Nov 04

apk reverse engineering github

See the man page for more options. The latter option has a clear advantage: it can provide you with context, as you'll be able to see in which context each domain is being used (e.g. If problems in the converting into .zip please refers link. Pass the address from which the analysis should start. During this analysis, we will also try to identify the code regions which are suitable for symbolic execution. Fortunately, Java decompilers generally handle Android bytecode well. To learn more, please refer to the r2frida wiki. You're now ready to attach jdb. It monitors the interaction between processes and the kernel, being a very convenient way to monitor system calls. To conclude, learning symbolic execution might look a bit intimidating at first, as it requires deep understanding and extensive practice. You can find the function prototypes for all system calls in the kernel header file arch/arm/include/asm/unistd.h. Android apps support two different types of debugging: Debugging on the level of the Java runtime with the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), and Linux/Unix-style ptrace-based debugging on the native layer, both of which are valuable to reverse engineers. However, this task can be performed with relative ease using LIEF (Library to Instrument Executable Formats). After doing some tutorials, I can reverse engineer basic APK file (with no proguard/dexguard). In the above output, the most relevant fields for us are: This can be extremely useful to spot unusual files when monitoring applications using obfuscation or other anti-reverse engineering techniques, without having to reverse the code. Immediately after that, the input string is passed to a Base32 decoding function at offset 0x00001340. The next step is to decompile *.apk into something useful. You'll also need the right toolset to deal with both the bytecode running on the Java virtual machine and the native code. For example, you'll need to deal with both Java bytecode and native code. You can use lsof with the flag -p to return the list of open files for the specified process. This makes the problem significantly easier to solve because you avoid symbolically executing the Base32 implementation. This will cause the app to be suspended by both the Java VM and the Linux kernel (creating a state of "double-suspension"). For example, getting the disassembly of a specific function is a trivial task that can be performed in one command. The include files in this repo are the tools needed to reverse engineer the APK's, these can be downloaded from the official sources. After execution of the basic block, QEMU repeats the process for the next block of guest instructions (or loads the already translated block from the cache). An alternative solution is to hook onClick method of the OnClickListener interface. APK Decompiler for Windows, Mac or Linux 4. To get started, open the ELF executable in a disassembler such as Cutter. A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better! This thread is started only for apps that have the android:debuggable="true" flag set in their manifest file's element. Patching APKs to load on start. \ii (if not, for this binary, you'd get almost 2500 lines printed to your terminal). XOR should not be used for any serious encryption, as it can be cracked using frequency analysis. The native library for the current application is relatively very small. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Finally the resource files in the APK can be. You can easily install it by running pip install jnitrace and run it straight away as follows: The -l option can be provided multiple times to trace multiple libraries, or * can be provided to trace all libraries. This provides us with valuable information that the input license key is a Base32-encoded 16-character string (which totals 10 bytes in raw). This app is actually very simple, it loads the string "Hello from C++" from its native library and displays it to us. Next, Ctrl+click (or Command+click on Mac) on the check_input method. You can see the secret string in the "Variables" view when you reach the String.equals method call. In this section we've just slightly touched the surface, please refer to the section "Basic Network Monitoring/Sniffing" in the "Android Basic Security Testing" chapter and also check the test cases in the "Android Network Communication" chapter. This is known as DLL injection on Windows (broadly used to modify and bypass anti-cheat mechanisms in games), LD_PRELOAD on Linux and DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES on macOS. The system should now boot normally. Are you sure you want to create this branch? An Android application's decompiled smali code can be patched to introduce a call to System.loadLibrary. It can be achieved via runtime instrumentation and allows to perform tasks such as: As you can see, these passive tasks help us collect information. It could be used for localizing, adding some features or support for custom platforms and other GOOD purposes. You can create your own signing certificate and key, then add it to the debug KeyStore: After the certificate is available, you can re-sign the APK with it. With Frida, you can prevent the app from exiting by hooking the MainActivity.a method or the callback inside it. The results generated by static analyzers can otherwise be overwhelming, and your efforts can be counterproductive if you must manually investigate a large report. Reverse engineering is the process of reconstructing the semantics of a compiled program's source code. If you have built a project in Android Studio before, the IDE has already created a debug keystore and certificate in $HOME/.android/debug.keystore. The main activity is found in the file HelloWord-JNI/src/sg/vantagepoint/helloworldjni/ Language: All Combined Topics. Decompiling APK from directory, in this case the directory is titled "ReverseEngineering": After modifications are done, to recompile folder to APK from ReverseEngineering directory use the following command with apktool: 2.2. use jar signer to sign the apk with the key signature. File-hiding is of course only the tip of the iceberg: you can accomplish a lot using kernel modules, including bypassing many root detection measures, integrity checks, and anti-debugging measures. If you look into the "lib" directory of the unzipped APK archive, you'll see several subdirectories (one per supported processor architecture), each of them containing a version of the native library, in this case This method creates an AlertDialog and sets a listener class for the onClick event. Double-click the function to jump to its address in the disassembly Window. In contrast to method profiling, which tells you how frequently a method is being called, method tracing helps you to also determine its input and output values. After saving the script to a file called java_class_listing.js, you can tell Frida CLI to load it by using the flag -l and inject it to the process ID specified by -p. Given the verbosity of the output, the system classes can be filtered out programmatically to make output more readable and relevant to the use case. This decompiled C code makes it much easier to understand the function call being made. between 1500 and 2000 lines), to narrow your search and see only what directly belongs to the app apply a grep (~) by package name \dm~: While you're searching or exploring the app memory, you can always verify where you're located in each moment (where your current offset is located) in the memory map. We can now use this information about the expected input to further look into the validation function at 0x00001760. The implementation and verification of secure connections can be an intricate process and there are numerous aspects to consider. First, resume execution of the Java VM by attaching jdb. The whole process is called dynamic binary translation. r2ghidra-dec generates decompiled C code, which can aid in quickly analyzing the binary. Build kmem_util.c with the prebuilt toolchain and copy it to the device: Before you start accessing kernel memory, you still need to know the correct offset into the system call table. A plethora of static code analyzers are available, ranging from open source scanners to full-blown enterprise-ready scanners. This, however, may provide a lot of output. You can even directly see the size and the path to that binary in the Android file system. Using the lsmod command, verify that the module has been loaded successfully. Modifying the ELF file structure manually to inject a library can be cumbersome and prone to errors. . With the app still suspended, set a method breakpoint on and resume the app. Note that we'll use the OWASP UnCrackable Apps for Android as examples for demonstrating various reverse engineering techniques in the following sections, so expect partial and full spoilers. In those cases, you have to patch the additional checks as well. As in the previous section, it is important to remember adding the library to the respective architecture lib folder in the APK and finally re-signing the application. You can dump the app's process memory with objection and Fridump. Most of the apps you might encounter connect to remote endpoints. Other useful keywords specific to the context of the app can be obtained while you are using the app itself. An attacker is able to easily analyze the app in order to understand the inner mechanisms. Share On Twitter. This said, please see section "Reviewing Disassembled Native Code" to learn more bout how radare2 can help us performing our reversing tasks much faster. Let's look . Browse The Most Popular 55 Apk Reverse Engineering Open Source Projects. In the chapter "Reverse Engineering and Tampering", we talked about JDWP, the protocol used for communication between the debugger and the Java Virtual Machine. To view the sources, a simple text editor (preferably with syntax highlighting) is fine, but loading the code into a Java IDE makes navigation easier. Initramfs is a small CPIO archive stored inside the boot image. This Information is often used for other techniques, such as method hooking. XOR is a very commonly used technique to encrypt information where obfuscation is the goal rather than security. For example, you may want to deactivate SSL pinning or binary protections that hinder the testing process. the native library of the app is located at 0x0000007d1c499000 and optimized dex (base.odex) at 0x0000007d10dd0000. Jprobes and Kretprobes are other KProbes-based probe types that allow hooking of function entries and exits. The Device Monitor can be started within Android Studio (Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor) or from the shell with the ddms command. However, there are also a few Android-specific challenges. # Get the solution string from *(R11 - 0x20). Features: * Easy to use yet extremely effective. In the next dialog, pick any API number; you don't actually want to compile the project, so the number doesn't matter. However, if you're planning to debug the library on a live device later, it's usually wise to pick an ARM build. Are you sure you want to create this branch? To bypass the pinning check, add the return-void opcode to the first line of each method. Its true that those tools perform the analysis in background, and the GUI is not blocked. This logic has been diagrammatically demonstrated above as well. A moderated community dedicated to all things reverse engineering. Video: Thoughts. Each version is compiled from the same source and implements the same functionality. It is decrypted with 128bit AES, then compared with the user input. When you do this, zipalign must be called after signing. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Check Frida's JavaScript API for more details. Reverse Engineering Android Apps - Native Libraries Android applications can contain compiled, native libraries. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Open the command prompt from directory and use the following command: Or from any directory open the command prompt and use this command with path to keytool: Password for key signature can be cracked with any password cracker. Then, single-step until you reach the call to String.equals. If you're only interested into the modules (binaries and libraries) that the app has loaded, you can use the command \il to list them all: As you might expect you can correlate the addresses of the libraries with the memory maps: e.g. Note how, by default, only the arguments passed to the function are shown, but not the return values. Features basically uses apktool to disassemble, decode and rebuild resources and some bash to automate the frida gadget injection process. Vulnerabilities in the tested environments, Weak input validation and bad input/output encoding as they are processed through one or multiple services, locals: print local variables in current stack frame. Keep in mind that static analyzers may not be able to find all problems by themselves even though they can help us focus on potential problems. Enter "java" and hit enter. Identify where the code should be patched in the temporary file and implement the changes. prefix): Please note that if the library to be preloaded does not have SELinux context assigned, from Android 5.0 (API level 21) onwards, you need to disable SELinux to make LD_PRELOAD work, which may require root. if not signed use the keytool in the java bin directory to sign apk. You can bypass this with a little runtime tampering. Conclusion 5. Voil! In order to obtain Java code, an attacker can use jadx or jd-gui to decompile the app. When System.loadLibrary is called, the loader selects the correct version based on the device that the app is running on. The first thing you need to know is that the first argument passed to every JNI function is a JNI interface pointer. You can look up the address in the /proc/kallsyms file: This is the only memory address you need for writing your kernel module. When evaluating an application it is important to check the Network Security Configuration file, as often (less secure) debug configurations might be pushed into final release builds by mistake. Note that this string comes directly after the end of the function block at offset 0xe84. With the device connected via USB, you can forward this port to a local port on the host with the abd forward command: You'll now use the prebuilt version of gdb included in the NDK toolchain. Within the Process command the function enumerateModules lists the libraries loaded into the process memory. If you reverse Android apps on a regular basis, building your own reverse engineering sandbox is a no-brainer. Key features: is patched for traffic monitoring and interception; This may appear magical at first, but a careful analysis of the function at 0x00001760 holds the clue, as it determines if the given input string is a valid license key or not. For example, list the imports with \ii : For big binaries it's recommended to pipe the output to the internal less program by appending ~.., i.e. Congratulations, you just learned the fundamentals of static analysis! You can solve this problem by activating the "Wait for Debugger" option. The following quote from this article of radare2's blog ( offers a good summary. Also it makes working with app easier because of project-like files structure and automation of some repetitive tasks like building apk, etc. Apktool ( is an instrument for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps.It can decode resources to its original form. The final solution script is presented below: As discussed previously in the section "Dynamic Binary Instrumentation", the symbolic execution engine constructs a binary tree of the operations for the program input given and generates a mathematical equation for each possible path that might be taken. The experience won't be perfect, it's not the original source code after all, so you won't be able to set line breakpoints and things will sometimes simply not work correctly. Since this function is small and extremely simple, the decompilation output is very accurate, this can change drastically when dealing with complex functions. This should highlight the Java_sg_vantagepoint_helloworld_ MainActivity_stringFromJNI function. Android offers reverse engineers big advantages that are not available with iOS. Clearly this function is not complex, and can be analyzed manually, but still remains a cumbersome task. Create a Makefile with the following content: Run make to compile the code, which should create the file kernel_hook.ko. You need to perform several steps to initialize Angr's symbolic execution engine: Load the binary into a Project, which is the starting point for any kind of analysis in Angr. See the section "Reviewing Disassembled Native Code" below to learn on how to proceed when inspecting the disassembled native code. This skipping makes following the code flow crucial to debugging decompiled applications. As the man page states, symbols loaded from the library passed using LD_PRELOAD always get precedence, i.e. These functions are available to normal processes via the system call interface. In that case, you may want to obtain the signatures of the functions you're interested in by referring to Android Developers documentation or by reverse engineer the app first. After you get the colon-separated directory names, the debugger cursor will return to the beginning of the a method, not to the next executable line. A modal dialog is shown immediately, and the crackme terminates once you tap "OK". If you want to look directly into Java source code on a GUI, simply open your APK using jadx or Bytecode Viewer. If you want to inject your own Frida script, it should either disable the AlertDialog entirely or change the behavior of the onClick method so the app does not exit when you click "OK". It is all about theorizing, annotating, and gradually revising theories about the analyzed program until you understand it completely or, at least, well enough for whatever you want to achieve. Finally, you need to re-sign the application before using it. The file "nowyouseeme" is now somewhat hidden from all user mode processes. The first step is unpacking and disassembling the APK with apktool: Note: To save time, you may use the flag --no-src if you only want to unpack the APK but not disassemble the code. Download ApkTool, its needed to reverse engineer the apk files, link is here: Instead, we just tell radare2 to analyze that one function by using the analyze function af command. Depending on your purpose, you may open the binary without this option and then apply a less complex analysis like aa or a more concrete type of analysis such as the ones offered in aa (basic analysis of all functions) or aac (analyze function calls). This method searches for the "su" binary within a list of directories (/system/xbin and others). Checks like this are easy to deactivate all you have to do is replace the code with something that returns "false". People that are used to IDA or Hopper just load the binary, go out to make a coffee and then when the analysis is done, they start doing the manual analysis to understand what the program is doing. But where do you get it? In jdb, set a breakpoint at the java.lang.System.loadLibrary method and resume the process. Instead, you'll analyze it straight from the memory of the app. See the section "Testing Key Management" in the chapter "Android Cryptographic APIs" for more details. The UnCrackable App for Android Level 1 is not stupid: it notices that it has been run in debuggable mode and reacts by shutting down. It's in the VM's path at ~/samples/ThaiCamera.apk. Loading an APK file directly into Ghidra might lead to inconsistencies. . However, the standalone tool is also useful, it has a profile panel that shows the time spent in each method along with the parents and children of each method. Once execution reaches a location where the su binary would be detected, modify one of the variables holding the file name or directory name by pressing F2 or right-clicking and choosing "Set Value". Apktool is one of the most importa. Thus, it's more convenient to use Frida scripts to e.g. In our example, a search for "X509TrustManager" returns one class that implements a custom TrustManager. To start recording tracing information, select the target process in the Devices tab and click Start Method Profiling. From the powerful tools shipping with the SDK to the wide range of available reverse engineering tools, there's a lot of niceties to make your life easier. The decompiled method looks like this: So, you have a Base64-encoded String that's passed to the function a in the package In the next example we'll reverse the HelloWorld-JNI.apk from the OWASP MASTG repository. You'll now set up your JNI demo app, HelloWorld-JNI.apk, for debugging. The Android emulator is based on QEMU, a generic and open source machine emulator. setCancelable(true) was called, so this can't be the call we're looking for. The following example uses greadelf: You can also see this using radare2's rabin2: This is the native function that eventually gets executed when the stringFromJNI native method is called. It is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. Following the example from "Decompiling Java Code", we assume that you've successfully decompiled and opened the UnCrackable App for Android Level 1 in IntelliJ. This file contains the JavaScript code. This takes you to the method definition. After you choose the app from the list, the debugger will attach to the app process and you'll reach the breakpoint that was set on the onCreate method. To modify initrd on any Android device, back up the original boot image with TWRP or dump it with the following command: To extract the contents of the boot image, use the abootimg tool as described in Krzysztof Adamski's how-to : Note the boot parameters written to bootimg.cfg; you'll need them when booting your new kernel and ramdisk. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Once you've unpacked and disassembled the APK, it's time to find the certificate pinning checks in the Smali source code. Please to the iOS chapter for more examples on Angr usage. A detailed explanation of this process is in the section "Dynamic Analysis on Non-Rooted Devices. Another thing to notice in the output above is that it's colorized. Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. The most straightforward way to intercept system calls is to inject your own code into kernel memory, then overwrite the original function in the system call table to redirect execution. The freeware version of IDA Pro unfortunately does not support the ARM processor type. To learn more about all options for advanced usage, check the documentation on the official Frida website. The Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing and reverse engineering. use JD-GUI to extract from the jar file. Black Arch paru . Once you've opened your file in radare2 you should first get the address of the function you're looking for. The Android Studio user guide contains more information about Traceview. The alert box should now be cancelable! If you recall from the "Platform Overview" section, every application in Android is forked from Zygote, which is started very early during the Android boot-up. Once you're finished editing save the .config file, build the kernel. Fortunately, it is exported as a symbol in the Android kernel (iOS reversers aren't so lucky). Be sure that apksigner is in the path and that you run it from the folder where your repackaged APK is located. This is one of those cases where we can speed up our workflow because you're focusing on some specific part of an app. Enable dynamic testing on a non-rooted device (e.g. A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers. Instrumenting the live environment at strategic points gives you useful tracing functionality and the ability to manipulate the environment, which will help you bypass any anti-tampering defenses the app might implement. You can mimic any color using RGB values from a color picker like a HTML color picker. When you add the -s flag, all strings are extracted from the dumped raw memory files and added to the file strings.txt, which is also stored in the dump directory. Set a breakpoint on method a and "Force Step Into" when you reach the breakpoint. It contains a few files that are required at boot, before the actual root file system is mounted. In . This is a classic Linux rootkit technique that has been described for Android by Dong-Hoon You in Phrack Magazine - "Android platform based linux kernel rootkit" on 4 April 2011. Supporting or replacing existing code with your own implementations (e.g. For instance, in the case of an app encrypting/decrypting data and handling keys in memory instead of using the AndroidKeyStore API. You don't want the process to resume immediately though, so pipe the suspend command into jdb: Next, suspend the process where the Java runtime loads In this section, we will be using information from procfs directly or indirectly to gather information about a running process. Usually the client is responsible to provide this file to the penetration tester. Addressing relative to the program counter allows the code to run independently of its position in memory. Set a method breakpoint on java.lang.String.equals, enter an arbitrary text string in the edit field, and tap the "verify" button. This is has been documented for reference. Of course, the only way to really learn it is hands-on experience: build your own projects in Android Studio, observe how your code gets translated into bytecode and native code, and try to crack our challenges. But this won't be the case for other libraries or for Android Kotlin/Java code. When testing an app, process exploration can provide the tester with deep insights into the app process memory. The main function is located at offset 0x00001874 in the disassembly. Explore . Android apps have several ways to interact with the OS. For instance, many applications use other protocols apart from HTTP such as XMPP or plain TCP packets, or perform certificate pinning in an attempt to deter MITM attacks but unfortunately having severe logical bugs in its implementation or an inherently wrong security network configuration. frida-trace is a very versatile tool and there are multiple configuration options available such as: Many binaries are stripped and don't have function name symbols available with them. While performing any kind of binary analysis, strings can be considered as one of the most valuable starting points as they provide context. Even on standard retail devices, it is possible to do things like activating developer mode and sideloading apps without jumping through many hoops. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Certificate pinning is an issue for security testers who want to intercept HTTPS communication for legitimate reasons. An application can have multiple threads running, and each thread can call the open function independently. To support both older and newer ARM processors, Android apps ship with multiple ARM builds compiled for different Application Binary Interface (ABI) versions. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. The default password for this KeyStore is "android" and the key is called "androiddebugkey". Frida 12.10 introduces a new useful syntax to query Java classes and methods as well as Java method tracing support for frida-trace via -j (starting on frida-tools 8.0). 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