Nov 04

precast slabs for sale near me

What are the regulations? Ultimately what you can and cannot do is up to them. If you had a written agreement with the previous owner and the plans were approved by council, there may be a legal loophole but you will need to consult with a lawyer. We requested to move the fence back to the boundary line but that would mean the demolition of his kitchen which we indicated is a drastic measure that we would not like to do. I told him that I will do nothing until I get a decision from the housing inspectorate. Contact the local municipality in your area, we have a list here: municipality-contact, Hi Jan, This is not covered by the SANS 10400 National building regulations that we deal with here. Regulation 11 of the Electrical Machinery Regulations promulgated in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, No 85 of 2003 must be fully complied with. They building double story but have now thrown foundation on top of garage and have built a balcony on top of garage without plans for this. his fence is at max hight from his garden but my land is about 1m above his. I know that you dont have to draw up plans when building a wall of 1,8 m or less but you still have to inform council that you are building the wall. ft. home is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath property. What is a dench? , what legal requirements as an installer do I have to comply with? The two most important issues here are the position of boundary walls and fences, and ownership. We also got caught by our telephone and ADSL service not being moved when this was promised so we are way behind on our responses to everyone. I suggest you contact your local authority and ask them what their general policy is in your area. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Neville this is considered to be minor building work, however sometime municipalities do demand plans. Browse condos for sale in Boca Raton, FL.A condominium often shortened to 'condo' in the US, is a privately owned living space unit within a building of other units. It is very unsightly. complained to me that the previous owner had back filled soil against his watcrete fence and it is bowing. For the purposes of managing and assessing proposals in terms of the Citys policy, an electric fence means an electrified barrier erected on top of a boundary wall or attached to a boundary wall or fence. Precast At times they stop all activities for 3-4 months before they resume building. Of course the ideal would be for you to come to an agreement with your neighbour that you go 50:50 on the cost of a wall or fence. owner of property which has been developed, is responsible for compliance, and for ensuring compliance, with any provision of these By-laws which is applicable in respect of that property after conclusion of that development. he has a brick wall and i have vibracrete. Precast moulds, paving slabs, heel kerbs. Actually the outside of the wall belongs to both of you. You must put it in writing to him that he is not allowed to encroach onto your property and he must rectify this immediately. I have no doubt that they are 110% in the wrong. Then when you know this there can be no arguments. Often illegal work is picked up when a buyer applies for a bond. mentioned above is confusing. My neibour build the house in to my yard iwas waiting for the inspector longtime they dont help me. If you cannot find any pegs then you might have to call in a surveyor to reset the pegs for you so that you are sure. If the wall is according to them on my side are they allowed to put spikes on the wall. Am I right that your neighbour has built a wall without plans that encroaches on municipal land, making the pavement very narrow. was a row of concrete sewer collars into which was planted wild banana/wild strelizia trees and a wooden can we take down the vibracrete even if they have objections? In 2005 I saw that my boundary wall had rotated and was leaning in towards my property. size of brick or block, and whether there were piers included in the design. January 2009. I have already reported the matter by e-mail to the police and will follow up in the morning. I Just bought a Townhouse situated in Goedemoed, Durbanville, in a small estate. The roof is now hanging over the boundary wall interfering with my electrical fence, and is obviously a security concern on my part. Hi I have a problem with my back door noighbours the have pre casting walls on the boundry so in the one end of the wall at the bottom they have holes where all their dip water runs through mixed with dog poo and dog hair we had the health inspectors come out but they say the holes must be there and theres nothing they can do about the mess running to my property Help is seriously needed please!! 3. Double story. There are 10 other properties in the area that have walls above the 1.2 meter max limit. alterations. The neighbor did, whilst i was renovating, update me to the fact that the previous owner and him had had a fallout over the erection of a boundary wall and sharing costs incurred. We recently moved into a house and the vibracete wall at the back of the house has a section which is higher than 2.1m . A normal (standard) container measures approx. Hi, The NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS AND BUILDING STANDARDS ACT NO. The last trial date was 19th August 2013. Perhaps you should check exactly where your boundary is. Sharm I think you are going to have to consult a lawyer on this one. And this includes the foundationswhich of course will be wider and longer than the wall itself. Boundary walls fall under the local authority by-laws and not the national regulations. I really expected better service than this from you. Our neigbour subdivided his plot and excavated a pan-handle alongside our property. Hi Cynthia, You need to call the inspector again and make a time for them to meet you at your house so that you can show them the problem. To me this looks very unsafe as the metal rods where the join is, is exposed. So your neighbour needs to take steps to ensure that it doesnt flow onto your property (within reason of course). Even prior to the NBR, plans needed to be approved by the local authority. Cheyne for you to be forced to allow them to use your garden as a walking route, there would need to be a registered (and therefore legal) servitude. Good neighbour erected an electric fence years ago and this fence is between our fenced boundary.the fence is about 1.2 metres from the ground.he also keeps it on 24/7.we experienced a terrible situation when a three year old who was visiting us was struck by electricity during broad wife decided to be civil by visiting this neighbour so as to in form them but unfortunately the wife was very rude to my wife and told her the child show learn to read since its written danger.please help,our house is in a very safe secured estate and I think the neighbours are just trying to be recial on us considering the fence is only on our side and not on the other side were he has a boundary with a white family.please advice,we are a black family in pretoria. Long story short, i came to the conclusion that my boundary wall has been placed a meter closer then it should have been. Is it a common wall or does it belong to you? Not all of them will be in favour. The municipalty are now going to advertise and ask for objections. Neville dont ever rely on emailing the cops. VIEW. Complaints had also been received about the use of unsightly materials and the adverse impact that this has on the character and visual amenity of certain areas. It does though stress the importance of taking expected/possible flooding into account at the design and building phase specifically 50-year and 100-year flooding. Regulations with regards to distance from neighbouring borders. If it was yours and they did not maintain their side causing your wall to collapse, your neighbour should be liable not only to replace the wall but to also foot the bill for any damage that may have been caused. Good luck Gerrie. If again, yes, then you have a case. I have a twofold question: 1. If at a later stage a fault should occur your insurance might not cover you. I would start by writing them a letter stating the above, plus that you reserve the right to take legal action against them if they ignore your request. If you want to see exactly what Part A says (its a 91-page document), then go to an SABS library and ask to see this section. We are sorry to hear that you have such an unpleasant dispute with your neighbour. for sale Any structure closer to the boundary than the normal building line allows will also need the neighbours permission. Grant no it really doesnt work like that! Ask your engineer what he thinks, and go to an attorney at very least send a letter stating you are going to institute a substantial civil claim. You can call your local building inspector and report the illegal structure. If it was resurveyed this should not be an issue in fact it should have been done as a matter of course. The wall was certified by a civil engineer who still assists today.All went well. Cheyne, First of all the local authorities have rights to waive plans (Part A of SANS 10400 details these). But the wall does NOT belong to your neighbour. Many properties have gardens planted on the pavement outside their boundary walls or fences. My neighbour took down our precast without our permission, and intends to build a wall in its place. Interestingly, one enquirer asked whether the thermoplastic Rumble Strips, used at the edge of major carriageways and motorways to alert vehicles they are straying onto the hard shoulder, could be considered to be Tactile Paving. He is already complaining about what is a very attractive fence, we are wondering what his reaction will be to the electric bit. If you are concerned about the structure, ask the municipality to send a building inspector to look at it. I sold a piece of my property sometime ago. And since they have been told by Jburg Water to fix the problem, contact them and let them know that they have not complied. From the interior of the property, the boundary wall may just comply with the 2.1 meter regulation, but from the exterior of the adjacent stand, the wall is a lot higher than 2.1 meters. There is still a lot of work to do with this new site, so please bear with me while I get images updated and the new content coralled into the right place. We were pretty naive to trust him and not double check, but my question is now how do I go about getting plans, and then getting them approved at the council, since these walls have already been raised? How far from the wall is he allowed to put up this store room. Tlhogi, In any instance like this, it is always best to talk through the agreement beforehand so that both parties know what is expected of them. Having read the building regulations it says that 40% must be visually permeable, would this then mean that we would not be able to increase the existing wall? What now? Hi, My property is on a slope so therefore I take the rain from the left side property and the right hand side takes water from my property. I live in Bryanston JHB and wish to erect an 8ft boundary wall. of the property? What seems strange to me is, how any building legislation is enforceable? One more question if you dont mind. directly into my dwelling and pool area.Is there any law that gives me at his cost. they grant a bond. The position of boundary pegs should be on your site plan. The plants are higher than 4m in parts and are starting to block our views. Dont go running to an attorney unnecessarily. See Part K of SANS 10400 under the subheading freestanding walls. They were initially introduced in 1977 and have been updated from time to time, most recently in 2008, although Part K (the deemed-to-satisfy regs) was only updated in 2011. My problem is, the current wall is very crooked, and on the one side, it stands to the front of my neighbours fence, and on the other side it is backwards. So get a lawyer involved sooner rather than later. This fence was put up whilst we were abroad and did not contribute to the cost of it. Romeo if it is a freestanding wall and no higher than 1,8 m then no you dont need plans because it is regarded to be minor building work (see link). From what you say it is illegal. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. If I make these alterations will I have to comply with the 40% law and must I get council approval to make these alterations ? My intention is to remove the precast walls and put in proper brick walls. Item # 5208481. When the title deed says no structures it means other than the boundary wall, irrespective of the type of wall built (or fence for that matter). There are specified building lines for every property that specify just how close to the boundary you may build click this link to read more about boundary lines. Kindest Regards. Hi Penny I spoke to the neighbours, since last year December 2013, and made numerous calls to them, last I was told their insurance has approved their claim but they dont have the time to take off from work to get it repaired. The term base material was used by the ABSA assessor to reject my claim for damages to my retaining wall. I dont want to have issues with my neighbours but I also need to be able to sleep at night which Im not at the moment. Marshalls has been the leading concrete paving manufacturer in the UK since the company's inception in the late 19th century. As you are probably aware, maintenance and repair of the common property is organised by the trustees appointed by the body corporate. Tinnitus is the most claimed disability in the VA system. Never use half-brick walls to retain soil. These included NHBRC fees etc. It is plain vibracrete. When they were first introduced, back in the 1980s, the only readily available form was the 450x450mm pre-cast concrete flag, but they are now available as clays pavers and natural stone, as well as in bespoke formats, such as the units with steel or brass 'blisters'. I have a question and not sure who are the people I should ask about it. Did it include the wall? Im trying to get a car port going in my yard but my neighbors are rejecting the idea of us building to the lateral boundary wall, anyway I can bypass this, I AM PARALEL POSITIONED TO MY NEIGHBOURS HOUSE. Would the council reject such a proposal? There may be something in there that might help you. My guess is that if the bylaws do state that stormwater is allowed to drain across neighboring properties that this would not require approval of this by council, to ensure that it was done correctly and did not simply drain the way it seems to be doing. I built a boundary wall of up to 1.5m high around the yard. Should the wall collapse it pose a serious risk should the wall colapse as it endangers my property, Question: (The neigbour said he has no money to re build the wall ) Who is responsible to rebuild the wall and possible future damages, i recently purchased a house as a rental income. Thank you, Penny, and would certainly follow your adviceand hopefully, get a decent response from these neighboursfor all the many years that we have lived here, this is the very first time that we have such dramawould keep you posted. Freestanding walls and fences that do not exceed 1.8 m are considered to be minor building work. There are two types of Blister paving: the most common type features 6mm high 'blisters' in a square pattern and these are used to indicate pedestrian crossings with dropped kerbs. You can also ask for proof that the wall is on his side of the boundary. Wendell, although there are height restrictions for building, generally double-storey structures are allowed. My question is- where do I go and who do I speak to, to find out what I should do. I2c hid device code 10 touch screen Packing things up against a vibracrete wall could destabilize it and potentially damage it. Precast You should do this because if you maybe want to sell at a later stage they will find out about the illegal alterations and fine you then. If you are looking for VIP Independnet Escorts in Aerocity and Call Girls at best price then call us.. About 4 years ago the neighbour approached us about sharing costs to erect a precast fence which we agreed to do. any form of retaining wall at all citing that the area of their property was at natural ground level and there was no need for retention. Disability Unit - Circular 1/91 on the use of dropped kerbs and tactile surfaces. Thank you for graciously giving your advice. Please help, We live in centurion in security estate and with full title deed. The thickness of a one brick wall is the length of a standard brick or two bricks side by side (200 mm). If you have a look at the link I have given you scroll down to Control of Unreasonable Levels of Dust and Noise you will see that anyone who is involved in demolition, excavation and building work has to take care not to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the amenity of the neighborhood. Compare pro reviews, licenses, and quotes so If the wall is going to be 1,8 m high or less, then it is regarded as minor building work and you dont need plans, but you do have to notify your local authority that you plan to build. We are now considering putting in french drains under our lawn, but where are we allowed to go with the water drained? Tell them to demolish it or at worst, offer to have it demolished. the work that does not require plans. Your starting point should be the planning department of your local authority the City of Johannesburg. 10x10 shed man jumps out window in the bronx yorkie chihuahua mix puppies for sale near me. Die builder said that we need windows there for cross ventilation. what can I do. the depth should never be less than 220 mm and at least 620 mm wide. If they are not cooperative you will have to go to a lawyer. Also, the fence further further towards the back of the property is starting to tilt because of trees on their side. At most you would be obliged to re-erect the fence on the boundary. I have recently learned that they secretly sold the house. Also your excavations must not threaten the stability of any part of any building on his land (according to the Readers Digest Family Guide to the Law in SA). My neighbour wants to build a double storey structure that will reaches our boundary wall. If she cant provide this you can cancel the agreement to purchase. 1986. basically my property on plan is 20 meters by 15 meters 300 sqm. No retaining wall was built by the new owners of this property to retain the approximate 1.3m to 1.5m of Berea Red soil which forms the platform required to elevate the floor of their structure level with the existing level of their propertyon the north side of their property.. The local authority should be able to advise in terms of the building lines. Hi Penny, same problem as everyone else crappy neighbours! Perhaps it means the compacted ground beneath the foundation? Penny The other factor is that you had plans passed by the council, and they would normally cross refer to a site plan that is based on the original surveyors drawing. So no I dont think what he has done is legal. I used to feel very safe as my tiny courtyard was surrounded by other properties and nobody had direct access to my house. up to 5 sq m1,0 meters This is rather like boundary walls and fences where the focus is on the roadside fences/walls. 1. , I do not have a signed agreement as I just trusted his word. Serge Gaboreau. However, when natural stone units are used, this colour-coding is disregarded. $59.00 $28.00 - On Sale -. But I would get some backup from the bank if you can. My Question: I would like to extend the single garage to the back for about 6 meters. southern section by the said retaining wall. Hi, i would just like to find out about my wall facing my neighbours. Shouldnt there a space between our wall and his structure?? 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precast slabs for sale near me