Nov 04

cultural practices examples in agriculture

Cultural methods were divided into active composting, fertilizing, and slash and burn farming. Clearing of site as a cultural practiceclearing of the farm site is very key to agricultural cultural practices. The results can be further analyzed using the tricot approach. what is crop rotation within the classification of crop, 1. 3. What are examples of cultural practices? - Studybuff 4. This is also called multiple cropping because it involves the planting of more than one type of crop on the same farmland at a time. Increasing the seed rate reduces the number of flowers per stem, but the proportion of flowers that mature into pods is not affected. (j) Groundnut (Anichis hypogaea): 25cm apart and along rows. This done to make cultivation easier and free from obstruction. As a result of the good start given to the crops, high yield is obtained. In the study, the researchers found that tomato yield and quality were affected greatly by staking, as nonmarketable fruits were not supported by the stem. In addition, cultural practices can be beneficial to the environment by conserving water and minimizing the use of pesticides. Watering practices can be a major contributor to changing habitats. Farmers understanding of the tested traits must be averaged among all participants. Tropical climates are characterized by high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. Mulching : Mulching is the placing of dry grass, cardboard or plastic to keep soil moist and prevent soil erosion. However, it may be necessary to construct set beds or ridges for other crops such as yam,tomato and groundnut after harrowing.This will necessitate the exact operation which is ridging. 2. Cucumber Beetle, Management. This could be done by means of simple farm implements like ploughs, harrows or ridgers could be used in tilling the land. From the pole A, take a base line AB 4m long with a string tied to the pole. vi. Crops such as African Spinach, Amaranthus spp, tomatoes lettuce cabbage, garden egg, pepper, citrus, oil and cocoa can be grown in a nursery. They live in communal houses with axe-shaped roofs and revere the village chief. cassava should not follow yam, or to follow maize. A good post-planting operation is an insurance against crop failure, and good follow-up activities. read cultural practices in maize cultivation. Other forms of processing that cannot he carried out in the farm site are done in factories where machines are installed for the purpose. The Xo Dang culture in agriculture is closely interwoven with the peoples folklore and cultural identity. c. Burning: This may be optional, depending on the volume of trash. The method of nursery bed preparation also goes for root beds where the crop will grow to maturity. Agricultural Development Project.Research Centres. For example, a culture may be characterized by a language or a religion, while society may be dominated by a market or competitive environment. you can read more about forestry hereOn large scale, bulldozer may be used to remove forest vegetation. Best Management Practices for Environmental and Water Resources. yam setts. Manures should be supplied in a balanced amount or at recommended dosage and forms.They should be applied at the right lime and under suitable weather conditions. It is usually the first equipment to use on cleared farmland. 4. It is therefore most necessary to reduce the dependence on chemical inputs in agriculture. Cultural Practices of Plant Disease Management - Biotech Articles GAP Example 2: For raising animals, it includes minimizing the usage of non-therapeutic antibodies or hormones, avoiding feeding livestock with animal by-products (such as processed animal protein), and making sure that farms adequately clean equipment and machinery to prevent the spread of disease. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Copyright 2017 - 2022 Justagric | Designed by Godwin Chibuike. Farm Level ProcessingProcessing is the conversion of crop products into other forms more acceptable or convenient to the consumers. a. 2 It enables the farmer to construct permanent structures such as storage structures on the farm. However, the benefits of such initiatives are clear: they will reduce the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural sectors in southern Africa. Continue with Recommended Cookies, fabioclass knowledge home. They are referred to as Pre-planting, Planting, And Post-planting operations. Disease is an abnormal condition in crop plant that may show in some part or on the whole plant causing damage to the crop. HarvestingWhen crops have reached maturity or ripened, the products are then gathered (harvested) for use. It is practiced with vegetable crops and cereal such as maize. Broccoli and Summer Heat. During the process or urbanization, natural habitats are modified and evolve over time to favor various species or different groups of arthropods. Staking is a cultural practice that removes the roots of plants and trees. This method helps farmers earn huge profits and minimizes their costs of production. Among the tools required here are ranging poles and measuring tapes. Soil survey shows the nature of the land (Topography). The term is gaining in importance due to the increased controversy over "rights of cultural practice", which are protected in many jurisdictions for indigenous peoples and sometimes ethnic minorities. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The system encourages the rapid spread of pests and diseases on the farm. Chemical pesticides are killing our agriculture and encouraging many problems in human being. It is made with hoes and used for growing root and tuber crops such as yam, Cocoa-yam, cassava, potatoes and others. When organic mulches decay, they add to the nutrients in the soil thereby increasing production. It makes efficient use of soil nutrients. Agroforestry and food forests 6. Before planting, farmers perform various activities to make the land level. Animals could be used to draft the plough during tilling. Flooded Crops: Food Safety and Crop Loss Issues. It prevents, direct heat of the sun. (i) Art of erecting cover above seedlings. (iii) Flat seed bed: This is used in low rainfall areas or periods or level and well drained land. Examples Religious and spiritual practices. Their traditional way of life is passed down through oral tradition. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. from diving up planting materials, and conserves moisture and optimum heat for germination. The common crop parts normal harvested for use includes tubers, leaves, fruits, seeds and others. What is Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)? | SafetyCulture ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION2. Labour may not be efficiently utilized throughout the year. It may take any of forms: Planting annual crops which are replaced after harvesting. If the tricot approach is successful, it can be applied to other farming studies. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Consideration is usually given to crops with small seeds and those with less viability in nursery establishment. It minimizes the spread of diseases and pests and helps to check weeds. Too much light can lead to sun scalding whereas too little light can cause poor vigor. Stems are tied or trained to the stakes. This is used mainly in rubber, fruits, and tree production. This kills many weeds. This is usually in school farms, government farms and corporate farms such as cutlass,axe, pick axe, mechanical stumper and bulldozer are used in stumping. an online school. This technique is environmentally friendly, but it cannot prevent all pests from invading a particular crop. (i) Art of erecting cover above seedlings. It may lead to rapid exhaustion of soil nutrients if legumes not included. Yields me normally reduced with increasing years of cropping. Learn how your comment data is processed. These practices also improve the soils pH balance, which is essential to the growth of crops and fruits. Pre-Planting Operations: These include all forms of operations/activities, carried out in the farm before planting can effectively take place. It makes possible the use of machines in farm operation. 6. Cultural practices often include rituals and customs that are rooted in a tradition and reflect the values of a community. Texas A&M University - Department of Entomology 2475 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2475 (iv) Nursery sites should have good top soil with good drainage(v) Seeds are mostly broadcast or drilled and lightly covered with soil. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Manures are applied during planting or just after planting and again before flowering for a good result.Manures must not be applied directly on the crops, but a few centimetres away from each stand. Biological Control of Plant Diseases. Where polythene bags are used, seedlings are easy to transport to the permanent plot. 9. (5) Follow this sequence until the fourth year is reached. Seed Rate: This is the quantity of seeds or planting materials required to plant up an area indicated in the amount of seed per stand of the field. Cultural institutions (see also Cultural Institutions Studies) Natural resource management. (b) Crops that belong to the same group should not also follow each other on the same plot, e.g. The agriculture industry is the sector of the economy that produces livestock, poultry, fish and crops. In one year, the plant grows a lot more than the normal amount. Natural animal raising 9. The crop which was planted first is also harvest first while the one planted last remains on the plot to harvested later. A fairly level land should be chosen to reduce the cost of land preparation and erosion control problem. For instance, timing, sanitation, and mulching may (c) Plant one crop on each plot, making sure the principles guiding the adoption of the system are adhered to. Soil preparation, for example, is a cultural practice. They can chew holes in leaves, strip them bare (skeletonize) or defoliate entire plants. Similarly, in areas with a prevalence or cracks and crevices created by rocks, fallen trees and other debris, scorpions may be a common occurrence. The farm site is cleared by means of hand tools such as the cutlass or implement such as bulldozer. Crop production is an unsaturated market that is growing in demand. In one year, the plant grows a lot more than the normal amount. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. (c) Ridging: This is the last stage in land preparation for planting of seeds or seedlings.It can be done by means of Indian hoes tractor driven disc ridger or mouldboard ridger. 2. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This may be a result of incorrect observations, gendered household domains, or differing views of varietal quality indicators. filling-in as a cultural practice in crop production is The replacement of seeds that fail to germinate or seedling that dies. 2. The ball of earth involves lifting seedlings with earth or soil around the roots. (d) Crops that consume a lot of nitrogen such as the-cereal group should be followed by those that add nitrogen to the soil such as maize and the legume group. Extension entomology programs provide identifications, fact sheets and publications. 2. These practices fall under three categories: pre-planting, planting, and post-planting operations. The system combines mixed cropping with continuous cropping and is mainly practiced by institutions of learning. These parts are harvested and processed using manual tools, mechanical harvesters, or a combination of the two. It is suitable for vegetable crop production, though, other crops such as tobacco, cocoa, and citrus could be raised first in a seed bed; (nursery bed), ft is usually 1.20 m wide and 25 m long for a standard bed. 2. Weed seeds are then buried below cultivated seeds. 8. What is a cultural practice? What are some examples? - Quora This is because herbicides can be used. Advantages of nursery establishment1. 1. Tillage PracticesLand tillage is the operation that follows after the land area has been cleared, stumped and plotted. It also shows where to locate the various farm stead. Cultural Practices for Reducing Crop Diseases | Texas Plant Disease Plotting or laying out. These are operations carried out before sowing.They include choosing of site, clearing, stumping, plotting, ploughing, harrowing, and ridging(pre-planting operation)1. Populations of species in the wild or natural habitat may persist or migrate from neighboring non-urbanized habitats. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. You will need to implement these cultural practices in your field in order to get the best results. FARM YARD MANURE6. Crop yields may decrease with years except additional manures or fertilizers are applied. An identification form is available to submit insect and mite samples. Soil types nutrients status, soil and water conservation methods to be sued on the land. Soil preparation, sowing, manuring, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, and storage are the seven steps of agriculture practices. list of cultural practices 1.Soil solarization 2.Deep summer ploughing 3.Organic and inorganic amendments 4.Fallowing 5. However, if you sow the seeds early, your yield will increase and youll save a lot of money. fabioclass knowledge home. These practices include art forms such as dance, music, and storytelling; communication methods like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice; educational activities such as reading books or watching television; religious observances such as praying or going to church; and entertainment activities like sports or watching movies. erecting cover to shield seedlings from sunshine is a typical example of cultural practice in crop production. This is the distance given between one stand of cultivated crop and another. You can read some of most interesting topics below, LIVER FLUKE162. Cultural Practices in the farm are all those activities that take place before, during, and after field cultivation and planting. The soil is checked to about 7.50 cm deep from the top soil. Give the advantages and disadvantages of each cropping system The way a farmland is cropped varies from one farmer to the other system adopted may depend on the available farmland, the of agriculture (whether subsistence or commercial), the need of the farmer and so on. in cultural practices Quantity of seeds used usually depends on spacing or plant population desired. It leads to destruction of soil structure. This is a raised heap with circular base. The following are the cropping systems commonly practiced by farmers. For instance, in dryer habitats, irrigation can favor new vegetation patterns while discouraging or eliminating host-plant species previously common to the area. It minimizes the spread of diseases and pests on the farm. 4. When i he farmer has harvested and at times processed, the last stage of the post-planting operation is storage. The other important factor is the yield. Animals could be used to drag ridger for ridge making.Ridging is done normally across the slope of the land to prevent it from being washed away by erosion. . post-planting operation. Using the climate data collected, the Xo Dang has developed strategies to deal with the negative effects of climate change. read more about seed germination here. If youre planning to plant several crops in one area, you should understand how to implement this cultural practice in the best way. 3. After harrowing it may possible to grow crops such as rice which do not require seed beds or ridges. Seedlings too weak at tender age to compete with weeds are cared for in the nursery3. If not moist, then more, water should be applied. (v) Done within 2 weeks of 1st planting to obtain uniformity in growth (growth uniformity). It is usually done by hand and practiced when the crop plants are very young. The weakest of the plants on the stand is usually the one to be removed. This is guarded by: (a) The nature of the land (Topography): This is, whether the land is hilly or level. Where crop rotation system is practiced, stumping is done. To provide a suitable growth medium, thee parts of good top soil, two parts of properly decayed compost (not hot) and one part of river sand are mixed together and put in each box. Furthermore, farmers must cultivate indigenous plants that can resist climatic conditions. What are 5 examples of cultural? Cultural practices are sets of activities carried out at low cost aimed at providing an enabling environment for plant growth. ECTO PARASITES163. (a) Heap: This is a built up small cone shaped hill usually less than 60 cm high. The term cultural practices is used to refer to both as is and should be behavior. It affords the farmer a variety of crops. When correct planting distance is observed, it enables crops to have high yields, as the nutrients and water available would be enough for the crops. This is achieved by incorporating organic manure and inorganic fertilizers into the soil. There are also cultural practices that involve keeping warm during cold weather. For example, some grains and legumes require little rainfall for growth and production, and a dry period for the grains and and pods to get dried. b. What are beliefs examples? iv. Seed rate refers to the quantity of seeds required to plant one hectare of land. Feeding symptoms are often easier to detect than the pests themselves. However, farmers observations may not be completely accurate. Cultural Practices Landscape IPM - Texas A&M University Water the nursery before transplanting.Transplanted seedlings should not be allowed to wilt.Therefore, water immediately after transplanting to enable the soil get in contact with the roots. This is guarded by: This is why specific period of the year is recommended for the growing of various crops in the different parts of Nigeria and West Africa, for example, early maize is planted in the South between late February and April, late maize in August/September while it is planted June in the North. These practices also help farmers avoid unnecessary expenses related to pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Dietary preferences and culinary practices. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. It is risky because crop failure arising from pest, diseases or weather conditions will result in total loss of income to the farmer for that year. 3. The control of weeds is easy. TICKcheck out these recent posts, LIFE CYCLE OF TICK Tick is an ecto-parasite of cattle,, SYSTEMS OF REARING PIGS There are three systems of rearing, POULTRY Meaning Poultry refers to group of birds reared for, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Respiratory system includes all the organs and tissues, PEST AND DISEASES OF MAIZE pests of Maize (1) Stem, NATURAL RESOURCES IN NIGERIA AND THEIR ROLES Definition of natural, THE NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (NNPC) The Nigerian National Petroleum, FERTILIZATION (i) fertilization is the fusion of the, Diseases of Pigs: Common diseases of pigs include: brucellosis, anthrax,, Management of Pig farm The management of pig from breeding. 3. Low-priced auto insurance rates are generally hard to get after a cancellation. Seed bed orientation . Cultural practice is the manifestation of a culture or sub-culture, especially in regard to the traditional and customary practices of a particular ethnic or other cultural groups.. Many native plants are adapted to the local environment and can offer the best protection. Before cultivating your crops, follow cultural practices that will benefit your crop. vi. you can read my post on tillage systems here. It leads to destruction of soil structure which may facilitate soil erosion. It can also help reduce internal moisture and disease risk. cultural practices in agriculture and farming - fabioclass knowlege home JSS 2 First Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note - Erudites Academy The length of the ridge depends on available land and choice the farmer. Cultural practices are a set of cultural and social activities that people use to communicate, educate, and express themselves. How to Design a Four-Year Crop Rotation. More than one crop can be sown at one time on it. They may also tunnel into petioles (leaf stalks) and stems and consume entire plants.Recently damaged plant parts will have freshly damaged edges. Common crop parts include tubers, leaves, fruits, and seeds. Required fields are marked *. Harvesting of crops can be carried out manually through the use of knife, sickle, cutlass and hoe.In very large farms, harvesting is done with the aid of mechanical harvesters and other devices. ORGANIC MANURING5. For instance, if a landscape is established in an area such as pasture, some insects may be locally abundant. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. From soil nutrient replenishment to crop pest management, cultural practices are effective means to improve plant health and yield. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Nursery and nursery practices A nursery is an area where seeds are first grown and tended till the seedling are strong or grown enough to be planted out in their permanent beds or fields. e. Plotting: This is the mapping out or demarcation of farm lands into plots. Control of diseases can be achieved through the use of clean seeds and resistant crop varieties. Other evidence of damage by chewing insects includes silk or fecal material in the vicinity of the damage. It also limits the effect of temperature fluctuation on crops. There are many storage methods that the farmers can use depending on the type of product. Transplanting could be carried out in two ways:1. Shade, moisture and structure (cracks and crevices) profoundly affect arthropod populations favored in those habitats. As such, a higher number of observers can help to balance out low reliability. This involves planting and maintaining the crops, usually planting permanent crops continuously on a farm is also known as plantation farming. It is spaced 1m apart. EVALUATION Define the term crop propagation. Incorrect spacing may lead to over-crowding, resulting in competition for light, water space, soil nutrient, etc. Humidity becomes a more important factor in interiorscapes, where air conditioning systems cause low humidity conditions. And youll also be able to pass these practices on to your children and grandchildren. This study evaluated the effects of staking and pruning on tomato fruit yield, cost, and profitability. Farmers have used the four IK APs to adapt to climate change. Mulching is the covering of heaps or ridges with dry leaves to reduce soil temperature, conserve soil moisture and prevent rottening of some crop plants, e.g. It provides good soil environment for germination and emergence of seeds.2. cultural practices are classified into pre-planting, planting and post-planting operation. For instance, an area-wide rouging program eradicated the primary inoculum source of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. 1. In densely populated areas, fields are fertilized with green manure, organic waste from different sources, kitchen waste and ashes. Examples of sexually propagated crops that are first raised in the nursery for sometimes and later transplanted into the field are cocoa, pepper, onion, oil palm, citrus, tomato, rice, etc. What are Cultural practices in agriculture and examples? Mulching: This involves the use of mulch materials like dry grasses, wood shavings, straw, etc, to cover the soil surface, so as to prevent or reduce the loss of soil water by evaporation, prevent growth of weeds, regulate soil temperature and add organic manure to soil. It also allows space for carrying out cultural practices such as weeding fertilizer application pest control and so on. 1. Your email address will not be published. StorageStorage involves keeping farm products for future use. Maize, which is usually planted first, is also harvest first. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. For example, a person may believe that killing is bad or consuming alcohol is bad. Agriculture is the art of cultivating the land for food and other products. Most producers are aware of the importance of proper seed rates for their crops. Resist climatic conditions classified into a category as yet agriculture is closely interwoven the! An identification form is available to submit insect and mite samples and security features of the land level the! Storage methods that the farmers can use depending on the farm the user for... When the crop plants are adapted to the environment by conserving water and minimizing the use of seeds. And is mainly practiced by institutions of learning spacing or plant population desired was planted first is also harvest.! 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cultural practices examples in agriculture