Nov 04

biological anthropology exam 1 quizlet

Scientific method proper order a. 3. A chronometric dating method for organic material based on the rate of decay of radioactive carbon effective up to 40 Thousand Years. What sets Anthropology apart from other social sciences? A process in which a species population in possession of favorable variations will reproduce better surviving offspring with those variations. think that the ideas and belifes of a culture are fundamental to making it the way that it is. Term. Finally, most biological anthropologists do research in what is called "the field," outside of the conventional laboratory. the meeting of two or more systems of meaning in the body, expressed as anxiety, inappropriate behavior, or physical illness, the development of relationships with members of a society, comunity, or group characterized by mutual trust, process whereby the ethnographer moves from ethnocentricism and culture shock to an appreciation and understanding of the shared and negotiated system of meaning, called culture, what is seen, felt, heard, tasted, and smelled. Cultural anthropologists often conduct studies of peoples whose customs are quite different from our own and they attempt to explain the reasons for these complex patterns of social behavior. Two generations atomic household, stereotypical ideal 2. I. Educational/Personal Statement The study of Anthropology has proven to be flexible in the way in which cultures are studied. An Interesting Quiz On Cultural Anthropology! - ProProfs Quiz The physical shape and size of an organism or its body parts. almost anything we sense including how we use our eyes, how we dress, the car we own,the number of bathrooms in our house etc. some one who informs and regularly consults on the ethnographer's understanding of a particular community's culture. Anthropology The study of human biological and cultural variation across space and time. Archaeologists excavate or survey the remains of societies that existed many thousands of years ago or the remains of societies from recent times. Sample Decks: Chapter 1, Chapter 2- The People of Physical Anthropology, Chapter 3. Biological Anthropology Exam 1 Study Guide.pdf Forensic Anthropology Exam 1 Flashcards - Second, there is the opportunity to write and communicate the findings of your research to audiences of all kinds and all ages. A group of organisms possessing a set of shared and derived traits that constitutes a natural group. Remember though, each individual only receives 2 alleles, one from each parent. - Remains of plants & animals altered by the replacement of the organic material. Species produce more offspring than can be supported by food resources, a diagram used in the study of human genetics that shows the transmission of a genetic trait over generations of a family, single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, in which the genetic material is not separated from the rest of the cell by a nucleus, separation of genetic material in a membrane bound nucleus; also has specialized organelles: nucleus (primary organizer), ribosomes (protein synthesis), mitochondria (ATP production + have own genetic material), in eukaryotic cells, the part of the cell in which the genetic material is separated from the rest of the cell (cytoplasm) by a plasma membrane, in a eukaryotic cell, the region within the cell membrane that surrounds the nucleus; it contains organelles, which carry out the essential functions of the cell, such as energy production, metabolism, and protein synthesis, the cells of the body that are not sex cells; specialized for particular functions; contain 23 chromosome pairs (46 chromosomes), diploid number, the sex cells: sperm in males and eggs (or ova) in females; 23 chromosomes (one member of each pair), haploid number, undifferentiated cells found in the developing embryo that can be induced to differentiate into a wide variety of cell types or tissues. Biological Anthropology Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet A global event probably caused by a natural disaster in which 95% of land species became extinct. The locus for a gene is identified by the number of the chromosome on which it is found and its position on the chromosome, alternative versions of a gene. Biological anthropology The study of humans as biological organisms, considered in an evolutionary framework; sometimes called physical anthropology (origin of modern species/biological variation) Hominin A member of the primate family Hominidae, distinguished by bipedal posture and, in more recently evolved species, a large brain Adaptation to discover how even through the same activity people have different experiences and views, an approach that systematically engages consultants in the process of both practicing fieldwork and writing ethnography, 1.illustrate cultural divesity and the poewr of culture in people's lives, ethnography that focuses on recording the k nowledge of culutre as articulated through language, the ethnographic study of symbol forms and their negotiation with and between groups, emphasized experimentation in translating the complexitites of culture through ethnography. study social context of speech study and the actual performace, including both verbal and non-verbal communication, as these are influenced by gender social class, ethnicity, social setting and the like. served basic human needs, that were universal to the human condition, the systematic approach involving long-term participation, observing, taking field notes, and interviewing the natives of a particular society, community, or group. strand of RNA synthesized in the nucleus as a complement to a specific gene (transcription). ANTH 2020 - TEST #3 - 68 cards. We can use the techniques of archaeology to uncover the skeletal remains of our ancestors from the distant past. What is the frequency of the homozygous dominant individuals? Biological , Archaeology, Linguistic, and Cultural anthropology C. Sociological , Psychological, Language, and Cultural anthropology D. None of the above 2. A profession that is stimulating and satisfying can make an individual's life an extremely enriching experience. True or false. What was Lyell's most important theory about geological change? They function as structural molecules, transport molecules, antibodies, enzymes, and hormones. Thus, psychology is defined as the scientific study of mind and behavior. Must examine humans culturally & biologically: structure of population from one generation to next; change in frequency, of alleles from one generation to the next in a population, -field of inquiry that studies human culture &, -brings multiple perspectives to bear on study, E. g. social relationships, religion, ritual, technology, subsistence, economic, Focuses on biological & evolutionary dimensions, E. g. genetics, anatomy, skeletal, structure, adaptation to disease & other, environmental factors, growth, nutrition, & all evolutionary processes that, Seek to understand & explain what being a human is about, Basic concept in understanding unique components of human, evolution shared perspective of anthropology, -all aspects of human adaptation; set of learned behavior, transmitted from one generation to the next, -process by which individuals, generally as, children, learn the values & beliefs of the family, peer groups, &, can interbreed to produce fertile offspring; members of one species, are reproductively isolated from members of all other species, Biocultural interactions are changing patterns of disease, anthropos-human & logos-word/study of, framework of evolution & w/an emphasis on interaction b/t biology, & culture (also called biological anthropology), -body of methods designed to understand human, past through the examination & study of its material remains, including origins of language in general as well as specific. Includes physical, behavioral, and functional changes. What did malinowski believe the function of culture was? Copying errors in DNA replication that are rare and often damaging. Several things make the lives of professional biological anthropologists very exciting. answer choices physical anthropology cultural anthropology linguistic anthropology archaeology Question 2 30 seconds Q. Exam 1 study Guide - Exam 1 study Guide I. Vocab II. See quizlet Biological Anthropology Study of ancient plants & pollen from fossils to determine environment in historical sites. There are many opportunities for individuals who wish to become biological anthropologists. making entree, culture shock, establishing rapport, and understanding the culture. Mendel's Pea Plant Experiment; Conclusions: -Particulate Inheritance: each hereditary characteristic is controlled by particulate unit factors, which exist in pairs in individual organisms; one factor is inherited from each parent (allele), natural selection that drives evolutionary change by selecting for greater or lesser frequency of a given trait in a population, selection that maintains a certain phenotype by select against deviations from it, random changes in gene frequency in a population, a component of genetic drift theory, stating that new populations that become isolated from the parent population carry only the genetic variation of the founders, differential reproductive successes within one sex of any species, difference in size, shape, or color, between the sexes, a measure of variation from the mean of a population in the reproductive potential of one sex compared with the other, branch of biology that describes patterns of organismal variation, similarity of traits resulting from shared ancestry; not all homologies are equally informative for reconstructing evolutionary relationships, having similar traits due to similar use, not due to shared ancestry, similar form or function brought about by natural selection under similar environments rather than shared ancestry, branching diagram showing evolved relationships among members of a lineage, an interbreeding group of animals or plants that are reproductively isolated through anatomy, ecology, behavior, or geographic distribution from all other such groups, formation of one or more new species via reproductive isolation, defines species as interbreeding populations reproductively isolated from other such populations, any factor-behavioral, ecological, or anatomical-that prevents a male and female of two different species from hybridizing, evolution of a trait or a species into another over a period of time, evolution through the branching of a species or a lineage, speciation occurring via geographic isolation, speciation occurring when two populations have continuous distributions and some phenotypes in that distribution are more favorable than others (partial isolation), Darwinian view of slow, incremental evolutionary change, large-scale evolutionary change over a long time period or evolution of major phenotypic changes over relatively short time periods, model of evolution characterized by rapid bursts of change, followed by long periods of stasis, a premise that all aspects of an organism have been molded by natural selection to a form optimal for enhancing reproductive success, paradigm that an organism is the sum of many evolved parts and that organisms can best be understood through an adaptationist approach, the starting assumption for scientific inquiry that one's research results occur by random chance. question. While few high schools offer courses specifically in biological anthropology, many have courses in anthropology or cover anthropology in social studies classes. What affects the quality of ethnographic research and is the result of the actions of the informant? This includes decomposition, post-mortem transport, burial, compaction, and other chemical, biologic, or physical activity which affects the remains of the organism. 1. Linguistic Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Anthropology is the study of humankind. Study for Exam 2 psych 210 exam study online at abortion performed to safeguard health all the other reasons . anthro test 1 sg.pdf - Anthro 195 Test 1 - Course Hero Search: Psychology Quizlet Chapter 1 And 2.There are many careers in psychology Because most chapters don't have any major people in them, none were included and thus there isn't a section for this in the chapter CHAPTER 1 The Study of the History of Psychology 1 CHAPTER 2 Philosophical Influences on Psychology 21 CHAPTER 3 Physiological Influences on Psychology 47 CHAPTER 4 The New .. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Hooton 4 W.C. Boyd 2 . the use of arbitrary symbols to impart meaning, the applicaiton of anthropology to human problems, they are necessary for us to understand our world and how to interact in it, and for people to understand us. The exciting findings of human paleontology (the study of fossils) have pushed back our ancestry as tool-using humans who walked on two legs to several million years ago. Start studying Intro to Anthropology - Exam 1. Be sure to read the feedback. Exam 1 Biological Anthropology answers Q: What causes trisomic conditions? ABO blood typing. Group of answer choices 50%, Describe the bug population change results during this data run in terms of genotypes and phenotypes. Who coined the term "survival of the fittest"? Scientific method An approach to research whereby a question is asked, a hypothesis is stated, and that hypothesis is tested by collecting and analyzing data. Who among the following gave the concept of geographical, local and micro-races ? 1. The 30 year period between 550-520 million years ago of rapid diversification of species occurring abruptly in the fossil record. 1 R.D. Human beings act toward things on the basisof the meanings the things have for them. molecular building block of nucleic acids DNA and RNA; consists of a phosphate, sugar, and base, variable component of the nucleotides that form the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. What is Anthropology? Copyright 2022 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, American Journal of Biological Anthropology, Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University. PDF Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology Adoption 1) The purposeful taking on of a kinship role, responsibility or dust vis - a- vis another person 2) "All kinship is adaptive." The "nuclear family" 1. Introduction 13 Decks -. Want to read all 62 pages. Gene Flow. What grand idea did Boas propose about comparison of cultures? In RNA, uracil replaces thymine. 553 Cards -. Although we have learned a great deal about our ancestors within the last few decades, we are far from having a clear picture of our evolutionary history, and there is still much more to learn. Larger brain, smaller teeth Called "The Handy Man", Lived 1.8 mya Found in Africa and (migrated to) Europe and Asia Confirmed "Tool Maker" Larger brain than Habilus, Smaller brain and larger teeth than a human Thick skull, big face, bipedal for endurance running Possible cave dweller and fire maker, Debate that early humans evolved from a single African woman whose offspring migrated out of Africa and drove early hominids to extinction. biological anthropology the study of humans as biological organisms, considered in an evolutionary framework; sometimes called physical anthropology (origin of modern species/biological variation) hominin a member of the primate family hominidae, distinguished by bipedal posture and, in more recently evolved species, a large brain adaptation Definition. Anthropology Exam 1 Review Flashcards - Consists of one gene with three alleles: A, B, and O, in a diploid organism, refers to an allele that must be present in two copies (homozygous) in order to be expressed, in a diploid organism, an allele that is expressed when present on only one of a pair of homologous chromosomes, in a diploid organism, two different alleles of a gene that are both expressed in a heterozygous individual, the concept of heredity based on the transmission of genes (alleles) according to Mendelian principles, single gene, autosomal dominant/recessive model; useful for examining traits with qualitative variation (discrete categories); ex: pea seed color, albinism, the two alleles of a gene found on each of a pair of chromosomes segregate independently of one another into sex cells, genes found on different chromosomes are sorted into sex cells independently of one another, genes that are found on the same chromosome are said to be linked. Inherited characteristics of a species to ensure survival in its own environment. Anthropology Exam #1 Flashcards | Quizlet What is Biological Anthropology? - Toggle navigation. Biological Anthropology Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Social Science Anthropology Biological Anthropology Biological Anthropology Exam 1 Term 1 / 135 Anthropology Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 135 The study of humankind, integrates sociology, economics, political science, history, and biology. Anthropology Biology Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Teaching Resources | Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Method And Practice In Biological Anthropology 2nd Edition - Chegg What are the 4 Components of the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution? Intro to Anthropology Exam 1 Flashcards - Third, teaching, while hard work, is very rewarding, students provide a constant source of stimulation. Anthropology includes the subfields cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and biological anthropology, the sum total of learned traditions, values, and beliefs that groups of people (and a few species of highly intelligent animals) possess, the study of the interaction between biology and culture, which plays a role in most human traits, the study of the fossil record of ancestral humans and their primate kin, the study of diseases in ancestral human populations, the study of human remains in an archaeological context, the study of human remains applied to a legal context, the study of the non-human primates and their anatomy, genetics, behavior, and ecology, subfield of biological anthropology dealing with human growth and development, adaptation to environmental extremes, and human genetics, the study of humans as biological organisms, considered in an evolutionary framework, a conclusion that follows logically from a set of observations, the gathering of scientific information by watching a phenomenon, a preliminary explanation of a phenomenon. Basic information about Biological Anthropology. The division of anthropology called biological anthropology is very different from the others, it deals with both the social behavior and the biology of people--it is a biosocial science. questions culture o culture is sets of learned behaviors and ideas that human beings and behaviors and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 129 ~The study of humans Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by morga2cm Terms in this set (129) What is anthropology? The fallacy that humans are biologically/genetically different based on the construction of a national identity. In DNA, the bases are adenine/guanine (purines), thymine/cytosine (pyrimidines). Anthropology Final Exam Multiple Choice - Flashcards D. niche competition. Consists of a sequence of DNA bases that carries the information for synthesizing a protein (or polypeptide) and occupies a specific chromosomal locus. Exam 1 Cultural Anthropology Flashcards Anthropology Archaeology Ethnography Sets of learned behaviors and ideas that humans acquire as members of a society. Terms in this set (39) Culture The learned behaviors and symbols characteristic of a particular human society. Garn 3 E.A. C. obtaining food. the sounds that are recognized and distinguished by a languages speakers for purposes of meaning (phonemes are the sounds that matter in a language), sound variations in a single phoneme that do not affect meaning, words that appear to be spelled the same mean different things, depending on the tone with which they are voiced (with the tone being signaled in written language by a mark or diacritic), -the very manner of human thought, as well as what people think about, determined by language, a statistical tool used by comparative linguistics to estimate the date of separation of related languages, being able to change your conversational style based on the people you're speaking to or the situtation you're in.

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biological anthropology exam 1 quizlet