Nov 04

kendo combobox set selected value

Book'kendoComboBox'). Ultime pubblicazioni: Nuit amricaine (romanzo, den bas); Quasi amore (poesie, Sottoscala),Effetto Notte (Effigie, 2019) e le poesie di Sandro Penna in traduzione francese (ditions den Bas, 2022). var combobox = $("#combobox").data("kendoComboBox"); // Set Value combobox.value(2); // Get Value alert("Value is " + combobox.value()); This will show Oranges Il a reu le Prix Schiller 2004 pour son premier recueil de pomes, Quel que soit le nom, traduit en franais par Mathilde Vischer (2010) et en anglais par Peter Valente (2017). Unlike the data and UI virtualization, the valueMapper was introduced because the ComboBox needs to maintain the selected item and to display the selected data item based on the value var description= CB.dataItem( This answer might help Kendo combobox.value(x) not working correctly And Fiddle Example from the same answer how to get selected value of dynamically created dropdown in jquery jquery dropdownlist from mvc jsonresult list jquery to set value in select2 dropdown button dropdown list trigger change with value jquery Queries related to kendo dropdownlist value jquery kendo dropdownlist jquery get kendo dropdownlist selected value in jquery DropDown UI component is a drop-down menu in which the user can select one element from the list of elements. Refer this