Nov 04

microbial diversity in soil

2013;10:9968. 61, 127130 (2012). Article Sampling collection, soil chemical and microbial characterization were carried out by M.M.Y., X.G., Linwei Wu, J.G., Z.G. Simplified method for soil particle-size determination to accompany soil-quality analyses. Reports also demonstrated that even within species, different genotypes can have distinct rhizosphere microbial communities [69]. Decreased activity of phosphatase, urease, and dehydrogenase. At lower doses, no effects on AM fungi in maize and barley. In: Mukerji KG, Manoharachari C, Chamola BP (eds) Techniques in mycorrhizal studies. Analysis of the microbial community diversity index in soil in response to the each biofertilizer treatment showed that the OTU diversity and richness were like the control (Fig. [57] (0.013) and the one obtained from the meta-analysis by Xu et al. R scripts for statistical analyses are available on GitHub at Effect of Pesticides on the Diazotrophic Growth and Nitrogenase Activity of Purple Non-sulfur Bacteria. 2016;30:186273. Agricultural intensification reduces microbial network complexity and the abundance of keystone taxa in roots. Most of these microbes remain in the rhizospheric soil or rhizo-plane, but a small subpopulation of them, designated as endophytes, are able to penetrate and live within plant tissues. Flagella-driven chemotaxis towards exudate components is an important trait for tomato root colonization by. Appl Environ Microbiol. a, Bacteria and protists; b, Fungi. The enzymatic activity was increased significantly in CT-SR (conventional tillage-stubble retention) as compared to NT-SR. Peters et al. However, much less is known about the interactive effects of climate, soil properties and time in controlling microbial diversity and multifunctionality during ecosystem succession. and A.K. However, although our understanding of biotic and abiotic factors controlling soil microbial diversity and biomass is increasingly growing [17,18,19], remarkably little is known about how soil microbial diversity and biomass are related across global biomes, and the factors that control such relationships [20, 21]. In our study, microbial diversity peaked in grasslands (86% located in cold and arid regions), which generally had intermediate levels of microbial biomass. Annu Rev Phytopathol. ); moc.oohay@164anexas (A.K.S. Google Scholar. It increased the total nitrogen and total organic carbon coupled with an increased soil microbial functional activity and their diversity when a cover crop was associated with NT. Google Scholar. 1996;379:71820. 1Plant-Microbe Interaction and Rhizosphere Biology Lab, ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Maunath Bhanjan 275103, India; moc.liamg@09inosatirma (A.G.); moc.liamg@miabn.sraiadu (U.B.S. Ratering S., Conrad R. Effects of short-term drainage and aeration on the production of methane in submerged rice soil. The collective genome (the rhizosphere microbiome) of this diverse microbial population is very large in comparison to the host plant genome and is supposed to play a very crucial role in the host survival. The advent of high throughput sequencing helped us to detect even less abundant microbes, which was not possible earlier [52]. The DNA sequences of the 16S rRNA gene, 18S rRNA gene and ITS amplicons are deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under project accession number PRJNA331185. Climate warming accelerates temporal scaling of grassland soil microbial biodiversity. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Bioinformatics 27, 29572963 (2011). Wang J., Zhu L.Y., Liu Q., Hentzer M., Smith G.P., Wang M.W. Reduced the growth of fluorescent psendomonads (77 strains). Biotechnol Bioeng 21:875885, Metting B (1988) Micro-algae in agriculture. A total of 360 soil samples over 8 years were analyzed with 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene for bacteria and archaea, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) between 5.8S and 28S rRNA genes for fungi, and the 18S rRNA gene for protists. Nivelle E., Verzeaux J., Habbib H., Kuzyakov Y., Decocq G., Roger D., Lacoux J., Duclercq J., Spicher F., Nava-Saucedo J.-E., et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. The environmental variables were selected based on their biological inference and collinearity, as detailed in the Methods and Supplementary Tables 37. [51] evaluated the impact of occasional strategic tillage (ST) on microbial communities using two tillage systems and two stubble management practices. Thus, using the samples with the highest sequence/sample yield, we tested for the impact of different levels of rarefaction on belowground diversity. Wisconsin, pp 903947, Tate RL II (1987) Soil organic matter: biological and ecological effects. Soil Biol Biochem. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that although there have been remarkable achievements in agriculture with the application of microbial biotechnology, opportunities still need to be explored based on specific agricultural practices and soil microbial interactions for sustainable agricultural development in the future. Blois, J. L., Zarnetske, P. L., Fitzpatrick, M. C. & Finnegan, S. Climate change and the past, present, and future of biotic interactions. We focused on bacteria and fungi because they constitute the most diverse and abundant microbial communities on Earth. Nitrogen fixation: Endocrine disrupters and flavonoid signalling. 15, 125 (2015). 65. Bulgarelli D., Rott M., Schlaeppi K., van Themaat E.V.L., Ahmadinejad N., Assenza F. Revealing structure and assembly cues for Arabidopsis root inhabiting bacterial microbiota. The R package Cubist was used to conduct these analyses [55]. Correspondence to Furthermore, carbohydrates have also been found to maintain and stimulate the soil microbial activity in rhizosphere as compared to non-rhizosphere soil [39]. 2006;9:76773. van Rijssel , G.F. Veen , G.J. Oksanen, J. et al. It is evident from the fact that conservation of the environment and natural resources has become important considerations in agriculture today. Adv. Along with tillage, poor residue management and non-scientific cultivation practices in this regard have their own impacts, not only on soil biological activities, but also on the whole process of residue degradation [12]. Fernndez L.A., Agaras B., Wall L.G., Valverde C. Abundance and ribotypes of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in Argentinean agricultural soils under no-till management. Commun. Aust. Effects of repeated glyphosate applications on soil microbial community composition and the mineralization of glyphosate. Our research lies at the interface of soil biogeochemistry, soil microbial ecology, ecosystem science and agronomy, and combines experimental work in long-term field trials, urban agroecosystems and greenhouses with modeling and global observational datasets. The microbial community structure shifts towards bacteria under organic farming, as bacteria respond more strongly to agricultural practices than other microbial groups [38]. The number of microbial, in particular bacterial, species in a single gram of soil can be enormous ( 9 - 11 ). Desai C., Pathak H., Madamwar D. Advances in molecular and -omics technologies to gauge microbial communities and bioremediation at xenobiotic/anthropogen contaminated sites. Chalam A.V., Sasikala C., Ramana C.V., Uma N.R., Rao P.R. However, several studies have highlighted that this fatty acid is often well correlated with the fungal marker ergosterol [43, 44]. Microplastics shape microbial communities affecting soil organic matter Akiyama K., Matsuzaki K., Hayashi H. Plant sesquiterpenes induce hyphal branching in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Wettst., eine neue, interessante siphone. Combining instance-based and model-based learning. Yang Q., Zhang J., Zhu K., Zhang H. Influence of oxytetracycline on the structure and activity of microbial community in wheat rhizosphere soil. Mycorrhizal fungi are enriched under NT conditions in most cropping systems [28,36]. Vegetation includes plant cover (PC), grassland (G), and forest (F). Agriculture is an age-old practice, being followed over thousands of years and never leaving any kind of ill effects on soil, human health, and even on the environment until comparatively very recently, after the introduction of inorganic agrochemicals. Effects of fungicides triadimefon and propiconazole on soil bacterial communities. [112], using multivariate regression tree analysis, reported that organochlorine pesticide levels are a second most important factor after the type of vegetation which, affects soil microbial diversity in pesticide contaminated soils. The amount and composition of the root exudates has also been found to be affected by nutrient availability, soil type, physiology, growth, and developmental stage of the plant [79]. Appl Environ Microbiol 62: 19351943, Bowen GD, Rovira AD (1991) The rhizosphere, the hidden half. Caporaso JG, Kuczynski J, Stombaugh J, Bittinger K, Bushman FD, Costello EK, et al. Press, 2013). More generally, high-input agricultural practices decrease microbial diversity while the low-input practices enhance microbial diversity in soil. However, the microbial richness-to-biomass ratios were intermediate or low in tropical regions and on boreal ecosystems wherein microbial biomass peaked. Edgar RC. High incidence of plant growth stimulating bacteria associated with the rhizosphere of wheat grown on salinated soil in Uzbekistan. a, Effect sizes of experimental warming on the (rescaled) phylogenetic diversity of major microbial groups based on linear mixed-effects models. Agricultural practices, such as MT, cover crops, and fertilization under conservation agriculture, are playing a vital role in microbial activity and biomass, leading to improvements in soil quality [36]. In: Fitter AH, Atkinson D, Read DJ, Usher MB (eds) Ecological interactions in soil, plants, microbes and animals. Maron PA, Sarr A, Kaisermann A, Lveque J, Mathieu O, Guigue J, et al. We are aware that only one fatty acid (18:26) is usually selected as indicator of fungal biomass, while it can be also originated from other eukaryotic cells (i.e., plants). and X.Z. b, Effect sizes of experimental warming on the (rescaled) relative abundance of major microbial groups based on linear mixed-effects models. 2002;40:309-48. doi: 10.1146/annurev.phyto.40.030402.110010. Haney R.L., Senseman S.A., Hons F.M., Zuberer D.A. Impact of Beta-Cypermethrin on Soil Microbial Community Associated with Its Bioavailability, a Combined Study by Isothermal Microcalorimetry and Enzyme Assay Techniques. Increases phosphatase activity initially and later reduces gradually. Sannino F., Gianfreda L. Pesticide influence on soil enzymatic activities. Impact of no tillage vs. conventional tillage on the soil bacterial community structure in a winter wheat cropping succession in northern china. Toxic or ill effects of agrochemicals incorporated in soil knowingly or unknowingly in the course of various crop management practices can be remediated through application of potentially beneficial soil microorganisms. We show that soil carbon (C) content is associated to the microbial diversity-biomass relationship and ratio in soils across global biomes. Agric Ecosyst Environ 24:117134, Cromack K, Caldwell BA (1992) The role of fungi in litter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Al-Mufti MM, Sydes CL, Furness SB, Grime JP, Band SR. A quantitative analysis of shoot phenology and dominance in herbaceous vegetation. Fewer studies have concentrated on soil communities, despite the fact that changes in species interactions brought on by climate change have an impact on biodiversity and the efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems [ 4 ]. Conrad [220] reported that anaerobic soils may contain methane producing microorganism, especially Archaea, which under strict anaerobic conditions produce methane gas (having a high global warming potential). Yi L., Shenjiao Y., Shiqing L., Xinping C., Fang C. Growth and development of maize (. Still, the response of soil microorganisms to different farming practices is poorly understood [35]. However, even a great shift in bacterial community structure may not always result in any significant change in overall nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Buyer JS, Sasser M. High throughput phospholipid fatty acid analysis of soils. 1959;37:9117. 2019;13:21204. Barton, K. & Barton, M. K. Package MuMIn v.1.18 (2015). Agriculture, being the main source of income and employment in the country, is rightly considered the backbone of the Indian economy. Blackwell, Oxford, UK, Tabatabai MA (1982) Soil enzymes. Soil includes pH and texture. [216], anoxic conditions created by alternating wetting and draining of the soil disturbed the normal soil microbial population structure by favoring or suppressing the growth of particular microbial communities. Mbuthia L.W., Acosta-Martnez V., DeBryun J., Schaeffer S., Tyler D., Odoi E., Mpheshea M., Walker F., Eash N. Long term tillage, cover crop, and fertilization effects on microbial community structure, activity: Implications for soil quality. Other soil fraction was air-dried for chemical analyses. Numbers adjacent to arrows and in boxes are indicative of the effect size (*p0.05; **p0.01; ***p0.001) of the relationship. High-throughput screening of antagonists for the orphan G-protein coupled receptor GPR139. [58] is based on a meta-analysis and results can be more difficult to compare with direct estimates. Change Biol. Caceres T.P., He W., Megharaj M., Naidu R. Effect of insecticide fenamiphos on soil microbial activities in Australian and Ecuadorean soils. Deciphering the rhizosphere microbiome for disease-suppressive bacteria. Initial inhibition of dehydrogenase activity (at 500 mg kg. NT practices can minimize such soil disruption and soil organic C oxidation while enhancing the soil C content, soil aggregation, and rate of infiltration of water [32] into it. Net primary productivity and rainuse efficiency as affected by warming, altered precipitation, and clipping in a mixedgrass prairie. Fitzgerald Science Press, Bethesda, Maryland, pp 1932, Schachtman DP, Reid RJ, Ayling SM (1998) Phosphorus uptake by plants: from soil to cell. Microbiol. Blue and red arrows indicate positive and negative relationships, respectively. [214] found that the bacterial diversities are reduced in water-saturated soil. This knowledge can further be utilized to increase crop quality and productivity in the changing climate scenario. Increased relative abundance of -Proteobacteria (. Growth and denitrifying activity of, Di Ciocco C.A., Rodrguez C.E. Bioinformatics 26, 14631464 (2010). Chichester-New York-Brisbane-Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 1979. Microbiol. Cover crops especially hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) showed significant improvement in soil microbial biomass N (SMBN) and greater abundance of Gram-positive bacteria but lower abundance of mycorrhizal fungi than wheat and no-cover crops [36]. 702057. Do botanical pesticides alter the structure of the soil microbial community? We then used the rfPermute package in R to conduct Random Forest Analyses [49], as described in Delgado-Baquerizo et al. Any factor that changes the microbial community structure, composition, or its activities has marked effects on the normal growth and development of the plant in a particular environment. Funct Ecol 7:1320, Gaskins MH, Albrecht SL, Hubell DH (1984) Rhizosphere bacteria and their use to increase plant productivity: a review. Endophytes are known to have plant growth promoting, nutrient fortifying, and biotic and abiotic stress alleviating potential for different crop plants and have greater potential to be used as microbial inoculants [236,237,238,239]. The predominance of Bacteroidetes under NT is attributed to their ability to rapidly utilize bio-available organic matter and copiotrophic characteristics, which occur in soils with high carbon availability [23,43]. The extent of the diversity of microorganisms in soil is seen to be critical to the maintenance of soil health and quality, as a wide range of microorganisms is involved in important soil functions. Effects of the pesticides captan, deltamethrin, isoproturon, and pirimicarb on the microbial community of a fresh water sediment. and transmitted securely. Softw. Microbial diversity within the soil is crucial to many functions but it has been difficult in the past to determine the major components. Traditionally, microbial diversity in soil has been analyzed by methods such as viable and culturable methods, CLPP and flow cytometry. Internet Explorer). In: Prosser JI (ed) Nitrification. and JavaScript. three distinct communities emerged: one (orange squares) consisting of a microbial community in desiccated desert soil (low hydration conditions), a second (blue triangles) clustering the communities in very wet soil (the saturation degree is about 0.5~0.6, denoted as high hydration conditions), and a third (green circles) banding together a Aust J Soil Res 29:815828, Pant HK, Warman PR (2000) Enzyme hydrolysis of soil organic phosphorus by immobilized phosphatases. Ecol Lett. The root exudates from plants in certain sets of conditions can favor the establishment of a distinct rhizosphere microbial community by providing wide yet specific varieties of carbon sources [57]. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Reduction of microbial diversity in grassland soil is driven by long Second, in environments with higher soil C content, an increase in microbial biomass is potentially associated with the ecological displacement of non-competitive populations and a reduction of diversity (competitive exclusion; sensu Grace [6], Grime [7]), as proposed in plant communities [2, 4, 5, 9, 10] and local soil microbial communities [22]. Data are presented as mean values standard errors of the estimated effect sizes. Proc R Soc Edinb 94:1188, Bolton H Jr, Fredrikson JK, Elliot LE (1993) Microbiology of the rhizosphere. 2012;61:12730. Holland J.M. However, more recent studies are challenging this view by providing evidence of competitive exclusion associations between soil microbial communities in polar soil ecosystems [22] and elsewhere [23]. Soil biodiversity and biomass are essential drivers of ecosystem functions. Decreases nitrogen-fixing bacteria and microbial biomass. Hexagons represent quadratic variables. Our results also identify novel insights into how soil microbial diversity and biomass might control ecosystem functions. The increasing rate of urbanization coupled with rising income and changing dietary patterns in the wake of growing health awareness among the population are leading to an increase in demand for different types and varieties of food. China should not massively reclaim new farmland. Change 11, 343348 (2021). Blackwell, Oxford, pp 107121, Oades JM (1993) The role of biology in the formation, stabilization and degradation of soil structure. Microbial Diversity and Abundance in Soil: Related to Plant and Soil Type Nature. Viebahn M., Veenman C., Wernars K., Van Loon L.C., Smit E., Bakker P.A. Ramirez KS, Leff JW, Barbern A, Bates ST, Betley J, Crowther TW, et al. Article Nat. Defining the core Arabidopsis thaliana root microbiome. For instance, daidzein and genistein, isoflavonoids produced by soybean (Glycine max), positively regulate nod gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum, but negatively regulate nod gene expression in Sinorhizobium meliloti. 17, 121131 (1992). Bachar A., Al-Ashhab A., Soares M.I.M., Sklarz M.Y., Angel R., Ungar E.D., Gillor O. Plant Soil 244:221230, Fitter AH (1985) Functional significance of root morphology and root system architecture. Appl Environ Microbiol 65:27412744, Varma A, Singh A, Sudha Sahay N, Sharma J, Roy A, Kumari M, Rana D, Thakran S, Deka D, Bharti K, Franken P, Hurek T, Blechert O, Rexer K-H, Kost G, Hahn A, Hock B, Maier W, Walter M, Strack D, Kranner I (2001) Piriformospora indica: A cultivable mycorrhizalike endosymbiotic fungus. 822 PDF The fact that microbial approaches can successfully be used for sustainable agricultural development has well been established and proven by a number of examples. Denef K., Six J., Bossuyt H., Frey S.D., Elliott E.T., Merckx R., Paustian K. Influence of drywet cycles on the interrelationship between aggregate, particulate organic matter, and microbial community dynamics. Ecosphere. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024452. Lincoln, Nebraska: 2001. p. 84952. Koorneef, Tanja Bakx-Schotman , Freddy ten Hooven , Stefan Geisen, W.H. Chloroform fumigation and the release of soil-nitrogenA rapid direct extraction method to measure microbial biomass nitrogen in soil. Decreased soil moisture content as a result of global warming will likely limit survival, dispersal, and colonization ability of microorganisms in soil spaces [233], and thus, it might have a role in modification of the rhizosphere microbiome structure. Glob Ecol Biogeogr. Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Metal dithiocarbamates. We propose that the fact that in some situations the soil and in others the plant type is the key factor determining soil microbial diversity is related to the complexity of the microbial . Google Scholar, Baudoin E, Benizri E, Guckert A (2002) Impact of growth stages on bacterial community structure along maize roots by metabolic and genetic fingerprinting. MeSH Both species loss and changes in the relative abundance of species present can affect ecosystem functioning and subsequent ecosystem services [18]. 2022 Mar; 19(5): 3141. Effect of the fungicide captan on. Moreover, our results indicate that the negative relationship between soil C content and the richness-to-biomass ratio occurs across independent ecosystems, with the unique exception of the fungal community of moss heaths (Figs. Environ. After attaining a satisfactory model fit, we introduced composite variables into our model. In addition, the mean annual temperature was highly correlated with microbial -diversity at different spatial scales, suggesting that it could be a good single predictor of soil microbial . In organic farming systems, the soil carbon is higher, which, in turn, provides more carbon-to-soil microbial community as a substrate that leads to changes in the soil microbial diversity [100]. Clim. ISME J. Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. Pesticide effects on microbial population and soil enzyme activities during vermicomposting of agricultural waste. Melillo JM, Butler S, Johnson J, Mohan J, Steudler P, Lux H, et al. Somers E., Vanderleyden J., Srinivasan M. Rhizosphere bacterial signalling: A love parade beneath our feet. Importantly, we found highly statistically significant correlations between the diversities and community compositions of soil bacteria (rarefied at 5000 vs. 18,000 sequences/sample) and fungi (rarefied at 2000 vs. 10,000 sequences/sample), providing evidence that our choice of rarefaction level did not affect our results or conclusions (r>0.98; p<0.001 in all cases). Lerch T.Z., Dignac M.F., Nunan N., Bardoux G., Barriuso E., Mariotti A. Dynamics of soil microbial populations involved in 2,4-D biodegradation revealed by FAME-based stable isotope probing. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 5174, Smiles DE (1988) Aspects of the physical environment of soil organisms. 2015;93:657. Google Scholar. Phylotypes (i.e., Amplicon Sequencing Variants, ASVs) were identified at the 100% identity level. and T.C.C. sterr Bot Z 65:145156, Vosatka M, Gryndler M (1999) Treatment with culture fractions from Pseudomonas putida modifies the development of Glomus fistulosum mycorrhiza and the response of potato and maize plants to inoculation. The effects of pesticides on the overall dynamics of microbial diversity can be influenced by the fact that some microbial communities may be able to use the pesticide as a source of energy and nutrients, while others are affected by its toxic effects. Impact of root exudates and plant defense signaling on bacterial communities in the rhizosphere- A review. Diaz, S., Fargione, J., Chapin, F. S. III & Tilman, D. Biodiversity loss threatens human well-being. Well correlated with the fungal marker ergosterol [ 43, 44 ] agricultural practices microbial... Veen, G.J method to measure microbial biomass peaked acid is often well correlated the. 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microbial diversity in soil