Nov 04

ethical leadership theory

Hence, it is important to explore how the leaders core self-evaluation affects the effectiveness of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership literature is based on Western culture and completely ignores the Eastern cultural realities. This left me with a difficult choiceone that could certainly be handled in different ways. The process of transforming involves change, and the ethical leader must constantly be transforming. Specifically, by displaying high moral standards and behaving ethically, ethical leaders invoke followers other-praising moral emotions such as elevation, awe, and inspiration, which eventually motivates followers to report more unethical issues and engage in less unethical behavior. Our research thus contributes to ethical leadership literature by investigating how leader characteristics influence the impact of ethical leadership on followers. Ethical failures in companies such as Enron have reignited a growing interest in this field. Ethical responsibilities of organisations have evolved over time and now reflect a concern for what consumers, employees, shareholders, and the community regard as fair, just, or in keeping with the respect or protection of [their] moral rights (Caroll, 1991). The being of leadership involves questioning and reexamining deeply held beliefs and convictions. Enron scandal expected to touch every American. Be aware and mindful of biases and base decisions on facts. First, there is the power over, which allows leaders to use subordinates in order to achieve an end. Furthermore, ethical leadership can be rather dependent on the leaders ability to influence. 333). A . Personal goals and subjective well-being: a longitudinal study. In fact, a Harvard Business Review summarized a study, which found that good leadership could boost a companys bottom line. The author identified common constructs that help identify an organizations ethical environment. Rather than try to follow a . Finally, we received questionnaires from 72 leaders and 350 followers. As our hypothesis 2 and hypothesis 3 indicated cross-level indirect effect, we used Montel Carlo method to test those hypotheses (Preacher et al., 2010). Ethical leadership and followers moral judgment: the role of followers perceived accountability and self-leadership. Similarly, power distance orientation may also affect the relationship between ethical leadership and followers moral emotions since followers with different level of power distance orientation may translate their leaders ethical behavior differently. Sample items include (my leader) sets an example of how to do things the right way in terms of ethics and (my leader) conducts his or her personal life in an ethical manner ( = 0.96). This generally means ethical leadership is both visible and invisible. This means that ethical leadership encourages and empowers others to take the lead. Examining the link between ethical leadership and employee misconduct: the mediating role of ethical climate. Third, a leader is focused solely on promoting the right thing to do, regardless of consequence, as seen in Kants Ethical Theory. Getting to the core of core self-evaluation: a review and recommendations. (2011). in Organizational Leadership, Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, and Doctor of Strategic Leadership. 277-283. Current scholarship gives prominence to four theories of leadership: transformational, authentic, servant, and adaptive. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The leadership theory strongly encourages the leader to place the vision and mission of the organization at the core of decision-making. This landscape influences the leaders decision-making within the organization. Rules and regulations shouldnt be seen as an obstacle you could bend if the situation requires it. How To Improve Ethical Leadership Skills (With Examples) The idea of ethical behavior can be different depending on when, from whom and how you ask the question and therefore, the theory requires an understanding of the definition and context of ethics. Thompson, K., Thach, E., & Morelli, M. (2010). While it has a number of tangible advantages, the leadership theory is not always the best approach to solving organizational problems. The Major Leadership Theories - Verywell Mind On ethical leadership impact: the role of follower mindfulness and moral emotions. The author concludes that these methods are not conducive to formal reasoning, but neither are they irrational. Meanwhile, the interaction between ethical leadership and leader core self-evaluation was positively related to other-praising moral emotions ( = 0.18, SE = 0.07, p < 0.05; Model 1c), supporting hypothesis 4. As in the moral domain, emotions consciously and unconsciously affect employees ethical behavior and ethical decision making (Greene and Haidt, 2002; Arsenio and Lemerise, 2004; Salvador and Folger, 2009; Harvey et al., 2016). The characteristics of treating people with fairness and honesty might seem rather obvious, but its, nonetheless, an important trait a leader would want to focus on. Used by Microsoft as a unique identifier. You must outline the rules and the ethical framework and hold on to these standards when you deal with people. The school also has earned a top-five ranking by U.S. News & World Report for its online MBA and online graduate business (non-MBA) programs. The focus is to achieve the ends, not to gain personal accomplishments or to prove you are better than others. After a couple of hours, he told the counselor that his mothers boyfriend hit him several times the night before. 55 Ethical Leadership Guide Definition, Qualities, Pros & Cons, Examples, E-mail is already registered on the site. Ethical leadership focuses on relationships that rely on respect and trust, even when there isnt always agreement. Implementing ethical leadership: Current challenges and solutions. Social learning theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986) is based on the idea that individuals . According to Gini and Green (2013) there are ten virtues that business leaders should possess: deep honesty; moral courage; moral vision; compassion and care; fairness; intellectual excellence; good timing; creative thinking; aesthetic sensitivity and; deep selflessness. As mentioned above, ethical leadership framework embraces collaboration and this doesnt just imply co-operation within the organization. A rigorous qualitative study completed by Plinio, Young, and Lavery (2010) found that one of the most serious problem facing organizations today is impoverished ethical behavior and nonexistent ethical leadership. Section 8. Ethical Leadership - Community Tool Box When I contacted the mother, she begged me not to call the police or the citys child protective services department because, without the boyfriend, she and her son would be homeless. Therefore, we propose that: Combining the above argumentsbecause ethical leadership acts as a critical antecedent of followers other-praising moral emotions (Hypothesis 1)and because followers other-praising moral emotions could motivate them to do moral actions, we anticipate that other-praising moral emotions play a critical role in translating positive external influences (i.e., ethical leadership) to followers actual moral actions. The reason for Volkswagen making such an unethical decision was because they wanted to remain a global competitor and therefore opted to do what was right for the business remaining cost competitive and ensuring their cars would sell due to fuel efficiency and driving performance (Voelcker, 2015). The cookie is set by Facebook to show relevant advertisements to the users and measure and improve the advertisements. Ethical Theories Of Ethical Leadership - 424 Words | Studymode Hypothesis 4: Leader core self-evaluation moderates the relationship between ethical leadership and other-praising moral emotions, such that the relationship between ethical leadership and other-praising moral emotions will be strengthened when leader has high core self-evaluation. This requires honesty in saying what needs to be said. But which ethical theory is most dominant from the rest in the world of business? Geisel, G. M. (2015). Integrating this notion of shared responsibility into the concept of leadership has important implications. Ethics should be the foundation for any discussion about leadership and it should serve as its centerpiece. Meanwhile, following our finding that ethical leadership elicits followers moral actions, leaders should themselves be more willing to behave ethically. Values and vision identify the group. These four values are to act with integrity, to be fair, to have fun, and to be socially responsible (p. 15). Followers of an ethical leader will see divine immanence in such a lifeunfolding of Gods agency in liberating pardon, sovereign judgment, creaturely blessing, and faithful love over against the damage brought by sin, suffering, death, and hopelessness (p. 60). Considerate behavior is important for an ethical leader in two separate senses. Since ethics deals with the principles of right behavior and leadership with influencing other people to achieve goals, ethical leadership is influencing people through ethics. Specifically, our results showed that followers are more likely to generate other-praising moral emotions toward their ethical leaders and then conduct more moral actions, such as reporting more unethical issues. This lack of trust can be attributed to what Frank (2002) calls the shadow side of leadership. The accountability factor plays a crucial role in this aspect, as you need to be willing to put yourself on the line if its in the interest of the organization and the common good. Theoretical and practical implementations of these observations were discussed. Consequently, the authors note that trust in leadership is waning and the situation is worsened by a weak economy. Some perspectives of managerial ethical leadership. It comes as a surprise to many of my students when I tell them that most employees are loath to confront the inappropriate conduct or behavior of their supervisors or senior leaders. With proper communication comes less rumors, suspicion and ultimately resentment, as people can be more aware of what is happening around them. Login form Role differentiation in groups: the relationship between instrumental and expressive leadership. Ethical leadership can also provide an additional collaborative benefit to an organization. One of the many advantages that come from studying leadership as a formal discipline is that it offers structure to a subject that many people erroneously believe comes naturally to them. People who made headlines by blowing the whistle on their respective organizations, like Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers), Karen Silkwood (Kerr-McGee Nuclear Power Plant), or Sherron Watkins (Enron), are the exception rather than the rule. Summary. Second, several scholars (Brown and Trevio, 2006; Chen and Hou, 2016; Zhang and Tu, 2016) have stressed the need to explore the boundary conditions of ethical leadership effectiveness. Fryer,M.(2015). What is Ethical Leadership? - Definition & Examples Reporting unethical issues was measured with the two items from Mayer et al. All work is written to order. What Is Authentic Leadership? - Western Governors University At this point, the leader does not make . Altruistic motivation within ethical leadership is the leader acting out of selfless motives. 364 Leadership Theory and pracTice you focus on fulfilling your responsibilities and doing what you think is the right thing to do. Our research contributes to literature in multiple ways. Ethical Reasoning. Ethics of consequence focussing on whether or not a decision is right by the consequences of that decision, or in other words, the end justifies the means (Anon, 2018). When the students in the Master of Science in Leadership program discuss a situation like the one above, their natural inclination is to become upset and argue their position from an emotional perspective. The organization started in 1999 and turned the retailer market upside down. This theory refers to understanding ethics, behaving ethically and promoting moral behavior and good values among their followers ( Ethical leadership includes the characteristics of a moral . What Is Ethical Leadership? And How to Be an Ethical Leader In order to create the I-Thou dialogue and relationship, the leader must treat subordinates with trust and respect. Five paradigms identified are altruistic, egoistic, autonomous, legalist, and communitarian. We can debate the best and most effective leadership styles ad nauseum, but one aspect of leadership that should never be up for negotiation is that every leader must behave ethically. The heart never takes the place of the head: but if can, and should obey (p. 19). Moral emotions refer to the emotions that are linked to the interests or welfare of society or at least of persons other than the judge or agent (Haidt, 2003: 854), which typically include self-conscious emotions such as shame and guilt, other-condemning emotions such as anger and disgust, and other-praising emotions such as elevation and gratitude (Brown and Mitchell, 2010). Finally, utilitarianism and deontologism will be examined to determine which of these two theories is the most dominant in the business world. One model, for instance, might align with a leadership style that works best for . Ethical leadership is exhibiting morals and values in a management position. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 47(4), 726-726. Well study the basic principles of ethical leadership and the characteristics ethical leaders showcase. In: Frederick, R. E. Within this section, each of these five ethical theories will be explored and examples provided of when each are applied in business. If ethical leaders can influence results, then they can equally influence workplace culture. One must be trained to feel pleasure, liking, disgust and hatred at those things which really are pleasant, likeable, disgusting and hateful (p. 19). Manz and Sims (1993), during their qualitative research, noted four shared strategic values of a successful ethical leadership within an organization. You should always follow your inner voice when judging your own actions. Furthermore, previous researchers have pointed to the positive relationship between other-praising moral emotions (e.g., elevation, gratitude, and admiration) and prosocial or ethical behaviors, such as helping others (Haidt, 2003; Algoe and Haidt, 2009). Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership? - Emerald Ethical Leadership Theories; Ethical Leadership Theories. 40 min later, we collected the questionnaire back. Much of the current literature reviews ethical dilemmas and problems, but is cautious on offering solutions. E-mail is already registered on the site. In order to express ethical leadership, Bill Grace, one of the founders of the Center for Ethical Leadership, developed the 4-V model. (2003) indicated that individuals translating of information cues could trigger individuals emotional reacts. An ethics approval was not required as per our institutions guidelines and national regulations. Available: Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with morality and how it shapes behavior. In the 2009 study, Walumbwa and Schaubroeck found employees under ethical leadership to be less likely to leave the job and overall, the employees were more happy and helpful. However, the author notes that business is just as much about. The costs werent added to the price, but were absorbed by the organization. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants in our study. Second, ethical leaders not only pay attention to ethics themselves, but they also take specific actions to make ethics salient in the social environment, say, by communicating with followers about ethics, allowing followers to speak up their ideas or opinions (Bass and Steidlmeier, 1999), setting ethical standards and rewarding ethical conduct (Trevio et al., 2003). Ethical leadership brings credibility and respect, both for you and the . Moreover, when the ethical leader has high core self-evaluation, the positive effects of ethical leadership on follower moral emotions and moral actions is strengthened. Jesus often adopted this way of teaching by sharing parables to instruct His followers in morality and ethics. The effect of ethical leadership behavior on ethical climate, turnover intention, and affective commitment. Green, M.T., & Odom, L. (2003). The literature review was conducted by utilizing databases such as, the Library of Congress database, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost Discovery, and OmniFile Full-Text Mega. Steinbauer R., Renn R. W., Taylor R. R., Njoroge P. K. (2014). Also, major organizational failures, such as Enron, have ignited an interest within the field. The different ethical frameworks can cause tension within an organization and therefore, certain people might not find the environment pleasant or welcoming. Those who operate under this leadership paradigm share an appreciation for ethics and the three (3) Cs - circumstances, challenges, and conflict. Focus on leadership: Servant-leadership for the 21st century (3rd ed.) For instance, in companies such as Enron, a stronger ethical framework would have alerted the leadership about the wrongdoing (assuming they didnt know about it). Furthermore, since ethical leaders lead by example, the helpful behavior is likely to spread across the organization. Other-praising moral emotions fit well with this broaden and build model. FZ wrote the paper. This cookie is associated with Quantserve to track anonymously how a user interact with the website. (2003). Our research contributes to ethical leadership and moral emotions literature in the following ways. (PDF) Ethical Leadership - ResearchGate Lindebaum D., Geddes D., Gabriel Y. I believe that we as the leader of the Free World must provide important leadership on the ethical parameters, the ethical constraints that this research requires. Here's how to become an ethical leader. Studies on ethical leadership has shown one of the most crucial traits of an ethical leader is being conscientious. Similarly, Algoe and Haidt (2009) argue that employees who are high in other-praising moral emotions should motivate changes and behaviors that are beneficial in the long run. Nevertheless, various authors attempt to correctly identify ethical leadership. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management, 1, 159-170. Ethical leadership, corporate social responsibility, firm reputation Used by sites written in JSP. B., Wernsing T. S., Palanski M. E. (2012). When leadership goes unnoticed: the moderating role of follower self-esteem on the relationship between ethical leadership and follower behavior. In addition, ethical leadership should remain a shared process. Similarly, the indirect effect between ethical leadership and reporting unethical issues via other-praising moral emotions was 0.02, with 95% confidence interval between 0.024 and 0.011 (not including 0), supporting hypothesis 2b. First, ethical leaders get legitimized by modeling normatively appropriate behaviors such as honesty, fairness and care. In addition, people who pay less tax or in the case of unemployment, no tax at all, collect monetary benefits from the government that comes from the money that taxpayers who work provide. Toward an understanding of employment discrimination claiming: an integration of organizational justice and social information processing theories. In the modern context, ethical leadership theories often emphasize either one of the above approaches or a mixture of the three. in Accounting (Tax or Financial Reporting & Assurance), M.S. During the Enron scandal, the Chairman and CEO, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, argued against their accountability in the context of not knowing about the illegal accounting practices. This information is used to compile report and improve site. The key thing to remember is that the saying, everyone is equal, does not mean that each subordinate is the same. The demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships. We emphasize the mediating role of other-praising moral emotions for two reasons. Kelly A. Monahan is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Organizational Leadership program at the Regent University School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. Developing and testing a measure for the ethical culture of organizations: The corporate ethical virtues model. Ethical leadership theories have been divided into two main domains, namely conduct and character. By introducing the affective perspective, it has offered an emotional explanation about why ethical leadership matters. The authors also noted an alarming increase in misconduct by employees at all levels. Keeping the values and vision is the most essential dimension of . The author states that virtues are amplified when the leader exhibits imagination, compassion, empathy, and discernment (p. 726). Haidt (2003) pointed out that other-praising moral emotions (e.g., elevation and awe) create a more generalized desire to become a better person oneself (p. 861). It doesnt mean that the ethical leader wouldnt be in charge of the final decision, but only implies the authority is structured in a way other people can share it with the leader. Whereas in the more authoritarian models decision-making is in the hands of the leader, in ethical leadership there must be collaboration in the process. But on top of this type of communicative and collaborative inclusiveness, ethical leaders also work with people from all sorts of backgrounds. The responsibility of ethical leadership must be treated with respect and in a serious manner. First, core self-evaluation provides an integrative framework addressing the effects of employee dispositions on their job attitudes (Bono and Judge, 2003). Schultz wanted to ensure all employees receive access to healthcare, even if they work part-time for the organization. One of these constructs is not favored over another, but rather the authors identify various examples and environments for each. As a leader, you shouldnt high higher standards in a specific field, such as labor standards, if you are willing to overlook certain other regulations, such as environmental standards. (2006). Lets now turn our attention to the core elements of ethical leadership. Welcome to Regent University! Demonstrating ethical leadership by measuring ethics. Results (see Table Table22) showed that the four-factor model had the best fi to the data (2 = 1487.84, df = 485, 2/ df = 3.07, CFI = 0.90, TLI = 0.89, RMSEA = 0.08), indicating that the constructs used in our model had good discriminant validity. Practical wisdom and the integrity of Christian life. Therefore, the leadership theory has a powerful impact across the whole society. Assess unconscious biases Public Integrity, 7(4), 299-311. One of the most common ways to define whats right comes from asking a set of questions before committing to a specific behavior. 1. On the other hand, high core self-evaluation leaders have high self-regulatory capacities to control their own actions to cope with external constraints (Johnson et al., 2008), which encourages followers to develop more positive feelings toward their leader. The willingness to consider ethics and to behave in a moral manner is something that stems from the inside and it can be hard to instill in a person. Previous research has indicated that several cultural factors, such as power distance, impact the interactions between leaders and followers (Kirkman et al., 2009). Returning to roots: on social information processing and moral development. Businesses have been given greater corporate social responsibility by governments in terms of protecting the environment and supporting their local communities in addition to managing their own organisations, therefore customers now demand that businesses adopt . The most important thing in any large organization is alignment [around values and vision].. Therefore, Marcy, Gentry, and McKinnon (2008) recommend that a leader develop a specific strategy as it relates to ethically influencing followers and gaining trust. Ethical leadership is the art of leading people and making good decisions based on a defined set of values, such as fairness, accountability, trust, honesty, equality, and respect. The authors propose surveying employees, which can provide great insight into the overall ethical pulse of the organization. Moral emotions and ethics in organisations: introduction to the special issue. The author states that the ethical leader is one who reconciles humanity back to God and restores followers from the bondage of sin. Ethical leadership and employee misconduct: the role of followers perceived accountability and self-leadership influence., and affective commitment when leadership goes unnoticed: the mediating role of follower self-esteem on the core. Mayer et al great insight into the overall ethical pulse of the organization started 1999! Eastern cultural realities mothers boyfriend hit him several times the night before find the pleasant. By investigating how leader characteristics influence the impact of ethical leadership and behavior. This lack of trust can be attributed to what Frank ( 2002 ) calls shadow! 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ethical leadership theory