Nov 04

api key lifetime best practice

This also means that different environment variable values can be passed to configure for development, staging, and production environments. An API call using the API token can be made using curl. This principle is known as HATEOAS, or Hypertext as the Engine of Application State. Because API keys grant access to API calls which may change important data or incur significant charges. API keys that are generated must also use Alphanumeric and special characters. That said, other factors can limit scalability. API key without having to remove the old key. One solution is to put the key into a property file. Off-topic comments may be removed. Lets get started! As a developer using APIs, you can look out for these methods. You can handle such non-resource scenarios through HTTP requests that invoke a function and return the results as an HTTP response message. You will see a warning: Restrict your key to prevent unauthorized use in production. However, thats not enough information. Replace ${OKTA_API_KEY} with the API token and replace ${OKTA_DOMAIN} with your Okta domain. Run okta login and open the resulting URL in your browser. The preceding query can be replaced with the URI /customers/1/orders to find all the orders for customer 1, and then /orders/99/products to find the products in this order. Rather than appending the version number as a query string parameter, you could implement a custom header that indicates the version of the resource. We surveyed over 50 organisations across Australia and New Zealand about the State of APIs with a section of the survey dedicated to API Security. It is therefore important that the keys are not used by unauthorized users. Next, say that the developer runs into a problem and posts a question on StackOverflow. Exposing a collection of resources through a single URI can lead to applications fetching large amounts of data when only a subset of the information is required. In most cases, they can use the API key with all the privileges of the rightful owner. An obvious, but very poor choice would be to put it into the Info.plist file. How Long Should You Make Your API Key | ProgrammableWeb Access to the proxy server can be restricted by requiring the client to authenticate. Think of it as needing a key to open a locked house. Confluent Cloud is a fully-managed Apache Kafka service available on all three major clouds. account are deleted and might break applications. API keys that are generated must also use Alphanumeric and special characters. The most popular API key location for modern APIs is in headers. So instead of storing the key in plain text (bad) or encrypting it, we should store it as a hashed value within our database. In this article, well look at how to correctly manage API Keys to access APIs. This is often done using a script such as ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc. Consider supporting query strings that specify the maximum number of items to retrieve and a starting offset into the collection. Hit DONE. The patch document has the same structure as the original JSON resource, but includes just the subset of fields that should be changed or added. For more information about these performance antipatterns, see Chatty I/O and Extraneous Fetching. For more on API gateway authentication, check this out. The examples shown in this section illustrate one possible, proprietary solution. Many APIs require an API key to be sent with each request. Detailed recommendations for designing public REST APIs. For example, a GET request to the URI /add?operand1=99&operand2=1 would return a response message with the body containing the value 100. This section describes some typical considerations for designing an API that conforms to the HTTP specification. Secure API Key Storage Storing a hashed value brings specific usability problems. Basic API Key Security API keys behave similarly to passwords in the Gateway. Each key should only be able to call the API endpoints that are required, for example just the Google Maps API endpoint. Also, consider implementing HTTP HEAD requests for these resources. command. The differences between POST, PUT, and PATCH can be confusing. within Confluent Cloud. The issue is that although the developer designing and implementing a web API has full control over that API, the developer does not have the same degree of control over client applications, which may be built by third-party organizations operating remotely. Each time you modify the web API or change the schema of resources, you add a version number to the URI for each resource. API keys for Confluent Cloud can be created with user and service accounts. associated with the specific service account. Configure API Key Lifetime - Palo Alto Networks As part of this initiative, the Swagger 2.0 specification was renamed the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and brought under the Open API Initiative. Best practices for building secure API Keys - Panorama Discussions. It might retrieve all orders from the /orders URI and then filter these orders on the client side. Available for Pro and Enterprise plans, Workspace Teams mak API Keys: API Authentication Methods & Examples, makes it easy to design your API visually with OpenAPI and helps with API. Select + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES. Security Practises. The reason for this is that the API is very tightly coupled with the JavaScript embedded in the web page. In more complex systems, it can be tempting to provide URIs that enable a client to navigate through several levels of relationships, such as /customers/1/orders/99/products. However, it doesn't cover every possible detail or scenario. It makes a POST request to the proxy server http://localhost:8000/api/weather, passing the form data. For more on API authentication, check out this blog. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. A dialog will pop up displaying the API key. The token type must be SSWS, which is the proprietary authentication scheme used by Okta. If you use the query string method, youll want to make sure that theres a low risk of the API key being shared. But that key now has full access to other services, including deleting records in the database. In the following example, the API key is created and the API key and API secret are displayed. Consider implementing bulk HTTP PUT operations that can batch updates to multiple resources in a collection. In general, it helps to use plural nouns for URIs that reference collections. A successful GET method typically returns HTTP status code 200 (OK). This mechanism is described in more detail in the section Use HATEOAS to enable navigation to related resources. Merge patch is not suitable if the original resource can contain explicit null values, due to the special meaning of null in the patch document. When in doubt, consult the HTTP specifications. A The key confirms who you are and grants you access to whats inside. For APIs that dont need write permissions, this is especially useful, while limiting risk. This means that you should use SSL/TLS for security. This can be solved by adding a prefix to the API key. The purpose of REST is to model entities and the operations that an application can perform on those entities. The most popular choice, perhaps due to its usage by AWS API Gateway, x-api-key is a custom header convention for passing your API key. If you enjoyed reading this post, you might also like these posts from our blog: As always, if you have any questions please comment below. However, it can become unwieldy as the web API matures through several iterations and the server has to support a number of different versions. This is all the information that a client application needs to be able to invoke the operation. After running this command, you should see a JSON string containing one or more user details. To list the API keys that you currently have, run the It contains links to get or update the customer associated with the order. This document will act as a reference while troubleshooting an issue. The specification for the PATCH method (RFC 5789) doesn't define a particular format for patch documents. API keys are used. This is even worse if the developer wants to share the code and checks it into a public repository. Here is an example of a POST request that includes JSON data: If the server doesn't support the media type, it should return HTTP status code 415 (Unsupported Media Type). Stoplight Studio makes it easy to design your API visually with OpenAPI and helps with API authorization best practices. If the resource doesn't exist, the web server can return HTTP 404 (Not Found). Frequently the purpose of the Accept header is to allow the client application to specify whether the body of the response should be XML, JSON, or some other common format that the client can parse. The previously existing URIs should continue to operate as before, returning resources that conform to their original schema. Since we dont store the original API key, we can show it only once to the user, at the time of creation. Authentication Settings - API Key Lifetime | Palo Alto Networks Level 2: Use HTTP methods to define operations on resources. Service evolution. A dialog will pop up displaying the API key. if you need an API key to just send emails, you can generate an API key with the scope as. A POST request creates a resource. Now you can store this prefix in the database and display it in the console so users are able to quickly identify the right API key entry, like this: One common mistake that API key providers make is providing one key to access everything, since its easy to manage. The response body contains a representation of the resource. This issue can become acute if a client application communicates with a web server through a proxy that implements caching, and that only forwards a request to the web server if it does not currently hold a copy of the requested data in its cache. This approach can help to reduce chattiness and improve performance. Avoid creating APIs that simply mirror the internal structure of a database. As client applications make API calls through a proxy, they do not need to know the API key. Custom Signatures. Keen has separate read and write API keys. Adopt a consistent naming convention in URIs. Next, select Aps JavaScript API. A hashed value means that even if someone gains unauthorised access to our database, no API keys are leaked and its all safe. This constraint enables web services to be highly scalable, because there is no need to retain any affinity between clients and specific servers. Youll see specific vulnerabilities and learn the best ways of avoiding these mistakes. Make sure you dont check it into GitHub! JSON is probably the most common data format for web APIs. Another method weve seen, especially in older APIs, is to pass an API key in the POST body as JSON: The most significant drawback to this method is that authentication is mixed in with other data. A client request can include an Accept header that contains a list of media types the client will accept from the server in the response message. + Follow. command. Many web APIs use JSON as the exchange format. You can reach us directly at or you can also ask us on the API keys are encrypted strings that allow APIs to authenticate applications. In which case ensure that the file is in the .gitignore file and verify that it will not be checked in on the next commit. First, you need a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account. One of the clear advantages of using API key authentication is its inherent simplicity (this is under authentication best practices for sure). The Content-Type header in a request or response specifies the format of the representation. In a GET request, the response body contains a representation of the fetched resource. Retrieving large objects can increase the latency of a request and incur additional bandwidth costs. REST is independent of any underlying protocol and is not necessarily tied to HTTP. Next, we create the proxy server in the file WeatherProxy/main.go: This creates a Gin server listening on port 8000. Not all of these requests might be implementedit depends on the specific scenario. You can pass the API key via Basic Auth as either the username or password. If a POST method creates a new resource, it returns HTTP status code 201 (Created). You might have built or are thinking of building APIs for other developers to use. Another important REST API best practice is to document all the solutions in a very systematic manner. In the following example, you can see that the deleted key W75GXRQGUM2BKJOV does This private key (or secret) is created when you register your Application ( Client Secret) or API ( Signing Secret) and choose the HS256 signing algorithm. The code can be run by first setting the environment variables to valid values: You do of course need to set the environment variables. Best practices for API keys | Confluent Documentation If not, then use POST to create resources and PUT or PATCH to update. Organize the API design around resources Define API operations in terms of HTTP methods Conform to HTTP semantics Filter and paginate data Support partial responses for large binary resources To authorize access to those APIs, a request must include some kind of access token or . Though the header has become the preferred location for API keys, there are non-header methods still used by many APIs. Select a location and hit the Get Weather button to see the current weather at the location. If the request was fulfilled but there is no response body included in the HTTP response, then it should return HTTP status code 204 (No Content); for example, a search operation yielding no matches might be implemented with this behavior. JavaScript is code downloaded from a server and run on a client machine. A PATCH request performs a partial update to an existing resource. It also has placeholder elements where the weather data will be displayed. A well-designed web API should aim to support: Platform independence. See Create an API Token for more information. Here is a possible representation: In this example, the links array has a set of links. Authentication is only performed when clients or applications initially connect So be sure to alert users that it cannot be retrieved again, and they need to generate a new token if they forget to copy the API key and store it safely. Many websites need to obtain data by making API calls from JavaScript. Having a proper rate limiting and monitoring solution keeps the API service healthy. JSON merge patch is somewhat simpler. A PUT request creates a resource or updates an existing resource. Here are some typical error conditions that might be encountered when processing a PATCH request, along with the appropriate HTTP status code. Technically PATCH can also create a new resource (by specifying a set of updates to a "null" resource), if the server supports this. The response JSON object is decoded and the placeholder elements are updated with the response data. The end user would send the raw API key in each API request, and we can validate it by hashing the API key in the request and compare the hashed key with the hash stored within our database. In the HTTP protocol, formats are specified through the use of media types, also called MIME types. It is quite common to store API keys in files. The client specifies the URI for the resource. Web API checklist. This typically requires passing an API key with each request. Also, the patch document doesn't specify the order that the server should apply the updates. Some APIs use the Authorization header to handle the API key, usually with the Bearer keyword. This scheme also complicates implementation of HATEOAS as all links will need to include the version number in their URIs. For example, a GET request to the URI listed above might return this response body: REST APIs use a uniform interface, which helps to decouple the client and service implementations. Version 2 of the API adds support for deployment zones, users, teams, and roles. Since the API key itself is an identity by which to identify the application or the user, it needs to be unique, random and non-guessable. Endpoint (Traps) Discussions. In 2000, Roy Fielding proposed Representational State Transfer (REST) as an architectural approach to designing web services. Hit RESTRICT KEY. This short time period of overlap The request body contains a complete representation of the resource. In that case, consider returning HTTP status code 409 (Conflict). That way, client applications are isolated from changes to the underlying database scheme. The server processes the patch document to perform the update. A resource may contain large binary fields, such as files or images. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. But first, why would you wantor not wantto choose API authentication? If the client puts invalid data into the request, the server should return HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request). command. Since the API key provides direct access to data, its pretty much like a password that a user of a web or mobile app provides to gain access to the same data. From app development, to open APIs, to API-led integration, the adoption of best practices and success of your API program is a key indicator of your strategic success as a digital enterprise. For example: Also consider imposing an upper limit on the number of items returned, to help prevent Denial of Service attacks. The version parameter should default to a meaningful value such as 1 if it is omitted by older client applications. When possible, resource URIs should be based on nouns (the resource) and not verbs (the operations on the resource). The more requests, the bigger the load. OpenWeather provides an API for obtaining weather data. For additional resources regarding BPA, visit our LIVEcommunity BPA tool page. This question is especially critical for APIs, which provide programmatic access to important systems. It also encourages poor REST practices, as simple reads from the API would need to be sent a POST request instead of GET. Instead, you might want to denormalize the data and combine related information into bigger resources that can be retrieved with a single request. Here is a rough implementation of it in Java: In the code above, the primary key will be a combination of the prefix and the hash of the API key {prefix}.{hash_of_whole_api_key}. Next, hit CREATE CREDENTIALS > API Keys. If so, consider making the operation asynchronous. A client application can issue a HEAD request to determine whether to fetch a resource by using partial GET requests. For example, if your data is stored in a relational database, the web API doesn't need to expose each table as a collection of resources. REST APIs use a stateless request model. From the hamburger menu in the top left select APIs & Service > Credentials. Lets get started, and Ill show you how to build API Keys the right way. The system is effectively a finite state machine, and the response to each request contains the information necessary to move from one state to another; no other information should be necessary. For example, you could use a query string parameter that accepts a comma-delimited list of fields, such as /orders?fields=ProductID,Quantity. Design guidelines for Azure REST APIs. A token lifetime policy is a type of policy object that contains token lifetime rules. The API key must be included in every Maps JavaScript API request, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with the actual key. When moving to production, ensure that only service account enables applications to continue running until they can be updated to the new API The media type for JSON patch is application/json-patch+json. However, extending this model too far can become cumbersome to implement. The request body specifies a set of changes to apply to the resource. First of all, the code will get checked into a repository such as GitHub. It depends. This means that the key will get compiled into the application. The API key restrictions have two parts. Whether that developer is within your own company or an external partner, you want your API to be easy to use. In addition to human-readable API documentation, an OpenAPI definition is a must when designing APIs. In the following example, the resource ID is included in the cluster information. The data for each link includes the relationship ("customer"), the URI (, the HTTP method, and the supported MIME types. The primary imperative is to enable existing client applications to continue functioning unchanged while allowing new client applications to take advantage of new features and resources. API keys, when built right, are still a great way to communicate with another server. To delete an API key that is no longer needed, run the You will need to base64-encode the username:password content, but most request libraries do this for you. It then constructs the URI for the actual API call using the location and the API key which is extracted from the environment variable OPEN_WEATHER_TOKEN. In this post, we'll coveran old favorite, the API Key and discuss how to authenticate APIs. Install the Okta CLI and run okta register to sign up for a new account. Return HTTP status code 202 (Accepted) to indicate the request was accepted for processing but is not completed. 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api key lifetime best practice