Nov 04

warhammer 40k emperor theories

In the aftermath of these events, the Emperor conceived a new plan. Secon. Certainly the Heresy has seen a lot of concentrated emotion and death, but we cant know if it was enough on its own to birth a god. It is said that the tears are shed when a Space Marine dies in battle. Slaanesh was born around the year 30,000. Although once a living man, His shattered, decaying body can no longer support life, and it is kept intact only by the cybernetic mechanisms of the Golden Throne and a potent mind itself sustained by the daily sacrifice of thousands of lives. Horus betrayed the Emperor, and along with fully half the Space Marine Legions and Imperial Army regiments, initiated a massive civil war for control of the galaxy. They prefer instead to venerate Him as the pinnacle of what a Human being is capable of achieving and an example to be followed. It also seems a bit of a stretch for how well it works. (Warhammer 40k) Now before you label me a Heretic and call the extreminatus onto my head, please read my theory (after that you can indeed label me a heretic ) By my understanding the warp works like a over the top copy of our own universe formed by the feelings and beliefs of the creatures of the real world. One account of the Emperor's origin goes so far as to say that He had mortal brothers and sisters and claims that He was born in the 8th Millennium B.C. Because the Webway had been constructed from a psychically-resistant material intended to protect it from penetration by the entities of the Warp, and Humanity did not possess the technology required to replicate it, the Emperor had to personally shield the new Human-built sections of the Webway from Warp incursions. This seduction had been set in place over long decades by the Primarch Lorgar and his Word Bearers Legion. Abe remains in mourning over the loss of WFB to this day. Admittedly the theory does not have a solid answer to how this is being done but does have a few ideas. Well lets think back to the Imperium Secundus. The Emperor of Mankind was now truly more than a secular ruler -- He was the God-Emperor, the one, true god of all Humanity. Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett Diverting some of his attention from the strenuous task of maintaining the psychic defences of Terra from the breach in the Webway, the Emperor telepathically imbued the secrets of creating Astartes into his son's mind. Writers, after all, are only human (currently at least, if any non-humans writers read this in the distant future I apologize). The Emperor ideal cannot please greeks and trojans, some people will always see him as the Saviour of Mankind some will see him as a Tyrant. Maybe all this is just in the Emperors mind. But even before the birth of the Emperor, as Humanity grew and progressed, the Warp began to become increasingly disturbed by the dark undercurrents of Humanity's collective psyche, and the shamans began to lose their former ability to reincarnate into new bodies. [2] All rights reserved. The majority of them tract their history back to sometimes in the BCEs, with a couple sometime in the 20th century. M41, Inquisitor Fortez reported that he and his colleagues Alexio and Credo had discovered a cult known as the Cult of the Star Child, led by self-proclaimed Sensei claiming to be the Emperor's sons. Its not clear that the same thing would happen with a god born from humans. Horus was foremost amongst the Primarchs and was the first re-discovered by the Emperor on the dying world of Cthonia that lay so close to Terra that Warp-Drive was not needed to reach the planet. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela The Emperor's judgement at the Council of Nikaea proved severe, largely as a result of His anger at Magnus. Sitting Down With Designer of Grim Dark Dungeon Master! Warhammer 40K Theory: Leman Russ Is Coming Back - Sitting Down With Designer of Grim Dark Dungeon Master! Whatever He may have been before the Horus Heresy, the Emperor now truly is a god within the Warp, equal in power to any one of the four major Chaos Gods, and very likely as powerful as all four of them combined, as He has become perhaps the strongest spiritual force for order in the Milky Way Galaxy. || Leagues of Votann Unboxing & Mini Spotlight, Beware The Hekaton Land Fortress! A twisted version of the Emperor as a Chaos god, fighting the other gods is kind of rad. Certainly that is one of the many theories. Warhammer 40K Theory: The Emperor Killed Sanguinius They really, really, really want the Emperor dead. What If This Was a Lie One interesting theory out there posits that what we've been told is a lie. He had entrusted only Magnus with the true secrets of the Warp to which only they remained privy, but now it appeared that His son had disobeyed His edicts and at the very least dabbled in the occult and the forbidden black arts of psychic sorcery. Its paracausal. [Warhammer 40K] The Emperor is only "alive" today because the - reddit The Imperium would then become fractured and disintegrate into civil war. Most notable were the barbarians' purple eyes, which reflected the colour of the Eye of Terror itself in the spectrum of visible light. Only at the end of the Age of Strife did the Emperor emerge from obscurity to take a more direct hand in the future of Humanity, conquering the warring factions of Mankind's homeworld and establishing His direct rule over Old Earth. In the final stages of the Great Crusade, the Emperor's most trusted son Horus succumbed to the temptations of Chaos. With iron resolve, He gathered the full strength of His mind at last and delivered a massive psychic attack through the chink in Warmaster's Terminator Armour that killed Horus almost instantly and obliterated his very soul from the Warp so that the Chaos Gods could not resurrect their champion. The belief in the Star Child is currently considered by the Inquisition to be a vile heresy spread by Chaos Cultists of Tzeentch, though the truth of the matter might be otherwise. The Siege of Terra series is close to wrapping up. He can also communicatethrough direct dreams and visions to select non-psychic Human beings whose faith in Him is strong enough to forge the necessary link. Now we dont exactly know how a Chaos god is born. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela Only His mind remained active within the Warp as His dying body continued to decay at a glacially slow pace. The Illuminati, who as a group are those incredibly rare individuals who managed to actually survive and defeat a daemonic possession of their bodies through sheer willpower, seek out the Emperor's descendants and tell them of their true heritage. That begs the questions of why? The first to reach Horus was his brother the Great Angel. The Emperor lamented to His followers that His great work was ruined and maintained that now that the Webway Project had failed to become a reality, Humanity was doomed to the same fate as the Aeldari, ultimate extinction at the hands of the forces of Chaos. Horus mentions that the Emperor lived "in Anatolia, in his own childhood" when talking of his first meeting with the Emperor. Theyve likely played out far more than that during their time together. With the Unification of Terra achieved, the Emperor next set in motion His plan to defend and better Humanity across the galaxy, by unifying those lost bastions of Mankind scattered across the myriad stars under the aegis of the newborn Imperium. The soul of the Emperor adrift in the Warp is the being referred to by the Illuminati as the Star Child. A god that once was, but now never was, with only a few tattered echoes lingering here and there. it posits that there may even be some slippage between timelines and that certain versions of Primarchs may have swapped universes. This theory is certainly plausible, Malcadors background is hidden so we cant disprove it, so yet there another version I like even better. Terra looks like how the now Eye of Terror looked at the birth of Slaanesh. Today we find out.Gamesworkshop often provide more questions than answers so I always love diving i. During the Great Crusade all but two of the twenty primarchs were found and united with the Space Marine Legions that had been created after their disappearances from the genetic material that they had left behind. OK, the third version here is a bit crazy, but I love it. Though the Emperor's body continued to live within the Golden Throne and His potent mind continued to be a beacon for Humanity in the form of the Astronomican, His soul is a new, benevolent God of the Warp, the God of Humanity, waiting to be born. The most unlikely theory is about Russ' return is this one. The crusade would also subdue, destroy, or force into exile all intelligent alien races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Over the almost 50,000 years the Emperor walked hidden among Mankind, He formed many families and fathered many children. Well what if they arent the theory says, what if they are deliberate clues left by the authors and purposeful errors? The Prequel To Warhammer 40,000 - 40K Theories - YouTube According to some sources, the decaying Emperor is a cause of the Astronomican's slowly weakening intensity. What would fit his design and what would not. One is deals with Molech and the Emperor using the portal to the Warp there: What do we know about the Warp? So the realist in me doesnt really buy the theory at all. His strength rapidly failing, the Emperor had only enough time to give His final, brief instructions to Rogal Dorn before the Golden Throne's modified mechanisms were activated and He was placed within an unending stasis for more than 10,000 standard years. This was how their empire had died.. It could also pave over any inconsistencies, it is a different timeline after all. Their purpose having been achieved, the Emperor ordered all of the remaining Thunder Warriors to be liquidated. On one side of the question were the Witch Hunters like the Sisters of Silence who presented their case by reciting a litany of Human suffering inflicted upon the Emperor's own subjects by sorcerers enslaved by what would eventually later be recognised during the Horus Heresy as Chaos, of gibbering mutants who had lost their Humanity, and of cults and power-hungry men and women who turned their psychic gifts to dark purposes. This rebellion is known to history as the Horus Heresy. Wouldnt killing his own brother and a beloved Primarich do much more to show how far gone he was? Tears of the Emperor - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum [Warhammer 40K] The Emperor is only "alive" today because the Orks think so Orks are able to warp reality just by thinking on something (for example, red spaceships only go faster because orks think the red paint makes them faster). During the Battle of Gyros-Thravian, the Emperor slew the mighty Ork Warboss Gharkul Blackfang after it had held off three of his Primarchs. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. He made his displeasure known to Lorgar about the Word Bearers spreading the religion of Emperor-worship to every world they brought into the Imperium, in direct contravention of the atheist philosophy of the Imperial Truth. He is somewhere between life and death, interred into Golden Throne, which suspends him in his slumber. As of the current lore the emperor is a mass of human souls that committed suicide together and formed a new sentience. He forged an unknown bargain with the Chaos Gods and was imbued with new powers and the knowledge required to ultimately create the primarchs. Erased as if he never existed. The decision was made to hold orbit over Cadia and for the 1301st Fleet's elements to make planetfall on the unknown world, designated as 1301-12. While accounts vary as to exactly what happened, the end of the tale is always the same; the Primarchs were cast into the Warp in their gestation chambers from beneath the Himalazian (Himalaya) Mountains in the Emperor's gene-labs despite the multiple psychic wards the Emperor had laid down upon the laboratory, and thought lost. On rare occasions, the Emperor works through His chosen servants to make the lot of Humanity a little better. The theory starts out by going over some of the major inconsistencies we've seen in both the Horus Heresy Books and in particular the Siege of Terra books, and how some events don't line up to what we "knew" happened. The two champions engaged one another in a tragic battle of father and son, as Horus mortally wounded the Emperor, tearing off one of His arms and shattering His internal organs, largely because the Emperor still loved Horus and could not bring Himself to use the full extent of His psychic abilities to destroy His son. The Emperor eventually managed to make His way to the Battle Barge's bridge. Daemons, and Chaos gods are odd. Lastly, the theory leaves open the possibility that the Siege books will end in an unexpected way. However we do know that the Chaos gods have one really clear goal in mind. The man who would later become known as the Emperor of Mankind first appears in Imperial records as just one of the many warlords struggling for control of Terra during the later part of the Age of Strife in the 30th Millennium. Additionally, there was an increasing concern as the Great Crusade progressed about the use of psychic sorcery by agents and warriors of the Imperium. Individually or in small groups -- like the self-stylised "Dait'Tar" Thunder Warriors present during the Cerberus Insurrection of the early Great Crusade era -- some Thunder Warriors would survive, living mostly anonymous and miserable lives amongst the population of Terra, all honours of the past forsaken, always fearful of being discovered. His male descendants have inherited direct portions of the Emperor's genome and they are immortal like their father, though unlike Him they are sterile in every case. These psychic powers were also very akin to those used by the Thousand Sons Legion of the Primarch Magnus the Red. The Emperor ordered Magnus once more to cease the practice of sorcery and incantation, and the pursuit of all knowledge related to magic. Between the present day and around 30,000 history is mostly a series of question marks. The Emperor planned to use the Golden Throne to enter and reshape the labyrinthine dimension of the Aeldari Webway to serve as a direct and instantaneous transport network between all the worlds of the Imperium. [9] Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 Rise of the Emperor So maybe this is all being fought out as the Emperor travels through the warp. Unless some solution can be found or some miracle intervenes, the Emperor's mummified body will eventually die and His mind and spirit will gutter out like a candle in the wind amidst the madness of the Warp, leaving Mankind all alone in the darkness. In one a Custodian Guard interrupters the duel between the Emperor and Horus. For instance the return of the Great Angel is pretty out there. But the Emperor's decision to not tell His sons why He had retired to Terra as well as His decision to begin shifting the Imperium's government out of the direct control of the Primarchs on the War Council and to the Terran nobility and bureaucrats whom they detested sowed the seeds of discord among the Primarchs. The galaxy was to become the Imperial Domain, the manifest destiny of Humanity. He was known to associate with other Perpetuals like Himself in that era. Temba had become a servant of the Plague Lord Nurgle and the moon of Davin was a decaying swamp filled with undead horrors like Plague Zombies created from Temba's Imperial Army garrison who caused Horus and the Luna Wolves no small amount of grief. The Legio Custodes and the Sisters of Silence were forced to fight a desperate battle to prevent the Daemons from pouring through the portal generated by the Golden Throne and into the dungeon of the Imperial Palace itself. The Imperial Truth also held that Humanity was the species which should rightfully rule the galaxy since its physical form was both the most pure and all of the other intelligent alien races, such as the Aeldari, had already tried and failed to maintain galaxy-spanning civilisations. Horus' message to the Wolf King so enraged Leman Russ against his sorcerous brother that he ordered the Space Wolves to launch an all-out assault on the Thousand Sons Legion's homeworld of Prospero. This would further deprive Chaos of its power to corrupt and destroy and weaken the psychic emanations that powered and sustained the Chaos Gods through the protective psychic wards that shrouded every Webway corridor. YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLmh0U3VNTV9Rd2RN, YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLnU4QW1WNnUySzlZ, YouTube Video VVVQUWRYUHAySjhEbUQwemhRaU12RW5BLjNiU3NWSElmckVN, Malcador was really the one in charge before. The Emperor undertook a series of military campaigns against all the other techno-barbarian warlords on the planet that would collectively later become known as the Unification Wars. To enhance the Primarchs beyond the capabilities that even genetic-engineering allowed, however, the Emperor also drew upon the powers of the Warp he had learned at Molech to enhance His creations, imbuing them with nearly godlike levels of charisma and capability, but also unintentionally making them susceptible to corruption by the entities of the Warp. Things that will always happen. The Librarians proposed that all psykers be strictly educated by the Imperium with the express purpose of using their abilities to serve Mankind. There are very strong suggestions he is alive in some books. Chief amongst His designs, however, was the creation of new legions of transhuman, genetically-engineered warriors, the logical extension of the gene-troopers already under his command, though they would be far superior to the gene-enhanced troops of the Imperial Army He had used during the Unification Wars. They also know of the Fall of the Aeldari which gave birth to the Chaos God Slaanesh and seek to prevent Mankind's own fall to Chaos. Should the Emperor die, then the Astronomican will become useless, and Humanity will no longer be able to safely travel through the Warp using its current technology (although this may be disputed by the fact that Humanity travelled the stars before the Emperor sat upon the Golden Throne, during the Dark Age of Technology). However, Inquisitor Fortez rejected the notion that they are the Emperor's sons on the basis of their affiliation with abhumans and Eldar. To this end, Lorgar used his Legion's First Chaplain Erebus as his agent. Now while there are many reason the Chaos gods would want He-Of-Terra dead, making a new god also fits. Theres no way half their Legion appearing at the battle would have just been forgotten. The annihilation of Angron. One thousand psykers a day give their lives to maintain the Emperor's psychic strength. I posit that the Emperor, upon entering the gate on Molech, experienced an endless array of multiverses. A hidden group within the Imperium that call themselves the Illuminati know of the existence of the Emperor's scions, and are also aware that the Emperor is failing as his life slowly gutters out despite the creaking ministrations of the Golden Throne. We think we have a pretty clear idea of where it is all going, so here it is more about the joinery than the destination, but what if we get thrown a curveball at the end? Theory: The God Emperor of Mankind is a dark-age experiment - reddit He has been contributing to BOLS since almost the start, back when he worked at and then owned a local gaming store. As noted above, it is the Emperor's powerful mind, projected and amplified in the Immaterium by the arcane mechanisms of the Golden Throne, that guides and maintains the psychic beacon of the Astronomican. Him being alive has always been canon its just wether or not hes active thats been ambiguous. Welcome to 40K Theories, an unofficial Warhammer fan channel dedicated to the mysteries of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, fan fiction as well as lore videos for newcomers. Both views are accurate. This "truth" of Chaos' existence changed Lorgar and the Word Bearers forever as they were exposed to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos and slowly corrupted, the first of the Legiones Astartes to worship the Chaos Gods and become Traitors to the Emperor in their hearts. 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warhammer 40k emperor theories