Mar 14

drudge report sold rasmussen

Drudge occasionally publishes Nielsen, Arbitron, and BookScan ratings, or early election exit polls which are otherwise not made available to the public. Here is a sample tweet. Ninja Foodi 10 In 1 Pressure Cooker Recipes. Okay, So It Looks as if the Justice Department Probably Has Spies in Catholic Churches, FRIDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Special Guest KDJ - Replay Available, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It would also be a major story, as the Drudge Report is a powerful driver of traffic, regularly competing against and beating sites like CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post in visits. Citizen Free Press is the New Drudge Report Run by a former Lou Dobbs producer You're getting competition from everywhere, Matt. The overall shift supported the impeachment effort and has been slanted against President Trump. He always wanted to know what LIKELY VOTERS think. [81], The Drudge Report originally attained prominence when it was the first to report what came to be known as the Lewinsky scandal. Drudge has been a far left liberal site for the last year if not longer. The Drudge Report's influence on media coverage", "Host Unhinged After Sales Figures Revealed; Calls Drudge 'Threat To Democracy', "Drudge Retort's Retort To AP: Personal Issue Resolved But 'Larger Conflict' Remains", "From the Drudge Report To the Drudge Retort", "PaidContent: where UK newspapers get their traffic", "Newsweek Kills Story on White House Intern", "The Drudge Report warms to the Clinton camp, or is it vice versa? The Drudge Report has been described by Cheryl Woodard, co-founder of PC, Macworld, PC World and Publish magazines, as "a big, haphazard mishmash of links and photos"[29] and by Dan Rahmel as "popular despite a plain appearance". Oprah Winfrey's public statement came after she had already endorsed Barack Obama for president on Larry King Live in 2007. @TheDailyBail @DRUDGE_REPORT We don't think Matt is there anymore, CFP. News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO. And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. Trump goes after Drudge over rumors of 'mini-strokes' Backstory: While others were publishing shade-throwing click-bait headlines about our 2016 performance, Matt Drudge went out, found & published the first independent 3rd party 2016 election polling bench-marking. Still, the Rasmussen number is interesting and encouraging within the context of their own trends. It's not clear, however, if Matt Drudge is still the owner, or involved on a daily basis. As conservative you know PJ cant be trusted more so when Drudge listed as #1. Situation At East Palestine Just Got Even Worse. (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. Voters approve of . None of this is good for conservatives. [113][114], On October 3, 2016, the Drudge Report published an dubious claim that Bill Clinton had an illegitimate child named Danney Williams, an allegation that the site had reported as debunked in 1999 based on a Time magazine article. While to the untrained eye it may seem to be a scattershot of links plastered on a plain black and white page, the placement of the links and the framing of headlines reveal a sophisticated editorial point of view. "[122], In June 2018, the Drudge Report displayed a headline and photo pairing that some perceived as a suggestion that migrant children who had been separated from their parents were violent criminals. run ads on drudge report. That's down 38.0% from July 2019, when the site boasted 2.399 million unique visitors. Coupled with what Rasmussen Reports has claimed, it seems very possible that the answer to Rudells question is that Drudge did indeed sell and that whoevers now running the site aint a conservative. Folks, the @DRUDGE_REPORT account is a FAN account. [70][71] Democratic Party strategist Chris Lehane also said in 2006 "phones start ringing" whenever Drudge breaks a story, and Mark McKinnon, a former media advisor to George W. Bush, said that he checked the site 3040 times per day. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation." Bongino taunted Drudge with a pair of tweets: has noticed an editorial shift at the site over the last year or so, with the aggregator regularly dropping the hammer on Trump, focusing on negative news about the presidentespecially as it relates to the Meuller report and impeachment proceedingsand increasingly linking to mainstream media outlets. And are the rumors true that hes sold the site? Drudge has turned. Bdo Katzvar Location, Or weeping over lost Drudge links and the pageviews they bring. We also heartily welcome The Bongino Report @BonginoReport (lest anyone say otherwise). The page is now updated only once or twice a day and almost never But maybe not. for presenting a dated photograph out of context to mislead readers. [10], The Drudge Report started in 1995 as a gossip column focusing on Hollywood and Washington, D.C.[11] Matt Drudge began the email-based newsletter from an apartment in Hollywood, California, using his connections with industry and media insiders to break stories, sometimes before they hit the mainstream media. Anyone whos been following Drudge for the last 25 years (!) "[49], A study in 2005 placed the Drudge Report "slightly left of center". 14 Aug 2021 Washington, DC 0. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Miranda Devine's LAPTOP FROM HELL for Tuesday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Some have pointed to the Twitter accounts profile description has proof that he has: The DRUDGE REPORT a U.S. based news aggregation website run by Matt Drudge(@DRUDGE). Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left. At times, his site is indistinguishable from The Daily Beast or any other woke propaganda outlet posing as a news company. Predator 420 Dyno, "[94][95][96] The Individual Rights Foundation, led by conservative activist David Horowitz, paid Drudge's legal fees in the Blumenthal lawsuit. These sections are FREE to the general audience of Rasmussen Reports. The Drudge Report consistently competes and beats news sites like CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. Ninja Foodi 10 In 1 Pressure Cooker Recipes, According to Comscore data, the Drudge Report had 1.488 million unique visitors in July 2020 the most recent month for which data is available. Keep an eye on President Trumps Twitter feed this weekand get some corn popping. What Drudge talks about Rush talks about and Hannity and Levin and Bongino and everyone else in the right-leaning media. At the beginning of this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates." Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. [31] Jason Fried of Basecamp called it "one of the best designed sites on the web". Bongino taunted Drudge with a pair of tweets: Tired of Drudge? "[108] The story set off a "storm of media attention"[106] and was repeated by some conservative bloggers and radio talk-show hosts, all citing the Drudge Report as their source. For an explanation regarding the question of Drudge Report's political leaning, see: College Republican National Committee (CRNC), October 2017 Northern California wildfires, "Rasmussen on Drudge Report: "We don't think Matt [Drudge] is there anymore. [9] The site consists mainly of links to news stories from other outlets about politics, entertainment, and current events; it also has links to many columnists. CFP is an aggregator just like The Drudge Report. Politics Divided States of America? visits to drudge 3/03/2023 22,813,698 past 24 hours 671,044,278 past 31 days 8,387,157,459 past year reference desk. After all, the problem may simply be that he's just getting old and lacking in ideas. Word is he sold, just wa. On Saturday we posted a story about a conservative journalist that was tired of being taken advantage of and decided to start his own alternative to the Drudge Report and Fox News. The Drudge Report site consists mainly of selected[24] hyperlinks to news websites all over the world, each link carrying a headline written by Drudge or his editors. The linked stories are generally hosted on the external websites of mainstream media outlets. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! Sold out, really. [91] The Prince's tour of duty was prematurely ended, since his unit might have been targeted by large-scale suicide attacks intended to kill the Prince. Whats up with Drudge. So we started to look into it.. That happened, just days after the site changed hands . Meanwhile, a Drudge Report headline shouts RASMUSSEN: 43% want Trump Arrested Screen shot of Drudge Report headlines as of 5:10 pm today, 11 Jan 2021. So whats going on? [60][61][62] Drudge applied for and was granted a U.S. The Drudge Report is one of the most popular news sites on the web receiving over a billion page views per month and has historically been a conservative-leaning news aggregator and was openly pro-Trump. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. The conservative group, The Rasmussen Report has documented the change at the Drudge Report originally they thought the site was sold. See our timeline for all 3., Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 8, 2019. During the 2004 US presidential campaign, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group made claims about John Kerry's war record, which were mentioned by Drudge and investigated by major newspapers and TV networks. Paul Bedard and Alex Kingsbury Sept. 17, 2010., Kirk Smith (@SavingAmerica4U) December 7, 2019. Just search "Drudge" on twitter.) Particularly those among the elite whose politics tilt heavily to the right. (There are many more - I have seen tons of similar claims. [78][79][80] According to online analytics data for April 2010 from the Newspaper Marketing Agency, the Drudge Report was thennow over ten years agothe number one site referrer for all online UK commercial newspaper websites. It's clear that Drudge Report is no longer a booster of Trump, who has called the website "fake news" this year although it has been credited with helping him get elected in 2016. They are taking away our advertising revenue, censoring our content,and threatening to de-platform us. Many people keep asking me about this. Its not like Drudge doesnt cover positive news about Trump this snapshot of the site on January 15 is just one of many examples I found on the Wayback Machine: But Drudge has been especially keen in recent months to link to stories from left-wing MSM outlets that reflect poorly on President Trump in favor of well, now, thats the million-dollar question, isnt it? ", "The Drudge Report Just Made A Huge Change To How It Makes Money", "Et tu, Drudge? In the tweet above, Rasmussen Reports official Twitter account wrote that [w]e dont think Matt is there anymore and shared the rumor that hes sold The Drudge Report to a third party. [109] The story was confirmed to be a hoax perpetrated by Todd and, according to Talking Points Memo, spread to reporters by McCain's Pennsylvania communications director.[110]. Prince Harry was ten weeks into a front-line deployment in Afghanistan that was subject to a voluntary news blackout by the UK press. Lost ALL Trumpers. If you've commented with us before, we'll need you to re-input your email address for this. But a significant change occurred over the summer when the Drudge Report dropped its advertising representative of close to 20 years, Intermarkets, in favor of a new and unknown company Granite Cubed. I hate this app. Millions of other conservatives and Republicans agree. He had a good run, but according to unconfirmed reports, that run may be over. The Report almost always holds one major story above the masthead logo, usually just one sentence hyperlinked to the most important story of the day. See our timeline for all 3., Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 8, 2019. ? [86] The publication of the photograph resulted in a brief war of words between the Clinton and Obama campaign organizations. MSN reports that Matt Drudge's readership is down a whopping 38% from last year. The newest stories and those Drudge considers most important are in red, all under a single major headline in large bold type. [17] In 2011, he added to the staff Charles Hurt, most recently the Washington bureau chief of the New York Post and a columnist for The Washington Times. Bongino taunted Drudge with a pair of tweets: Word is he sold, just waiting fo 152 Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll Replying to @CitizenFreePres and @DRUDGE_REPORT We don't think Matt is there anymore, CFP. He reserved his banner headlines for Trump-friendly subjects such as immigration and trade, while running attack stories on contesting . What Do You Mean Meme Video, Headlines: Cop who Murdered Man in Front of School Got a Purple Heart; McCarthy Goes on Defense, Says Jan. 6 Footage Will Be Screened; Florida Bill Wants Bloggers Writing About DeSantis Must Register [116][117] Beginning roughly one week earlier, DDoS attacks had repeatedly taken the site offline for extended periods. visits to drudge 2/21/2021 019,307,264 past 24 hours 693,592,779 past 31 days 10,238,209,816 past year reference desk. According to the following screenshots, hes not pleased: Why did the @DRUDGE_REPORT make fun of @dbongino for being a Secret Service Agent and then delete the tweet? The Drudge Report (stylized as DRUDGE REPORT) is a U.S.-based news aggregation website founded by Matt Drudge,[4] and run with the help of Charles Hurt[2] and Daniel Halper. A Story Matt Drudge Would Crack: We have no special knowledge of why The Drudge Report has changed so noticeably. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. Copyright 2023 Media. It was originally a gossip columncovering Hollywood and Washington D.C. One of the website's hallmark moments was when it broke the news that Newsweekhad killed a story on President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. The Drudge Report consistently competes and beats news sites like CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. Malibu Land For Sale After Fire, UPDATE 12/09/2019: Over the weekend Rasmussen put out the word that Matt Drudge may not even be at the Drudge Report anymore, that he sold his business. Total Approval 1,500 . Rudell, an associate director of the Center for Political Leadership, Innovation and Service at Duke Universitys Sanford School of Public Policy, also believes something is up. It's entirely possible that Drudge is still the editor but is phoning it in. Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. A few months ago the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. After four years, Blumenthal dropped his lawsuit, saying that the suit had cost him tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. B.J. [118], The Drudge Report included articles about the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory,[119] as well as conspiracy theories about the murder of Seth Rich. Truth has never been more critical! The majority of stories are laid out in three columns beneath the masthead; at the bottom of each column are various links: newspapers and magazines in the left column, columnists in the middle column, and a collection of wire service links and miscellaneous links to archives, e-mail, site stats, and a box to submit anonymous tips at the right. The whole kerfuffle appears to have begun at the end of November, when the Bongino Report, touted as a Trump-friendly alternative to Drudge, launched. "The Drudge Report is a politically conservative American news aggregation website. The entire direct cost to run Drudge Report is about $3 million a year, McIntyre said. Napolitano Amused at 'Big Sis' Moniker. Now that will be a story. Superhero Logo Template, [32] It consists of a banner headline and a number of other selected headlines in three columns in monospaced font. BizPacReview |, Maher declares war on trigger warnings: Its like if seat belts were made out of broken glass, If they dont get out, Im going to take them out one by one: Anti-white texts spark DOE probe, Maher points out COVID dissenters are looking pretty good right now, Russell Brand crushes MSNBC to network analysts face: Propagandist nut-crackery, Avalanche risk forces authorities to close Mt. This guy is an activist not a reporter. Drudge has experimented with temporary, relatively minor design tweaks, including using all black-and-white pictures for a period in August 2017[28] and using colored text for holidays instead of the standard black throughout the site's existence; in all cases, the basic layout remained consistent throughout its existence. And what he and his team found at the time appeared to suggest that Drudge may have essentially sold his conservative bona fides for clicks and moola. Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered? Well, it appears that Matt Drudge may have sold his site. warned that advertising at the Drudge Report, The New York Times, Yahoo, Google, MySpace and other sites carried malware that could infect computers. "[93], Research by the media magazine Brill's Content in 1998 cast doubt on the accuracy of the majority of the "exclusives" claimed by the Drudge Report. Today we published 3 short Backstory Tweets highlighting why we believe Mr. Drudge is no longer managing the site. Just another reason we miss his visionary media instincts- Whatever happened one thing is for sure, the Drudge Report has gone in another direction and it doesnt look like Matt Drudge is at the helm. email: Since then it has fallen over 45% and is steadily shedding viewers. A Story Matt Drudge Would Crack: We dont think Matt is there anymore, CFP. Crows And Lambs, It was also reported in newspapers and on television around the world. For especially important breaking stories, especially if they are still emerging, Drudge places art of a flashing red light on the screen. Drudge is down 40% plus since he became Fake News. Under the headline, "Woman Names Bill Clinton Father Of Son In Shocking Video Confession", Drudge reported a videotaped "confession" by a former prostitute who claimed that her son was fathered by Bill Clinton. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation. Date: December 10, 2019 Author: Nwo Report 0 Comments Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report. This is a FAN account, it reads. That likely had a purpose. Lately he has been absolutely terrible toward President Trump, conservative podcaster Josh Bernstein also said last month. The Drudge Report countered stating that "it served more than 29 million pages Monday without an e-mail complaint about 'pop ups,' or the site serving 'viruses'. If indeed Drudge sold the site this would be the story of the year. Afterward, several Twitter accounts in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump used the photo with the hashtag #HillaryHealth. And to this day he still holds that record, or at least among the elites in politics and media. Anyone who's been following Drudge for the last 25 years (!) The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Mind you, CFP isnt alone. Drudge[84] published a photo of Barack Obama in Somali tribal dress on February 25, 2008,[85] and reported that the photo had been sent to him by a Clinton campaign staffer. Just another reason we miss his visionary media instincts- The Rasmussen Report polling agency (the only polling company that accurately predicted the 2016 election) has evidence that they believe Drudge no longer operates and owns the site. Facebook; Twitter; White House. Reddit Long Hair Care, Your email address will not be published. Miss you, Matt. [70] The book Unfit for Command: Swiftboat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry became a best-seller in part due to its promotion in the Drudge Report. This surprised me because Matt is only using liberal sites for his news. Liberty Daily is the only conservative game in town for agragators [sic]. A left-leaning[77] parody site called Drudge Retort was founded in 1998 as "a send-up of Mr. Drudge's breathless style". @Rasmussen_Poll We don't think Matt is there anymore, CFP. If indeed Drudge sold the site this would be the story of the year. - Rasmussen Reports ? [66] This coincided with a near 30% decrease in traffic metrics for the Drudge website in the last months of 2019from a 90 day-ago ranking of #637 in global internet engagement as of July to #844 in December. While its doubtful any of those sites will be able to have anywhere near the success and influence the Drudge Report has enjoyed, lost readers mean lost revenue, and breaking trust with your faithful readers even if its just for kicks and giggles can backfire big time. 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During the summer of 2019, after many years of being known for "changing nothing" about the website, Drudge advertising shifted to a new company by the name of Granite Cubed. "[58] In 2020, Austrian social scientist Christian Fuchs of the University of Westminster described the Drudge Report as an alt-right website. ", "Online Matt Drudge Libel Suit Comes to 'Wimpy Conclusion', "John Kerry intern scandal Alexandra Polier's account", "Man Claiming to be Bill Clinton's Son Wants Second DNA Test", "Danney Williams is not Bill Clinton's son, no matter what Matt Drudge tells you", "CNN reporter slams Drudge's charge that he 'heckled' McCain; Exclusive video confirms his claim", "CNN's Ware fires back at Drudge report about 'heckling', "Oprah Denies Report She's Balking at Having Palin on Show", "US election: Storm as Oprah says no to Palin interview", "Ashley Todd, PA Racist Hoax "Victim," Was Paid Organizer for College Republican National Committee, Not a Volunteer", "Drudge Puts Dangerous Spin on Mugging, Implies Violence Targeting McCain Volunteers", "McCain Campaign Pushed Now-Discredited Attack Story", "Obama birth certificate release won't kill "birther" movement", "Hillary health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech - BBC News", "Drudge Report misleads readers with Hillary Clinton photo", "Armed with junk science and old photos, critics question #HillarysHealth", "Drudge Report is spreading a conspiracy about Bill Clinton it debunked in 1999", "US Government Attacks Drudge Report? The Drudge Report one of the most popular news destinations on the web, regularly clocking over a billion page views per month has historically been a conservative-leaning news aggregator . This observation came a week after Rasmussen Reports called attention to a rumor that Matt Drudge had sold his eponymous media behemoth some time ago. That sounds awful. ", "Clinton Staffers Circulate 'Dressed' Obama", "Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff', "New Idea defends claims it endangered Prince Harry", "New Idea pleads ignorance on Harry embargo", "Army prepares to evacuate Harry after news blackout fails", "Senate Staffers Warned to Stay Clear of Drudge Report", "Clinton Aide Settles Libel Suit Against Matt Drudge at a Cost", "May Day: Lawsuit Against Drudge Dropped; Blumenthal Pays Cash To Get Out!

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drudge report sold rasmussen