Nov 04

we overcome by the words of our testimony

I experienced several more clinical depressions over several years and was tormented by lies and condemnation fear and guilt from the enemy. for another dayand hopefully another writer! John 16:33 What does that mean, if we really apply it to our everyday life? Note: "Brethren and sisters, the Lord is our God. (Proverbs 18:21). I had nothing in common with missionaries in the South American jungles and, quite frankly, I didnt want to. get to know the Bible better! (LogOut/ But ratherfear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28). Revelation 12:11 in all English translations, KJV, Reference Bible, Personal Size Giant Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print, KJV, Word Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: 1,700 Key Words that Unlock the Meaning of the Bible, KJV, Reference Bible, Center-Column Giant Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print, KJV, Thinline Bible, Large Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version, KJV, Deluxe Reference Bible, Super Giant Print, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print, KJV, Journal the Word Bible, Large Print, Red Letter Edition: Reflect, Journal, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses. Psalms 105:1-5; 107:1, 2, 15. We have this Treasure in jars of Clay! So we are called to be victorious by our testimony. They continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. by the blood of the Lamb, which has already been done. Tell others what youve survived, where youve thrived, where your lowest point A testimony is simply defined as words of faith to encourage believers and non-believers. Youve never broken a single rule in your life? Hallelujah! We enforce Jesus victory by exercising our authority in Him and refusing Satans lies in our life. But such is the power and efficacy of the death of Christ. We are to guard our mind and be anxious for nothing, but let all our request be made known to God with thanksgiving (Phil 4:6). Its powerful too.God blesses you. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "THIS IS HOW WE OVERCOME". The words out of your mouth are powerful. Love the message of redemption in your story! THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY - Home of the Word of Righteousness This Is How We Overcome - Sermon Central We Overcome By The Word Of Our Testimony Song No matter the circumstances were encountering at the moment, we will live eternity in heaven praising Him. Even in those times, there will be many who come to Christ before Jesus returns. My life remained relatively uneventful until I was halfway through college. Negative words lead to a negative mindset resulting in bad consequences. Testimony is a very simple thingjust saying words that agree with Scripture. We should also know, when we share our personal testimony of how Jesus saved and transformed us; we are overcoming the power of the enemy in the lives of those who hear. You have to use your voice to get saved. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. Berean Study Bible They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Tells the overcome by the word testimony of song? They made their expectations clear. Being seated in heavenly places means to have access in prayer to Gods Throne (Eph. What does Revelation 12:11 mean? | 12:10-11). Thanks for subscribing! Jesus said, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. 4:14-16), 8 The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith10 and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (victory)? The world is governed by words in the spirit and natural realms. Aida Chenevieve - WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, AND THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY. For less than $5/mo. We need to share that hope, because in the end it is all that matters. by the blood of the Lamb. We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb. Testimony - INRI NewYork He died for you, Thank you our word testimony of song . A police officer stops a car by the authority of the government, not his physical power. 16 The heavensare the LORDs; the earth He has given to the children of men. They either contain life or death. (Ps. Worthy of all our praise, You overcame. 2:6). God met me at my lowest ebb and spoke to me I love you. He will always draw nigh unto those who draw nigh unto Him. How To Overcome The Enemy - Abide and Seek Honestly, I cant remember ever sharing my testimony until I publicly posted my healing story several weeks after it had happened and I was reasonably sure it was for real and wasnt going to be reversed. Because they had, too. (Mt. Jesus created with words in Gen. 1. And then I did. Kristofer Jallai 300 subscribers We will OVERCOME by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our Testimony! Lets not gloss over the part in between the part where they overcame because of Jesuss blood but thats the story of Easter and most of us have probably heard it. Your parents, friends, role models, mentors. This is inspiring! The devil can only take place in our lives to the degree we give him place. Many people's worst Armageddon will come in the form of an accident or other tragedies and disasters. I only heard the super-dramatic ones. Famous people. 23 Bible verses about Overcomers - Knowing Jesus The call to overcome: a key theme in Revelation (2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 12:11; 15:2; 21:7), 10 The accuser (Greek: diabolos or devil) of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night11 And they overcame him (Devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Its risky (and youre talking to a S ome of us shared testimonies on what God has done or is doing in the process of their lives. But there is good news!!! Think of every person whose story has influenced YOU. But, just in case, lets look at scriptures related to the Blood of the Lamb: Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: (1 Peter 1:18-19). Read full chapter Revelation 12:11 in all English translations Revelation 11 Revelation 13 King James Version (KJV) Public Domain Bible Gateway Recommends And yours is, too. 2. Overcome By The Words Of Our Testimony: Inspirational Real Life Testimonies of Revelation (similar to how I feel when I hear Despacito, even the Bieber Original programming. Awesome and great is Your name, You overcame. All we have to do is accept that the atoning blood of Jesus covers my sin and sets me free and we are . I dont have my own mailing list at this time, but I use Feedly to follow other blogs I like and find it very convenient! As we face whatever comes our way today, if we stay focused on eternity, then we hold on to the hope we have as an anchor of the soul (Heb 6:19). 115:16). 1). Word of their testimony: our testimony (confession of faith) is what we believe about who Jesus is, what He did on the cross, who we are in Him, what we believe about Satans assaults. (Jas 4:7), 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. than another. Those will be killed for their faith, but lets look at their response to the fear the great dragon wields. Growing up in the church, I heard all these wild, dramatic testimonies of missionaries being killed in jungles for Jesus, of meth addicts going through Teen Challenge and turning into preachers, and of teen moms who became spokeswomen for life and purity and all things moral and upstanding. overcome whatever it is by the blow of the lamb by putting your trust in Christ by his finished work and by the word of your testimony of what God has already done in your life this I pray for you in Jesus mighty name amen blessed be our Lord in Jesus name Amen so Lord give us your word speak with your voice speak into the hearts of For theLordis great and greatly to be praised; Heis also to be feared above all gods. (1 Chron 16:23-25), While we certainly live in troubled times, these troubles are nothing in comparison with what will come in the Great Tribulation. Satans attack against us continues if we accept it. There are three ways by which we overcome the accuser of the brothers: by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by loving not our life to the death. for me before. Because of Christ's shed blood on the cross, sin has lost its grip on us. (Philemon 6, NAS), REVELATION OF WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST WITH SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY. Sing to theLord, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. 10:23), 14 Let us hold fast our confession16 Come boldly to the Throne of grace (Heb. God bless you! normal parents with normal rules that I obeyed except for when I fought like Revelation 12:11 They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them (before heaven and hell), triumphing over them in it (His resurrection). No matter where you find yourself on the continuum, youve got a story, its uniquely yours, and its beneficial for others to hear. And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. We Overcome by the Word of Our Testimony - Faithlife Sermons 1 John 5:5. REV 12:11 "They overcame him. Or maybe someone would have told how his boring Christian upbringing prepared him to take a risk for God one day when an unexpected and scary opportunity arose. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb - Weve all got stories to tell. Revelation 12:11 KJV: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb the biggest one we all have: THE testimony the story of how Jesus died to *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 12:11 - King James Version Something went wrong. new. 1. Information that should have been so obvious is suddenly Revelation 13. For most of my life, I claimed I didnt have a testimony. Weve all got our dirty laundry, whether its punishable by And they overcame him by the blood of - Bible Gateway Third is a male child, who is Jesus Christ. Relatives. It means forever. Bible Study Guides - Victory by the Word of Our Testimony Although difficult years for me and my family, I now know that it was His way of convincing me that I was, am and forever will be loved by my Papa God REGARDLESS!! Only $10.95 Buy Now Only $5.01 (Kindle) Buy Now Prayers Prayed 365 When God instructs - Our ears must be attentive and our heart responsive! 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering He is faithful. If youve made it all the way through this post and you still doubt you have a testimony, share Second is a red dragon, identified with Satan. "They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" (Revelation 12:11) We have acknowledged that we overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says the blood of Jesus does for us. times and then, one day, certain words just pop out at you that never really A couple times. American Standard Version And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death. I lived in a small town and I had 1. I was raised in a Christian home. God always answers those who call on Him. I ask you this: Have you shared any part of your testimony recently? registered before? We overcome by the word of our testimony You can start shouting victory, as you are on the winning side, that is, if you will trust in the . Next. The principles we're studying here apply to all of life, not just the events outlined in . Verse Concepts. Let Your mercy, OLord, be upon us, Just as we hope in You. (Ps 33:20-22). But rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28). All Rights Reserved. law or not. Blood of the Lamb: Jesus gained victory over Satan on the cross removing his legal right to torment us. We do not praise Him as much as we should. You know how there are those Bible verses that you hear 1,000 The enemy seeks to steal our testimony, as weve said previously here. New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Lets put on the whole armor of God, that [we] may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11), and stand firm in the hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast (Heb 6:19). Overcoming by the Word of Our Testimony (Rev. 12:11) Nov 10, 2021. I have come that they may have life, and that they may haveit more abundantly. (John 10:10) We all have had the times when Satan has wrought havoc in our lives, but our testimony is about how Jesus gives us His abundant love and eternal life. Testimony - INRI NewYork Testimony Home Testimony "Our confession builds the road over which faith carries its mighty cargo. (Hebrews 9:22), As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Aida Chenevieve - WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, AND THE WORD OF Much of my life I endured sadness and grief and couldnt shake it. You have a cool story of obedience, too, especially since you can tell everyone else firsthand about the consequences of disobedience and how its never too late to start over. Two important pieces here (Well, two that Im going to focus on):1. By the Word of Our Testimony Today Daily Devotional Those stories were really cool. For my God is the Ancient of Days. The Word says that you will overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus and the word of your testimony. 5:17-21). We are even willing to declare that we will not waver from our faith in Yeshua during trials, tribulations or even in the face of death. In fact, we must be willing to sacrifice our lives, even as Jesus did. THE WORDS OF OUR TESTIMONY. - Faith+blog One: Remember, the word of our testimony is the evidence we given to an unsaved world of the redeeming grace of our Savior. To bear witness; give or afford evidence. There was a common theme amongst all who shared: submission to God opens the doors for Him to work miracles in our lives and they showed we can ' 'overcome by the word of our testimony" Testimonies are often used to help others get through a sitution or a problem. The word of our testimony will always bring glory to God. Maybe speaking out about your story will be the key to your breakthrough. Did not love their lives to death: we set our heart to obey Jesus regardless of what it cost us. It can be a sword that cuts and divides. To make solemn declaration. Ive struggled with, Sometimes its easy as Christians to start think, You Will Overcome By the Word of Your Testimony, How I Figured Out What to Do With My Life (My Experience with GPS Life Journey). Just what I needed at this moment! And they did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. You might also notice that we get our word mature from this Greek word. Overcome By The Words Of Our Testimony: Inspirational Real Life Avi and Chaya Mizrachi, founders of Dugit, are choosing . Start small. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. Youve broken every single rule there is to be broken, but youve repented and overcome some big (or small) obstacles? Two: by the word of our testimony. I was, for a really, really long time. The word of God tells us in Revelations 12:11, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." We have the ability to change the world.

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we overcome by the words of our testimony