Nov 04

pnpm monorepo typescript

Another remaining limitation is the need to run the utils-typescript-references tool manually after changing the dependencies between local packages (to keep workspace dependencies and TypeScript project references in sync). :), a) If youve chosen to use the path to the package, make sure it exists. Open up the file and add the following lines to it. Coding tutorials and contemplations on leadership and philosophy. When using Yarn workspaces, we also need to ensure that Jest is able to resolve local dependencies. Again, thanks to Next.js native support for both Yarn 2 workspaces and TypeScript project references there is not much we need to configure in this monorepo. We can issue this one command and start both our frontend and backend at the same time! If you like, you can bypass the frontend and hit the REST API directly, using the VS Code REST Client script in the backend, to add an invalid to-do item. All we need to do it point ts-jest to the respective tsconfig.json file for each package (see example jest.config.js). A meta repo has the convenience of a monorepo, but allows us to have separate code repos for each sub project. See The TypeScript version of the validation library contains interfaces that define a common data structure shared between frontend and backend: These types are defined in the index.ts file from the validation library and are used in the frontend to validate the structure of the data we are sending to the backend at compile time, via HTTP POST: The types are also used in the backend to validate (again, at compile time) the structure of the data we are receiving from the frontend via HTTP POST: We now have some compile-time validation for the data structures we are sharing between frontend and backend. The p in pnpm stands for performant and wow, it really does deliver performance! In this case, we are talking about a Git code repository, with Git being the preeminent, mainstream version control software. For this, I wrote a little tool that keeps the TypeScript project references in sync with Yarn workspace dependencies: Update TypeScript Project References for Yarn Workspaces magically! Exploring the Monorepo #2: Workspaces (npm, pnpm) Almost any kind of infrastructure that can be deployed on any of the popular cloud platforms can be defined in Terraform, and there are plenty of examples and documentation available. Go ahead and run $ pnpm add -D typescript @types/node Next, create a new file called pnpm-workspace.yaml. main. This guide shows the step by step to manully setup a monorepo with NPM + TypeScript. Running one test in 2s - not too bad considering how bad things can get with Jest if it is not configured correctly. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Inspired by monorepo-workspace. That sure sounds relevant, so let's give it a try! Though I started using pnpm for its renowned performance (and I wasnt disappointed), I quickly discovered that pnpm has many special features for workspaces that make it great for managing a multipackage monorepo (or even a multipackage meta repo). While simple, I hope that this example shows you the potential of using a monorepo for your TypeScript projects. Conclusion. Chiefly I think that Yarn 2 ('Berry') is still not as mature as I would like it to be. And while this is not a new concept, modern tooling makes it easy to get one setup. b) If youve chosen to use the name of the package (as stated in the packages package.json), make sure you copy it perfectly (including the slash). The * means that we allow for any version. Its deceptively simple the way they made this work, but it makes a huge difference. If you are looking into monorepo management, you might also want to look into Bit. To use project references, we need to provide a number of configuration parameters for TypeScript. By declaring these in one central folder, dependencies do not need to be downloaded multiple times. Solution 1:Begin with deleting all files in node_modules\@suzieq . Most solutions presented so far for the JavaScript/TypeScript monorepo have taken advantage of common JavaScript tools, frameworks and libraries. Goals There will be just one node_modules folder (in the root of the monorepo). No description, website, or topics provided. Do not use same scope name and project directory name. In your App.tsx file, lets create a new admin user and add a button to greet the new user. Verify the success by checking that only a single node_modules folder exists at the monorepo root. FeathersJS Authentication: typed and tested, Avoiding Cross-site scripting (XSS) in Django Templates, Create an Animated Countdown Timer with Framer Motion and React, Check if native JavaScript functions are overridden, # Build, this will create the "superbin" folder, mkdir packages # This folder should be found directly under "./". Next, create a ./package.json with the following content: Make sure the section workspaces is present, npm is dependent on this. In addition, we need to add a references property to our tsconfig.json that defines all modules within the project that this module depends on. So to be super clear, do not do this (and if you manage to do it, see troubleshooting below for a fix): Does it really matter the reference to a download package is stored in the monorepo package.json vs. having it packages\packagename\package.json ? However, for larger projects, code editors like VSCode may run into performance problems. There's an article about bit install that talks about it: Painless Monorepo Dependency Management with Bit. Well call our project basic, which lines up with code that you can find in GitHub. The first one well create is tsconfig.base.json. This is how I have mine setup and it works well for my projects. Again, the --stream flag produces streaming interleaved output from each of the sub-scripts. Finally, create the folder src and the index.ts file. Thats why Im choosing pnpm over npm its so much faster that it makes an important difference in my productivity. This blog post comes with working code that you can try out for yourself on GitHub. GitHub - rhyek/typescript-monorepo-example Contribute to rhyek/typescript-monorepo-example development by creating an account on GitHub. ts-jest will also ensure that any error message will reference the line numbers in the source TypeScript files. Look in the example code repository under fullstack/backend/test/backend.http for a VS Code REST Client script, which allows you to trigger the REST API with an invalid to-do item. $ pnpm create vite admin --template react-ts, $ pnpm create vite client --template react-ts, Before we finish up, heres a concise summary of how pnpm works vs. npm. npm does a similar thing, so its not really that exciting, but I think pnpm wins here because it provides more convenient ways to run your scripts across your sub-packages. But in order to do that, tsconfig.json needs to be modified to list the package(s). Follow to join 2.5M+ monthly readers. Lets add a new file here called index.ts. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. pnpms support for sharing packages in workspaces and running scripts against sub-packages, as weve seen, is also great. console.log("Debug: Loading ValidateHelper/index"); export function ValidateUserName(name: string): boolean {, # Examine the combined tsconfig-file (this and the root one). Here, we will configure all the different projects that we'll have. Solution 3:Ensure that all the name properties in package.json files has unique names. In this file, we will have an interface representing a user and a function that shows an alert to greet the user. If the filesconfiguration is missing (or badly set), then your typescript files can be built twice resulting in junk files in your packages src-folders. We dont have to run that full command, though, because thats what start:dev does in the workspaces package.json. Unfortunately a few challenges remain in using Yarn 2 workspaces. Heres the full command from the package.json: The -r flag causes pnpm to run the start:dev script on all packages in the workspace well, at least all packages that have a start:dev script! Our next step is to actually configure our frontends. When using Yarn workspaces, it is easy to infer what the local references should be, however, TypeScript does not do so by default. One can simply define a .prettierrc file in the root of the monorepo and run Prettier using that configuration file. You can see the end result under the basic directory in the example code. Rather than having to maintain this list manually in the [next.config.js](, we can easily write a little script that reads out the package's package.json and determine the local dependencies using the Yarn cli. One of the best examples of sharing code libraries within our monorepo is to share types within a TypeScript project. This is especially useful in a monorepo, since it is likely that multiple local packages use the same dependencies. Run pnpm install to install the necessary dependencies for each project and we can now share code between our React apps. What is a full-stack, multipackage monorepo? In this monorepo I have a NextJS app that uses a ui-shared package (local shared code, not actually an npm package). All we need to provide is the pnp plugin for esbuild. Unfortunately, running tests in Jest is often more difficult than one wishes it to be due to the somewhat fragmented nature of the JavaScript ecosystem. Open the monorepo root ./tsconfig.jsonand add the references section as shown below. Now lets create our root project. This diagram shows the layout of the basic project with packages A and B: We have learned how to create a basic pnpm workspace! Now, change into that directory and create the package.json file for our root project: In many cases, pnpm is used just like regular old npm. You don't want to pnpm. Before we can do anything with pnpm, we must also install it: There are a number of other ways you can install pnpm depending on your operating system. Make sure the name parameter of --workspace can be found in a package.json :s name field: This error can be caused by several things. The main issue remaing with respect to TypeScript project references is that these need to manually maintained. Apparently, according to the benchmark, its 3x faster. Enter the monorepo. Add this line to your package.json: The updated package.json file looks like this: Now that we have linked our root package to the sub-package A, we can use the code from package A in our root package: Note how we referenced package A. Working with more and more code repos meant doing more frequent npm installs. Usage Workspace. In the full-stack project, the pnpm-workspace.yaml file includes both the backend and frontend projects as sub-packages: Underneath the packages subdirectory, you can find the validation package that is shared between frontend and backend. Bit uses pnpm under the hood but automates a lot of the things that are currently done manually in a traditional workspace managed by pnpm/npm/Yarn. To let pnpm know that it is managing sub-packages, we add a pnpm-workspace.yaml file to our root project: This indicates to pnpm that any sub-directory under the packages directory can contain sub-packages. Now we can create our actual tsconfig.json. Otherwise I think most improvements can be made with respect to configuring the infrastructure in the template projects (see issues #3, #5, #10). You are not an admin.. To have a single tsc to rebuild changed packages (but keep the others as-is)? pnpm has a "workspaces" facility that we can use to create dependencies between packages in our monorepo. NPM will list the conflicting files, just make sure all local packages has unique names. I thought this was the best way to show the benefits of pnpm workspaces because I can show you how to share a package in the monorepo between both the frontend and backend projects. Verify the folder node_modules\@suzieqwas created without errors. esbuild supports TypeScript by default and will automatically resolve all local references since we have TypeScript project references configured. Instead, every dependency used by any of the local packages is stored as a zip file in a special .yarn/cache folder. Of course, this is the reason we are using TypeScript. Now, this is important, because this is different compared to how its usually done. This is especially efficient when running tsc in watch mode. Instead of a monorepo, it could also be a meta repo, which is a great next step for your monorepo once its grown too large and complicated or, for example, you want to split it up and have separate CI/CD pipelines for each project. Then, we can be sure they are both on the same page regarding the data structures being passed between them. pnpm has a workspaces facility that we can use to create dependencies between packages in our monorepo. Before we create those however, we need to setup our base tsconfig.json file. Normally, to share a package between multiple projects, wed have to publish it to npm, but this would be overkill if the package were only going to be shared between a small number of projects, especially for proprietary or closed-source projects. We also saw how we can share code between our apps. A: The value of the name field is used more than once in one of the package.json :s found in one of the subdirectories of packages. Now there are many examples where this file extends an already existing tsconfig.json . A good start to troubleshoot this is to set files to [] . You can also add the folder manually that not includes package.json by Monorepo: As Workspace. Just open ./src/index.ts and add this, and youre good to go. We can add package B to our monorepo in the same way as package A. Were going to be creating two apps, one for our client and one for our admin using React with Vite and, of course, TypeScript. To recreate the contents, just run npm install . With a monorepo, we can make code changes to both and commit to a single code repository, updating both components at the same. The monorepo contains both frontend and backend components, a browser-based UI, and a REST API. You can view this in the demo repo, which Ive linked at the end of the article. Use that script to directly trigger the HTTP POST route that adds an item to the to-do list. Support npm,yarn, pnpm, lerna, rush. Its also possible to use npm, see below.

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