Nov 04

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"It ain't no thing," Sherrod shrugs. The fort was expanded and renovated several times during this period. Cutty is nervous, and cuts a deal with a Marlo Stanfield soldier named Fruit to sell for the dope for him. "On the camera. Bunk, aghast that McNulty isn't in jail yet, lays the blame for this murder at his friend's feet. He lifts a clean print from the picture, and tells Greggs there's no van available.

At the University of Baltimore, Stringer is commended by his economics professor for a recent paper. As Colvin sees it, there are two kinds of kids: stoop kids (who hang out near home and obey their parents) and corner kids (who don't and go down to the corners). Freamon stares at him for a moment before walking off.

Namond Brice is getting his hair braided on a corner - his ponytail replaced by less conspicuous cornrows - when little Kenard pays a visit to tell him their package was taken from Kenard's basement when the police kicked in his door. [66] The Cloisters consists of four main cloister structures: Cuxa,[119] Saint Guilhem,[120] Bonnefont,[48][121] and Trie. Sergeant Ellis Carver and Off. [19], As New York City expanded and prospered following the end of the Revolutionary War, the land comprising the park remained undeveloped, except for a few country estates. Herc defends himself, saying the information was from a reliable informant. Campbell replies that's she'd wondered where that information came from, given Daniels' solid reputation. after being wounded in the line of duty last year, and the newly-minted Sergeant Thomas "Herc" Hauk. When she stops the vehicle, he pulls a gun from under his shirt and aims it at her head. I fucked up." He is especially upset to learn that Dozerman's gun is missing, scooped up by one of the criminals who shot him. [227] On July 18, 1950, the city deeded the land and castle to the federal government. In Baltimore, maybe," says Ziggy. (9-30-22), Ana Villalobos is the Concord commissioner and youth advocate for the Junior Giants, Alexis Garcia talks about her dance group -- Ome Tekpakl -- ethnic routines to honor Mexican heritage, During our coverage of Hispanic Heritage Month, Lucina Rodriguez and Fabiola Trujillo visited KPIX 5 to showcase the music classes offered at Los Cenzontles Cultural Arts Academy. A group of Bay Area scientists have unraveled some surprising secrets about post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD which one day could lead to better therapies and treatments. NOTE: If you are experiencing problems with the site, delete the cookies Haynes gives him an "attaboy" before turning back to his smoking buddies and pointing out that the single mother of four is always catching a tough break.

In West Baltimore, McNulty finally arrives at his crime scene via city bus. They shoot him in the head, leaving him where he falls.

Michael comes home to find an excited Bug: his dad came home. [145] Additionally, the M100 and Bx7 buses serve Broadway on the park's eastern border. He tells Pearlman, Freamon and Bunk not to bother with a lawyer for him. "As it is, we're leave 'em all behind. Colvin sees the benefits of his plan working but has overlooked the human toll, until the Deacon points out the deficiencies. He reluctantly agrees, but only if they give him cash up front. official suggests a double-digit percent drop in crime and a downtown building project - something tangible that Carcetti can put his name to. They see a gaggle of ladies come out of the club and get into a car with two thuggish chaperones, and they follow the working girls to a high-end apartment building.

At the docks, Nick gives the numbers of the containers Vondas wants to Sobotka and Horseface, who asks, "Nothing alive in these?" Sobotka tells him to go back into the container stacks once they're offloaded and bang on them to make sure. He declares the Barksdale case closed immediately and says that when the fledgling Stanfield wiretaps come up for renewal, they will be terminated as well. Det. But Burrell shrewdly refuses: "If you want me to go, you gonna have to s**tcan me."

In the project class, the kids are instructed to pick one of three tables, each with a scale model erector set. James "Jimmy" McNulty sits with his feet propped on his desk at the homicide unit, reading the latest reports on his serial killer and explaining to Det. But he's still optimistic about the great research they did and the attention it will get from academics. They tell him they are laying low temporarily, but give him the number of White Mike, another dealer whom it turns out Nick went to high school with. "That's what you have a lieutenant for," she chastises him.

After their meeting, Carcetti and Wilson tells Carcetti remark on Rawls' naked appeal to racial solidarity and willingness to use affirmative action as a scapegoat for the department's problems. Lux said to me this morning #holidayinwa day 5! McNulty tallies the resources needed to bring the kingpin down a few weeks and some surveillance gear but knows the tools are out of reach. McNulty goes in after Partlow and sees what he's been looking at: the file for State of Maryland v. Sergei Malatov. [243] New York governor Thomas E. Dewey signed the bill the next month, allowing the city to transfer the fort to the federal government. Bleeding badly, Mouzone convinces Omar that he had nothing to do with Brandon's killing, and, believing him, Omar calls an ambulance instead of shooting Mouzone.

After his talk with Ziggy, Sobotka decides to put in a day of hard labor for the first time in a long time. You ain't one of the natives, are ya?" Valchek reminds him.

Staking out the Holiday Inn, Renaldo reports that Slim Charles went in a big room with a sign that said New Day Co-op with Joe, Fat Face Rick and eight or nine others - at least one of whom Omar and Renaldo have robbed. But somewhere back in the '50s, there was a small moment of goddamn genius by some nameless smokehound who comes out of a cut-rate one day and on his way to the corner, slips that just-bought pint of elderberry into a paper bag. Furious about Freamon's crusade to "make murders," Landsman turns his attention to a new case: Norris has a "sack in the box" - a guy who turned himself in for a murder, a guy claiming to have killed a fellow IV drug shooter with a "hot shot." When Landsman joins Norris in the interrogation room, he finds Bubbles, sober but getting sick from withdrawal, begging to be locked up for poisoning Sherrod with cyanide. "Aw yeah," Bunk says, "that golden rule." Somebody else took down that delivery woman at Andre's store, Omar insists, and now Bunk's letting him walk. He was hoping to flush out who was really after him, but no such luck. McNulty, eager for a punching bag, jumps in to add that the bodies should start piling up now that the Stanfield investigation has been shelved. Jimmy McNulty finds something strange. Gray sees his logic.

Prez presides over a packed classroom of detention detainees - indeed, it seems like his entire roll is staying after school, well-behaved for the first time all day, as he calls roll. He dangles a sexual motive, but when Gutierrez starts asking questions, McNulty won't elaborate. It is for Jennifer Juarez Yoc, who looks to faith and family as inspiration to serve others. [117], A two-story brick ventilation building for the subway is also located within the park at Broadway and Dongan Place. Olmsted Jr. was guided by the four principles of park design that his father had established in creating Central Park: the beautiful, as seen in small open lawns; the picturesque, as shown in wooded slopes; the sublime, represented in the vistas of the Hudson River; and the gardenesque, exemplified by the park's Heather and Alpine Gardens. "Now she's got game," McNulty finishes his thought. They watch as Michael exits with Bug for school, and Snoop speculates they are just going to school so as to get out of their house every day. When Colvin offers to excuse himself from the meeting, the secretary informs him the Mayor won't be in their meeting anyway, he's in Annapolis - the first indication that they are already being marginalized.

Chris, Snoop and Marlo pay a visit to Michael in his new crib - which the Stanfield organization has clearly provided. The area between Broadway and the Hudson River, as far south as West 179th Street, was known as Fort Tryon. Jay Landsman briefs his Homicide Unit shift that Mayor-nominee Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti will be "fact-finding" in the department. They head off to Marlo's sit-down with Proposition Joe.

Randy is approached by eighth-grader Monnel with an offer to earn some real money $5 to stand watch while he and his friend Paul get it on with a girl, Tiffanie, in the bathroom. He explains to Bell that the cops believed Cheese was talking about killing a person when in fact he was talking about having killed his dog. But not this." But McNulty finally gets the phone call he's been waiting for.

Nick, in a new truck he's bought with his drug earnings, meets Ziggy to give him his share of the money they earned from their dock heist. What you do is what makes you different," he says. The roof above the fort's interior has largely been removed, and there is a nearly circular, open-air parade ground at the center of the fort. In conjunction with the Central Park Zoo's operations, the WCS offers children's educational programs, is engaged in restoration of endangered species I don't need to talk to no one but you people," he says. This led architect Frederick G. Frost Jr. to propose in 1958 that the fort be renovated for use as a maritime museum and a restaurant. Before that question can be answered, the addict beats up Bubbles, looking for the extra $4 he needs for his purchase. William "Bunk" Moreland shows up early for his shift and finds Det. The boss becomes livid, demanding to know what Omar said and ordering his lieutenants to spread word that he knew nothing about it. An argument is not the point. [252] Statue Cruises, which operates the only ferry line to Liberty Island and Ellis Island, sells ferry tickets inside the fort. Michael throws the first punch and Prez has to break up a serious melee that leaves Randy stunned and bloody on the ground.

The reunited team of Bubbles and Sherrod are having a banner day with the Bubble Depo, making sales and coming across a toppled lamppost, which Bubs figures will get them an easy $100 for the scrap aluminum.

At a westside subshopt, McNulty spots Bodie, taking cover from the cops who are shaking down the corners hard. "Why you asking?" Bodie inquires. [31][32][33] Another portion of the Chittenden site was developed by William C. Muschenheim, later an operator of the Hotel Astor, who built an estate called "Fort Tryon Terrace". Marlo reads off his new cell number as Levy writes it down on a Rolodex card, and then he leaves. He suggests to Rawls that they need to regroup. Their numbers show no drop in crime but no significant increase either. One day, it's 'You should have a regular job.' Burrell dug his own grave when he gave the mayor rigged crime statistics. The crew focuses on new corners they want to take over, but Bell has a bigger plan. Baltimore city can no longer afford actual truant officers or a anti-truancy program, so Donnelley has learned to keep a couple custodial positions unfilled at the beginning of the year for this contingency.

Still shaken by the attack in his classroom and believing that his students must be deeply shaken as well, Prez prepares a talk for the kids to help them come to terms with what happened. They review his options on the school problem with his new Chief of Staff: if he takes the money from the Governor, then the D.C. suburbs won't vote for him for governor in two years because he took money from suburban taxpayers to pay for city schools. He turns to his staff for any suggestions, and Haynes speaks up about the homeless killings. He finds Randy in a family counseling room, tear tracks down his face, covered in cuts and minor burns. Looking pointedly at Rawls, Daniels notes that they had wiretaps on Stanfield earlier, but they came down on those. McNulty walks in and closes the door behind him before losing his temper and telling Templeton that he knows about the lies because he started the whole charade himself. When McNulty arrives on the scene, Bunk guesses that the bosses will put him on the case, but McNulty surprises both of them when he says that Daniels and Pearlman know he invented the serial killer. It takes a pistol under his chin for Marlo to hand it over, but he finally does, with a threat: "This ain't over." Omar, holding the trigger, reminds him, "I can find your people a whole lot easier than they can find me." Marlo nods at the ring. Shakima "Kima" Greggs notes to Sgt. Michael takes Bug home and sits him down to do his homework, ignoring the rambling comments of his obviously drugged mother. Taking it in, Beadie realizes he could go to jail. McNulty suggests going over Landsman's head, and Bunk, not knowing Freamon already has, explains that his colleague "don't fancy boats," referring to McNulty's harbor re-assignment after he ignored the chain of command two years prior. Not far away, Cheese and his driver walk towards a small warehouse, and watch as a two-ton truck pulls in slowly. "But I wonder, are your disciples as keen for the cross?" To protect his comrades, Freamon concedes defeat. But Carver won't give chase to the others or book the eight-year-old. With a lack of priors, the fall-man faces a few well-compensated years in prison, but he's not thrilled with the arrangement.

Freamon joins Sydnor and his surveillance force a few blocks away from a warehouse that Chris just entered. You need to get your head right." "My head is where I want it to be," 'DAngelo responds coldly.

Nick and Ziggy conspire to steal a container from the docks, and take it to a secondhand appliance store run by George "Double G" Glekas, where they try to sell him 400 digital cameras they've stolen. [26][31] The Chittenden family owned the land until 1871. Burrell's response: "If the gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back. When Sydnor questions how that case relates to Marlo, Freamon says it's hard to explain.

As Carcetti prepares to address the media at police headquarters, he complains to Norman Wilson and Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf that this serial killer conference will blot out his development news from earlier that day. Freamon assures her the Lieutenant approves and feigns indifference to the coming election.

In the stretch run of that campaign, Councilman Tom Carcetti breakfasts with a former mayor and political mentor, who credits him with having gains some political profile by running citywide, but doubts that any white candidate can be elected mayor in the majority black city. [22][19] The Common Council of New York proposed in May 1820 that the United States government transfer ownership of the castle to the city government, but the United States Congress declined to pass legislation to that effect. Herc, sporting an expensive suit, asks them to run some tags, promising to buy the next round now that he's making money in his new job as an investigator for a prominent defense attorney.

In the newsroom, Haynes brings Klebanow up to speed on the City Council dirt story - Fat Face Rick sells a building to the city for $1.2 million, and they sell him a better property to relocate his club five blocks away for $200k ' and so far they've found at least $40k of campaign donations to Campbell from Rick Hendrix and others at the same address. Burrell wants the Mayor to speak to Carcetti, to try and call him off, but the Chief of Staff explains that Carcetti is "old First District. Colvin drives off, the kids arguing. But Frank is still gonna be dead and the port is still screwed and the guy who killed the girls, he got killed anyway. Castle Clinton stands slightly west of where Fort Amsterdam was built in 1626, when New York City was known by the Dutch name New Amsterdam. In the midst of the party, though, FBI agents and others cops arrive to open the container with the cocaine. Just shut up and play dumb."

Davis rants to the Mayor about his subpoena and the money laundering probe that is now apparently targeting him. Ray Guy, who turned punting into a Hall of Fame art form in his 14 seasons with the Raiders, had died at the age of 72. As Andre shuffles off to the washroom - a witness who has now thoroughly impeached himself -- Holley angrily denounces Andre as a liar. [144] By mid-1895, the aquarium was delayed by what the New-York Tribune characterized as "gross stupidity". They've pulled Monk over on a traffic violation and found his vehicle loaded with dope. Starting with easy questions (name and place of residence) the machine verifies his answers: True. [284] The fort contained dioramas depicting Manhattan at various points in the 19th and 20th centuries. "You have the Mayor's ear now?" she says, proudly. Haynes gets Templeton to sit down with the vet and Templeton insists his reporting was accurate. Spotting an attractive woman, he sends his family home and makes a move, later ending up in the woman's room.

Meanwhile, at Kavanagh's Irish Pub, friends and fellow cops of the late Ray Cole gather to uphold a Baltimore police tradition: a final drink with their deceased friend. Kima meets with her old mentor, Major Cedric Daniels, looking to get back under his new command in the Western District, but he says she's too good to go back to a district and that she needs to move laterally at worst. But when they return later to pull off the heist, things go terribly wrong. Omar knew they held the stash without being told and flushed the entire four kilos of heroin.

McNulty and A.S.A. [29], In 1954, the New York City Council passed a resolution asking Congress to establish a committee to provide suggestions for restoring Castle Clinton, the Federal Hall National Memorial, and the Statue of Liberty National Monument. [289] A ferry pier was also installed behind Castle Clinton. Early voting is underway as Election Day quickly approaches and while all California counties are voting on big statewide issues, each community is voting on local issues that could have big impacts on residents. Royce pleads ignorance in the ruse, but Watkins doesn't buy it. [50] The immigrant registration depot included a quadrangle of desks arranged around this waiting area, as well as restrooms flanking the main entrance. Bunk and McNulty are appalled at the mistake. Having already slapped Royce once with the Braddock case, Carcetti worries that going public a second time with the new revelation will backfire on Carcetti, or seem more of the same to the media. Following a presentation on recertification strategies by hospital officials, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a settlement that will resume federal funding for the Laguna Honda Hospital & Rehabilitation Center. Bunk gives Freamon Fruit's cellphone as a consolation prize - he can pull other numbers off it - and they discuss the fact that Marlo, who seems to be the new power in West Baltimore, has been so quiet. Aided by surveillance camera footage, Berkeley police have arrested an alleged catalytic converter thief who opened fire on a witness who interrupted the crime. Marla asks him to resign for personal reasons, rather than taking both their careers down with him if the file emerges during his confirmation hearings.

McNulty and Freamon stand outside Kavanaugh's, and Greggs approaches, not sure if she's welcome at the party. Bodie, nearby, returns quickly, angry over the commotion. pokmon leaks reddit types of blue quartz Since there are few DNS - over - TLS resolvers, and in order to gather more information from experience, we have set up a public DNS - over - TLS resolver using the Yeti root. Bunk watches in horror as McNulty falsifies the signs of a struggle and then grabs the corpse by the neck, recreating the same postmortem strangulation marks he saw at the morgue. [79] Decline continued until the 1980s when funds became available and restoration efforts began. "I can't keep waking up in the morning not knowing if I'm gonna get paid," says Nick. [103], An 8-mile (13km)-long network of pedestrian pathways is also located within the park. Congratulations Pauline, Just me and some friends Olmsted Brothers created a plan that adapted the area's steep topography into a landscaped park. "I'm the mayor of a major American city for chrissakes," he says to Wilson on the way out. [30] Officials were planning to expand the nearby Battery Park by 1848, adding landfill around Castle Garden to bring the park to 24 acres (9.7ha). Unperturbed, the Reverend promises to keep an open mind - a sign that Carcetti is indeed making inroads among black voters - and shoots back: "Moses will do for now. "All's I get is a extra ten dollars?" asks Kenard. He begs them not to do him in the vacants; his people won't know. The Commissioner pulls Rawls aside after, not realizing his Deputy Ops was prepped on Carcetti's promotions: "Valchek we coulda guessed, but Daniels?"

Colvin reports to Professor David Parenti about what the restaurant trip revealed, describing how the outing plummeting the kids from masters of the universe into fear and humiliation, without any awareness on their part. No threats. William "Bunk" Moreland how the reporter has started to make up his own story. I won't forget. Stymied in his effort to open a gym, Cutty is surprised to find help from within Baltimore's power structure. Alma Gutierrez takes notes while Bill Zorzi quietly mocks the mayor in her ear. Imagine getting a bunch of tax documents telling you and the IRS about a large sum of money you made when, in fact, you never received a penny of it. He admits that all of the charity money did go into his bank account but insists he didn't keep a dime, it all went back out in cash, because that's how it works in his district: It is strictly cash and carry. The hand-to-hand buys are ongoing but seem to lead nowhere. Following a presentation on recertification strategies by hospital officials, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a settlement that will resume federal funding for the Laguna Honda Hospital & Rehabilitation Center. "You ain't my f**kin' father," Spider snaps, turning away. They both know they're being watched, so they bid their goodbyes and head off. Word has even seeped to the lower grades of Tilghman is out that Randy's a snitch.

Parked at an intersection in a yellow cab, Omar and Renaldo debate whether they've lost Slim Charles' trail. Bond asks what this means for his Clay Davis investigation if Lester Freamon's shipped back to Homicide, there is no case. Confronted with the evidence back at the interrogation room, Serge flips, fingering Vondas as the seaman's killer and explaining that he was murdered because he had killed the women in the container. Lex is in there," he explains to a dumbfounded Bunk, who steps back and finally sees it as well.


Directed by Joe Chappelle
Story by Ed Burns & George Pelecanos
Teleplay by George Pelecanos

"That all there is to it?" -- Bubbles

Michael Lee runs down a back alley, looking over his shoulder, stumbling and regaining himself as he searches for an open door, somewhere to hide.

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captain bills bayview house