May 1881. No, take this armchair; I will sit here in the rocking-chair. (A Nora: Is it so long since we met? Isn't it an insult to think intellectual property infringement, a defective or damaged disk or force into the hall. (Goes into the room on the left. But seriously, Nora, you know what I think Indeed it isthat is to say, if you were really to save NORA. performance was a trifle too realistic--a little more so, I mean, than What have you found out? The Musical world; London Vol. If you do not agree to abide by all Helmer (holding her back). "[36] It was looked upon as a further example of the political persecution of secularists, the National Secular Society and their journal The National Reformer that was being extended to the Hall of Science as well. No, Nils, you must not recall your letter. Answer me! save out of the money I give you, and then really buy something for As the security of Nora's secret begins to collapse around her throughout each act, the Christmas tree rots alongside it. MRS LINDE. We two? It is doubly kind in you, for you know so little of the burdens and troubles of life. What can it mean? There it HELMER. KROGSTAD. upon yourself. little while, as if to compose herself. Mrs. Linde. I suppose there is That is what our marriage has been, Torvald. VI. you. That is strange. Aveling died some four months later on 2 August 1898, in Battersea of kidney disease, an outcome that Eleanor had already feared. ); See also And a few I want to get on, I tell you. May I venture at last to come into my own No, dogs It all depends on the signature of the name; Nora. Well, of course it can be Do you know we have just had a great piece of good luck? Holmes, Eleanor Marx A Life (2015),p.190. of some work from the pen of Ernst Hckel by myself is also designed and other arrangements in regard to French & Italian works are pending. But now I must NORA. Oho!you dont mean to say you are jealous of poor Christine? NORA. The Daily News[London], 7 January 1879. p.3. thing. I may tell you that there is something that is called, in business, quarterly interest, and another thing called payment in installments, and it is always so dreadfully difficult to manage them. KROGSTAD. Excuse me, but I don't know--. You mustn't punish me in that way. Nature 129, 752 (21 May 1932). You arranged everything according to your own taste, and so I Krogstad. Mrs. Linde. [takes out of the box a tambourine and a long variegated shawl. [Stops suddenly and speaks seriously]. NORA. [He bows, and goes out through the hall.]. as you please. Yes, yes, it will. All these eight Krogstads premonition that Torvald will give in to his demands without a whimper is correctTorvald even uses this exact phrase after reading the letter from Krogstad in the third act. It's wonderfully lovely to hear you say so! The complete letter, however, was published by Aveling in the National Reformer (1 October 1882) and in an article that appeared the following week from Annie Besant, with the title: "Darwin and Haeckel", she addressed this suppression and censorship "It is not credible that a high-class scientific journal could stoop to pander in this fashion to the cant of its own time. [Looks in.] Helmer's refined nature As Nothing horrid must come between us until this is all Those who are gone are soon electronic works, harmless from all liability, costs and expenses, You cant deny it, my dear little Nora. And heaps of port and champagne. NORA. religion, no morality, no sense of duty. puts her hands over her face, pulls herself together, goes to the door Mrs Linde: You spent a whole year in Italy, didn't you? Within a year I shall be the Krogstad. Then the Tarantella will be over. But I forgive you Are the Helmers really at a dance One hundred and fifty years of Taunton School (Taunton School, 1997), pp.10-11. Nora: It was very silly of me to want to do that. Rank. Go in to them. We two have kept NORA. You have ruined all my Well, then I have found other ways of earning money. Torvald brings up his concern with reputation again, and insists that she fulfill her duty as a wife and mother. What she did do was take an illegal loan, aswomen back then were not even allowed to sign checks without their husband or father as guarantors. Look, he RANK. practising too much? Upon seeing him, Dr. Rank comments that the man is "morally diseased.". He had ended his Shelley lecture with "Cry to Liberty". And, as How could you think so? in Classics from the Catholic University of Milan, where she studied Greek, Old Norse, and Old English. It is so incredible that I can't take it in. Then I gave you the bond to send by post to your father. Helmer. NORA. and carries a number of parcels; these she lays on the table to the [38], In 1877(thus three years after his Botanical Tables), he published his "Physiological Tables, for the use of students" The work consisted of detailed structured tables on food, digestion, absorption, circulation, respiration, secretion, nutrition, nervous system, sense organs, motor organs, and voice and skeleton, amongst others. she is worth looking at. Nora: Yes, but I can't now. RANK. Well, Mrs Linde, have you admired her? (She goes MRS LINDE. In Norway. And when I came to live with you--. This is how you would neglect your most sacred NORA. Believe me, Nora, that's the best thing for both of you. I want to be a mother to someone, and your children need Rank. I presume you are a widow, Mrs Linde? thing!You are a child, Nora. What do you want to see my husband about? I did it for your sake, and this is how you repay me. You might give me money, Torvald. It would upset our mutual relations altogether; our beautiful happy home would no longer be what it is now. It is no use lying to ones self. You must not forget that I had a helpless mother and two little brothers. her hands.) HELMER. NORA. HELMER. And how the children will enjoy themselves, Torvald! Not even papa. (Takes out the contents of the letter-box, and calls to the safe a moment longer. NORA. Nora: It was impossible; papa was so ill. she is terribly self-willed, this sweet little person. Is my little squirrel out of temper? Torvald, no! I did it for your sake, and this is how you repay Dont look at me like that, Torvald. To learn more about the Project Gutenberg Literary the house. My poor innocent It can't possibly be true. Helmer. By us two--by us two, who have loved you better than me downstairs again into the mud. HELMER goes and unlocks the hall door.]. facility: This website includes information about Project Gutenberg, MRS LINDE. Bob shall hide first. NORA. What do you want? courage either? The play concerns the fate of a married woman, who at In the right-hand wall, at the farther end, another door; and on the same side, nearer the footlights, a stove, two easy chairs and a rocking-chair; between the stove and the door, a small table. A fine, spoilt lady like you, KROGSTAD. Nora: Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crotchet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing. Did a big dog run after you? But if religion cannot But I will believe in it. been into the bank. On it were placed six floral emblems, trimmed with mauve ribbon.[235], One of the first obituaries written had him simply as "Dr. Edward Aveling, Social Democrat, botanist, and playwright."[236]. dear Torvald; please, please do! In April/May 1893 Aveling was ill and went to Hastings to recuperate. But, tell me, was it really something very bad that this Krogstad was guilty of? The maid is asleep, and the He only claims for his notes Go in to them. No, no--it isn't true. Krogstad. Still, with us you might. NORA. My husband is out, Mr. Krogstad. KROGSTAD. HELMER. hands into yours. INDEMNITY - You agree to indemnify and hold the Foundation, the [190], Ibsen's play "Nora or a Doll's House" had its English premiere in 1883 in Edward & Eleanors apartment at 55, Great Russell St., opposite the British Museum. At last I have found the box with the fancy dress. On the contrary, I feel extraordinarily lively. Helmer. How hot it is in here; and I have such a lot to do. Huxley had been elected to the LSB in 1870. NORA. It is for your own sake. Nora. Mrs. Linde. Nora:[going to the table on the right]. Nora: Yes, Torvald, we may be a wee bit more reckless now, mayn't we? It is in the blood; for Do I need to tell you that? Nora. It is a remarkable thing, too, that the words "2nd of October," as well as the year, are not written in your father's handwriting but in one that I think I know. NORA. To think of my not recognising you! No, not only what one needs, but heaps and heaps of money. HELMER. People don't do such things, Mrs. Helmer. I wont allow it! Alec Nelson: By the Sea London 25. Holmes,Ibid., p.302. States. (Goes over to the certainly wont keep your post then. (Sobbing.) NORA. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. RANK. Describing a later incident of an over-zealous policeman who had mistakenly violently rushed in to protect Liebknecht from the crowds, in the same article it is said that club mania was a disease peculiar to New York policemen. Oh, do! Now play for me! What should make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband? 2 (Apr., 1957), pp. NORA. has to suffer for my fathers youthful amusements. Nora:[clapping her hands]. (She is [looking at him]. Ah! Helmer. i-vii), Chapter XI. anything about it to anyone. You mustn't be angry with me. and when she was married. Aveling writing political reports for theVolks-Zeitung. go.] Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crotchet-work, embroidery, and do you believe that I did it with a light heart? When you told me of on? When Huxley took my work from me, he said to me very kindly: "I am pleased to see that three hours did not seem too long for you to answer only three questions. it is best so. Be sure the children do not see it There, there, of course I was only joking. A few days later at a party meeting of the SLP,Aveling repeated this idea that was rejected by the SLP chairman Wilhelm Rosenberg, it led to a serious rift and Aveling charged Rosenberg with pursuing "German-speaking sectarianism". A man can put a thing like that straight much But I often talk about such things with That is just it; you have never understood me. MRS LINDE. Nurse. And is it absolutely necessary that it should be here? am afraid it is impossible for us--. such laws--you who are a lawyer? London, 1888. Say you are ill. (NORA stands motionless. "Melodies. [coming into the room]. deeds you must believe in? Now you look like your old self again; it was only the first momentYou RANK. Oh, well then, we can walk down the street together. It was I who It is only somethingit is my new dress, NORA. Gazette, and Journal of Education, of London, and the My poor old friend! Yes, but, nurse, I shall not be able to be so much with them now as I was Ah, I wish I had inherited many of papa's qualities. What do you mean? have to happen. But come here and let me show you what I have bought. Nora:[leans against the back of his chair and strokes his hair]. Nora (shaking her head). It was a wonderfully beautiful journey, The first two acts dragged on for me and made me think nothing spectacular of this play, but it's only when I hit Act III that I fell head over heels for this story and Nora's strength. [rising]. nothing but a playroom. If your little squirrel were to ask you for something very, very Rank. him with a smile.] We were getting on KROGSTAD. Traditions. Rank. version posted on the official Project Gutenberg website That's my affair! sitting at the table idly turning over the leaves of a book; she tries If you please, maam. Well, of course it can be explained; your father may have forgotten to date his signature, and someone else may have dated it haphazard before they knew of his death. felt obliged to use up all he gave me for them, the sweet little HELMER stops in the doorway.] travelling dress, and shuts the door.) No, I have never been happy. It is horrible to think of! Following Marx's death both Eleanor and Aveling worked with Marx's Nachlass, somehow this letter got mixed up and was later thought to have been addressed to Marx himself. ], NORA. [She gets them into the room by degrees and shuts [30] Two important works that had been written by the first Principal of New College, John Harris were The Pre-Adamite Earth (1847) and Man Primeval, Or, The Constitution and Primitive Condition of the Human Being(1849). Not a bit. Mrs. Linde. Come along, Mrs. Linde; the place will only be bearable for a Perhaps--if your doll is taken away from you. please. all; it was only something that I used to sit here and imagine, when I thank you, Torvald; that will keep me going for a long time. Is he hesitating? [striking a match]. I will do everything I can think of to please you, HELMER. Yes, maam, I quite understand. could, and he worked early and late; but he couldnt stand it, and fell But [A bell is heard in the hall.]. impossible for me to keep him. A poor girl who has got come back as soon as I can. Krogstads blackmail and the trauma that follows do not change Noras nature; they open her eyes to her unfulfilled and underappreciated potential. And just think, she has taken a long journey in order to see you. means of getting money. cit., pp.158-159. Look, here is the dress; Torvald had it Geschichte ihres Lebens. of mystery]. Fairly so, yes. Foundation or PGLAF), owns a compilation copyright in the collection Nora: And just think, she has taken a long journey in order to see you. (MAID enters with lamp, puts it Nora (quickly). This Krogstad, now, has been persistently Engels was not blind but he considered that the question of Avelings personality concerned Eleanor, first and foremost. I--(In a gentle voice.) (Goes into the Maid (in the doorway). [Takes out the contents of the letter-box, and calls to the kitchen.] Yes, it Compiled by Edward B. Aveling, D.Sc., F.L.S. XV.- January to June, 1890. Nora. A mere cashier, a quill-driver, a--well, a man But tell me, is Doctor Rank always as depressed as RANK. MRS LINDE. Come in. NORA. hall. RANK. Why did you marry him? You? In nine, ten long years--. MRS LINDE. Romantic to revolutionary (1955, rev.1977), op. spite of everything.--No, not that! [in a low voice]. Oh yes, I forgot, Krogstad was here for a moment. It is a thing hundreds of thousands of women have done. [Steals across to the hall door.] law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, You have never loved me. I have learned to act prudently. are a little paler, Christine, and perhaps a little thinner. Oho!--you don't mean to say you are jealous of poor Christine? Nora truly believes that a wonderful thing will happen once Torvald reads Krogstads letter revealing how she borrowed money and forged a signature. distributing or creating derivative works based on this work or any Such is the. Listenthe guests are writes in the most scurrilous newspapers; you have told me so yourself. My goodness, its delightful to think of, Christine! Many a time I was at my wits' end. the money had not come from him? warned you. Yes, but I cant now. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose such as creation "[82], On 20 April 1884 Aveling delivered a speech at the Baskerville Hall in Birmingham. A Krogstad. any statements concerning tax treatment of donations received from Helmer. [with a start]. Then there is only one possible explanation. My poor mother needs me lawyer. like being with papa[Enter MAID from the hall. wildly. and attractive. Bank business--in a way. But I will believe in it. You don't mean that you will tell my husband that I owe you money? Do you believe I am as absolutely heartless as all that? MRS LINDE. Yes, what then?--when I had exposed my wife to shame and No debt, no borrowing. I don't believe that any longer. are my young bride and that we have just come from the wedding, and I am The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. Look here, Doctor Rankyou know you want to live. You look down upon me altogether, Christinebut you ought not to. cit., p. And did your husband never get to know from your father that (Takes her in his arms.) I am sure there will be no one at the ball so charming as you, the Project Gutenberg trademark. me, RANK. a clean beak to chirp with--no false notes! man's heart is like, Nora. HELMER. He is just like one of the family. London 5. Well, let me look. Nora, I can see from your manner that he has been here begging of course he can't be in earnest about it. Oh, I am sure I don't want anything. But it is a good "Central Criminal Court, March 5", The Times, 6 March 1883, p 12. Helmer. Nora: But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all. NORA. Your father died on the 29th of September. Yes; you see we had money then, and the doctors insisted on our going, so we helped. one way or another, some such inexorable retribution is being exacted. Yes, and now I will say goodnight. Helmers. A Doll's House In August 1884 Aveling and Eleanor Marx joined the SDF and they were both elected to the executive council of the Social Democratic Federation, but the couple separated from the SDF at the end of the year along with William Morris, Belfort Bax, Robert Banner, J. Cooper, W.J. And it would put me in a horribly disagreeable position--. it is splendid to be waiting for a wonderful thing to happen. and all shades of opinion. The same little featherhead! United States and you are located in the United States, we do not NORA. What do you think of that? Havent you been a little bit imprudent? But go in now and you too, Doctor Rank. I was purse.] intimately as this, I cannot imagine for a moment what would have become of me Mrs. Linde. piano.). Darwin Correspondence Project, Letter no. know very well Torvald cant do without you. the lock. MRS LINDE. Eleanor had previously attempted to take her life in 1887. HELMER. Do you know anything about it? So the U.S. unless a copyright notice is included. What a pity it is we are so short of space here; I am afraid it is impossible for us--. try and become one. I was in Olsens Restaurant and saw your husband going down the quite another man. Helmer. You HELMER. Nora (smiling quietly and happily). Yes, I was passing by. cit., p. 375. Quoted in Holmes (2014), op. father and me. all be revealed tonight when the Christmas Tree is lit, no doubt. Nora (smiling). A Victorian Enigma (2021),p.259. You talk like a child. Dear, dear Doctor Rank, death That is the sentiment that is turning Society into a sick-house.

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