Nov 04

planetary health topics

Northern American observations provide evidence that the frequency and activity of fires have already increased and that this increase is associated with warming in spring and summer and an earlier spring snowmelt (Westerling et al., 2006). Here, in fire-prone regions, the concentration of people and buildings leads to significant losses, posing new challenges for dealing with disaster risk. While a huge amount of water is required for different industrial processes, only a small fraction of the same is incorporated in their products and lost by evaporation; the rest finds its way into the water courses as waste water. It also affects other qualities of water such as drinking, recreation, swimming, fishing, and domestic use. The questionnaire survey used to collect opinions on ES potentials (see Section 3.1.2) also aimed to quantify the actual use of local ecosystem services and to examine respondents' knowledge about benefits deriving from them.Information on the declared use of services was obtained from both the first and the second part of the questionnaire. Various initiatives in the form of awareness campaigning and community development programmes are running across various countries of the globe in this connection. This section presents a brief summary of these surveys. Table1.11. The most susceptible groups are those who respond biologically at the lowest levels of environmental insult. Environmental Pollution These collective effects can increase runoff, erosion, organic material input, and trace metal levels in water bodies. The questionnaire was issued to 10,000 families who had preregistered for such surveys, and 2,000 responses were received. This was contributed by key countries such as China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Australia. JFM or similar committees should be trained and engaged for the forest fire control and management. When we restore soil in postmining sites, there is a wide range of possible actions that fall between two extreme scenarios. The drill units are Jackhammer, Wagon drill and DTH hammers. Sustainable management practices: minimum soil disturbance and permanent organic soil cover through conservation agriculture; increased on-farm species diversity through conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources; use of quality seeds of best-adapted varieties which are accessible to farmers; integrated pest management; and plant nutrition based on sustainable water and soil management (i.e., integration of nitrogen-fixing legumes and trees to cropping systems). Many people have not registered their inheritance. Estimations are primarily based on the amount of biomass consumed, derived from burned area mapping, prefire biomass information and knowledge of the degree of fires combustion completeness (Bastarrika, Chuvieco, & Martn, 2011). Apart from impacting air quality, and destruction of human lives and infrastructure, forest fire is also said to be a vital process for successful ecosystem functioning in terms of maintaining savanna ecosystems (Andela et al., 2017), vegetation succession in terms of seed release and re-sprouting in lodgepole pine Eucalyptus, Banksia; post-fire flowering in Australian grass tree and small-scale farming [waste disposal, land clearance, disease and pest control (Brandt, 1966)], increasing soil fertility (Santn & Doerr, 2016), soil carbon (Koele et al., 2017), and encouraging new growth for grazing animals (EMP, 2019). This eco-friendly approach to farming combines farmers' traditional knowledge with modern technologies adapted to the needs of small-scale producers. In most countries there is little space for arable land expansion. Practical responses to environmental injustice are reviewed, and the importance of a participatory approach, as recognized by national and international legislation, highlighted. Japan JX Group approach (JX Nippon Mining and Metals, 2016). The result is a planetary nebula. An Environmental Audit is normally conducted to assess the state of compliance of an industrial facility with laws and regulations. Jaffe and Wigder (2012) estimate that wildfire emissions produce globally as much as 170TgO3yr1, which is 3.5% of the total O3 production in the troposphere. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The delineation of these characteristics is as much a part of an exploration program as assessment of the amount of coal actually available for use. 5.1 gives the four stages under the ISO 14040 guidelines. In this chapter, we will focus only on reconstruction of upland ecosystems in overburden heaps. Action plan for the surface drainage pattern can be designed accordingly. Another annoyance is that metal blades interfere with television reception. Opencast mining operations involve huge quantities of overburden removal, dumping and backfilling in excavated areas. Numerous scientific studies conducted over the past two decades have shown that low-income groups, especially poor blacks and Hispanics, are more likely than affluent whites to live near environmental hazards, such as industrial facilities and waste disposal sites, reside in urban areas with elevated levels of air pollution, eat significantly greater amounts of contaminated fish, and be employed in potentially dangerous occupations, such as migrant farm work. Industrial wastes should not contain any substances hazardous to the operating personnel nor those of the environment near the effluent discharges. Industrial waste is manufacturing waste from a wide range of different processes, such as sludges, product residues, kiln dust, slags, and ashes. To identify the land owner, it is necessary to fix the lot number, land-use category, area, boundary, and to make the map. Live Science Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The Global industrial waste recycling & services markets. Science for Environment Policy (SfEP) is a free news and information service published by the Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) of the European Commission.It is designed to help busy policymakers keep up-to-date with the latest environmental research findings needed to design, implement and regulate effective policies. Annette L. Cowie, Sampo Soimakallio, in Managing Global Warming, 2019. This whole quantification process starts at the raw material production and extraction phase, then spans the manufacturing process, progressing later into packaging, distribution, retail, use and disposal phases. A.A. Lehtinen, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. Industrial wastes and recyclable materials are preprocessed and detoxified in dedicated plants, generating metal containing streams that are then directed to the most suitable processing plant, depending on their base metal content. R. de la Huz, J. Lpez, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011 Introduction. The hanging wall benches generate the maximum waste rock from overburden. One of the consequences of the ever-increasing human population, supported by accelerated land degradation is the lowering of the man to land ratio. Demographic data (including age, gender, education), for which the respondents were asked in the last part of the questionnaire, were used to analyze the representativeness of the research sample and for intergroup comparisons. Detailed LCA This type of LCA is comprehensive with the full consideration of each life cycle stages with system-specific datasets and analysed in detail for further process improvement. Figure12.4. choose important indicators of environmental behavior of organization including measurement and assessing techniques, mainly in connection with the assessment of the state of its environment, marketing with the link on formulation of environmental declaration or eco-labeling, Nawshad Haque, in Future Energy (Third Edition), 2020. Industrial waste, generally, can be categorized into two types, i.e., nonhazardous and hazardous. The mine backfill process is the environmental reclamation of the worked-out area. A questionnaire survey is only appropriate for certain research questions. Using green cleaning products can help to reduce the human health and environmental concerns that comes along with cleaning. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Table10.4 lists various studies that explore the vermicomposting feasibility of different industrial wastes. 11.5). Whistles emitting sound at frequencies above human hearing are expected to keep birds away. (B) Major industrial activity year to year in Europe, excluding mineral waste [114]. CICES, Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services. The integrated eco-system allows the collection and preprocessing of end-of-life electric and electronic equipment, industrial wastes, and contaminated soils. Urban ecosystems (settlement area) were not included in the survey due to their low representation in the study area and very high internal variability, in line with other two MAES level 2 terrestrial ecosystem classes (sparsely vegetated land and heathland and shrub), which does not occur at all in the analyzed area. He focuses on physics, human health and general science. Table10.4. During opencast mining, material overlying the mined minerals, called overburden, is excavated and deposited in a heap. I adopted a survey questionnaire technique as part of my data collection procedure. Ergas, V. Aponte-Morales, in Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, 2014 Human health impacts. Planetary Health List of 45 provisioning and cultural ecosystem services (gifts of nature) included in the second part of the questionnaire. The locations of subjects who were symptomatic 1 year after sarin exposure were mapped by postal code. In general, mining activity occurs in remote places far away from cities. Decrease of pH in overburden is typically connected with weathering sulfur-rich minerals such as pyrite that releases sulfuric acid. A pattern of blast holes has been drilled into the overburden on the right of the image. Hazardous wastes are toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or radioactive and may pollute the air and soil water sources (Kushwaha, Hans, Kumar, & Rani, 2018; Kushwaha, Rani, & Agarwal, 2016; Rizvi, Goswami, & Gupta, 2020; Sathe, Goswami, Mahanta, & Devi, 2020). In any case, whether or not Afghanistan can ever rise out of its status as a failed state seems to depend to a large measure on whether the newly recognized mineral resources are exploited in environmentally benign ways. They should be entrusted with sufficient resources to fight fire incidences. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator that is often used to analyze RS measurements and assess whether the target being observed contains green health vegetation or not. The heap spreads both horizontally and vertically. Monica Adhiambo Onyango, Malyse Uwase, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017. The selection of a particular process depends on various factors like these: self-purification capacity of the streams. These huge waste rocks need to be removed carefully, transported and stacked by scientific and systematic manner at safe location. Low nutrient content, slow vegetation development in sandy substrate, high potential for erosion. It is also necessary to consider the positionality (gender, class, language ability, and insider or outsider status) of those administering the survey and their influence on the research, while attention needs to be paid to issues of recruitment and training of interpreters or those administering the questionnaire in the field. 12.6. Distributive justice requires an equitable distribution of the costs of environmental risks and of the benefits of environmental values across the demographic and geographic scales. Mohammed H. Moghadasian, Fereidoon Shahidi, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and Health. To highlight the alteration from one time to another, the delta value of waste production is given. In most of the developed (industrial) world, ecosystems surrounding mined sites are characterized by having excess N availability (due to deposition) that leads to increasing plant cover but also to a shift in the plant community to less competitive species and consequently to a reduction of species number. No need of artificial light in the day shift with natural ventilation round the clock. Lead-containing materials are processed at the Hitachi lead smelter. This approach is founded on a set of science-based environmental, institutional, and social principles. It assesses only the activities that occur within the factory. Industrial wastes must be equalized and proportioned to the flow and pollution load of the sewage. The latter two reasons reflect the number of false alarms after the Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. The vermicompost so produced was rich in nutrients. What is the likely root cause of unfairness/inequity/injustice? Vermicomposting process affected humic acid's biostimulant properties. The questionnaire survey used to collect opinions on ES potentials (see Section 3.1.2) also aimed to quantify the actual use of local ecosystem services and to examine respondents' knowledge about benefits deriving from them.Information on the declared use of services was obtained from both the first and the second part of the questionnaire. A broadly positivist approach to translation is commonly advocated where translation needs to be both accurate and appropriate. Rather, it is intended to illustrate that different regulations require testing for different pollutants. Finally, a questionnaire survey is effective only when respondents have knowledge of the topic and they are competent to answer the questions. Therefore, the preparation of a map of high-risk areas in terms of forest fires is necessary as a solution to protect forests against fires. He focuses on physics, human health and general science. This may reflect the fact that respondents in the Tohoku district received many warnings because of the aftershocks. The determination can be made one of two ways: either by sampling and specified analyses, or based on the generator's knowledge of the process generating the waste and the chemistry of the waste. Requirements for Chemical, Physical, and Bacterial Analyses. Environmental Degradation to which the analyses should conform. Figure19.7(d) indicates whether the predetermined actions could be taken. Natural disasters have a significant impact on the public health and well-being of populations affected. Vermicomposting of three types of aquaculture sludge was carried out at four inclusion levels. Environmental Degradation Three alternatives for the disposal of the industrial wastes exist: The direct disposal of waste into the streams without any treatment. The status is periodically compared during active mining to maximize the benefits of better land use and to incorporate remedial measures in case of deviation. The final version was established during a brainstorm workshop at which both field experts and representatives of Wigry National Park's Scientific Council were present. Contemporary society still has the chance to relearn how important the environment is to quality of life. Specially, people living near to the forests must be an integral part of such committees. Proper policy and planning in-terms of locality and sector-specific approaches are required very much at the present moment. Ria Millati PhD, Mohammad J. Taherzadeh PhD, in Sustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste Approaches, 2019. The methods and procedures of land use are planned in detail before the actual mining starts. Precomposting removes foul odor and harmful gases from the industrial wastes [5]. It helps researchers in academia, government and corporate organizations make smarter and faster decisions. Table6.53. These pillars include the formation of coordinated environmental institutions, as well as new laws and policies, impact assessments, environmental information and other assessments, and community-based natural resource management. In contrast, hazardous waste is a residue from industrial activity that can harm public Moreover, substantial evidence indicates that these same groups are likely, on average, to be more vulnerable to environmentally induced discomfort, dysfunction, disability, disease, and death. After studying the features and limitations of existing slope monitoring systems, it determined that there is a need to provide a reliable slope stability monitoring and prediction system by using a solar power-based long-range wireless sensor network for continuous monitoring of different prevailing parameters of slope stability. Norms of Land Area Permissible for Exploration and ML in India. Base metal smelters as part of an integrated eco-processing system processing traditional and urban mining resources. Planetary Protection Some of the important SLFM actions for the prevention and control of forest fires were identified as follows: Identification of fire-prone areas and its mapping. We left questionnaires with those expressing a willingness to participate, and returned after a day or two to collect them. Planetary Protection Controlling these fires is naturally impossible, but a forest fire hazard map (FFHM) can detect areas with greater risk and minimize them. Mohammed H. Moghadasian, Fereidoon Shahidi, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and Health. The technique has many advantages over underground mining, including higher productivity, greater safety, and better recovery of in situ coal resources. However, despite the common background, the practical conditions and formulations of environmental justice are different in Europe. The environmental justice issues are accordingly dealt with in two main forums. For example, an LCA can show that replacing a deep straw manure management system with a slurry system reduces ammonia and nitrate emissions, thereby reducing the acidification and eutrophication impacts of beef production (Cederberg etal. Ministry of Mines (MOM), Ministry of Finance/Forests (MOF) and Ministry of Environment (MOE). The steps in LCA are (1) goal and scope definition, (2) life cycle inventory analysis (LCI), (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and (4) interpretation of the results. Such habitats become unsuitable for the other vegetation and associated Forest Owlet prey. 2.3.1 Photochemical Smog. The increasing incidents of wildfire also entail the potential of significantly impacting freshwater resources, as alterations from wildfire to water catchments can temporarily reduce evapotranspiration (Bond-Lamberty, Peckham, Gower, & Ewers, 2009), increase snow accumulation (Pomeroy, Granger, Pietroniro, Toth, & Hedstrom, 1999), and cause snowmelt to occur earlier in the spring (Gleason, McConnell, Arienzo, Chellman, & Calvin, 2019). Third, the numbers of the absentee landowners have been increasing. [65] investigated the feasibility of vermicomposting of tea factory waste, generated during tea manufacturing, after mixing with cattle manure in different ratios. Poor people and people of color are known to be more likely to lack knowledge about environmental health issues, eat a substandard diet, live in inadequate housing located in dilapidated and crime-ridden neighborhoods, lack access to adequate health care, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and, in general, to live more stressful and less healthful lives. Recoding of the questionnaire responses. Not all the wastes are similar; they may have inorganic fractions, organic fractions, biodegradable fractions, nonbiodegradable substances, be recyclable, etc. International standards provide principles and framework for undertaking LCAs. No restriction of working with heavy and bulky machineries. Compilation of data on forest fire damage. This allowed both to compare the results and to follow the development. Mining of coal is undertaken broadly using two methods: surface and underground. Environmental justice mandates the right to ethical, balanced and responsible uses of land and renewable resources in the interest of a sustainable planet for humans and other living things. Photochemical smog is a brownish-gray haze caused by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation on atmosphere polluted with hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. ). Highly salty habitats hamper vegetation development and may affect aquatic life in neighboring small letic waters. Microsoft is building an Xbox mobile gaming store to take on These emissions produce local-scale pollution plumes that may cause severe air quality deterioration, as was the case during the extreme air pollution episode in the Moscow region in 2010 (Konovalov et al., 2011). Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Forest fires (the term used in Europe to designate the unwanted fires burning forests and wild lands) constitute a serious problem throughout Europe. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The MDB governments worked together with the Commonwealth government to first develop a strategy for salinity management in 1988. The first part comprised open-ended The geographic setting of each delta and its watershed results in different spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of hydrological, ecological, and biological indicators for each delta; however, the key biophysical processes of degradation are similar in all deltas and similarly affect their ecology and food chain dynamics, and this in turn impacts mankind. LCA is the crux of eco-design, dealing with the design approach of a product with full consideration to the environmental impacts made by the product in its entire life cycle. Sketch map to visualize the pit development plan showing the orebody at lower bench, selection of possible waste dump area, haulage road, and ramp. The open-pit or open cast mining method is the obvious choice for a property with wide area of mineralization exposed or exists close to the surface and continues to greater depth. Environmental principles. Successful conversion of filter cake and orange peel into vermicompost. Model projections indicate that atmospheric temperature is likely to play an increasingly important role in driving the global trends of wildfire occurrence in the future (Pechony and Shindell, 2010). Spaceborne and airborne measurements quantify the geodetic location of the energy received by projecting the Acquisition of large surface right for open pit mining. Prince Emeka Ndimele, Ebere S. Erondu, in The Political Ecology of Oil and Gas Activities in the Nigerian Aquatic Ecosystem, 2018. Observing the fact of waste production in Japan and EU-28, it may be generally accepted that in developed countries the production of industrial waste displays a reduction, whereas in developing countries, it shows the opposite trend. Many different types of LCA and LCC have been developed. Online learning resources may include websites, audio/video media clips, and interactive activities such as online quizzes Six ubiquists out of 48 taxa contributed 6187% to the overall abundance. Human Health 3. In the United States objections have been raised to the appearance of wind generatorsespecially to the towers. The losses, however, need be minimized by the application of improved extraction techniques. In addition to these immediate effects, the surrounding environment can be affected in many different ways, for example, water pumped into mines can affect local water table depths, resulting in the release of acid mine drainage or other mining water into surface waters. We aimed to encompass all possible services from the provisioning and cultural sections that are known to be in use in the study area. Most respondents took some actions in the Tohoku district (74 percent) and nationwide (54 percent); 16 percent and 17 percent, respectively, tried to take action but could not; and 10 percent and 29 percent, respectively, did nothing (Figure19.7(a)). We intended to investigate what ordinary people living in and visiting the study area recognize as gifts of nature. Therefore, most industrial wastes are illegally dumped on wastelands, such as barren lands, roadsides, etc., especially in developing countries (Gupta, Kumar, Goswami, & Yadav, 2020). The haul road runs along the periphery of the pit. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Figure19.7 shows the actions that respondents took after receiving EEW messages. Unequal distributions are not necessarily unjust, hence issues relevant to their interpretation are addressed, including: demonstration of cause and effect; alternative theories for observed distributions; and application of justice theory. If the environmental justice movement continues to build upon the already impressive successes it has established in these areas, and can find ways to collaborate with a broad array of other grassroots citizen groups, the creation of a truly broad-based ecology movement that is capable of implementing a national and international strategy to end the abuses of human health and the environment may be witnessed. Kouba etal. Webler and Lord (2010) noted that humans can be affected by oil spills in three major ways: oil can affect ecological processes that cause direct harm, e.g., health impacts from eating seafood with bioaccumulated oil toxins; oil spill stressors can change intermediary processes, e.g., economic impacts on fishers caused by oil spill damage to fisheries; and stressors can directly harm humans, e.g., health impacts from breathing oil vapors. Location of the pit salinity management in 1988 Uwase, in the Political Ecology Oil. Third, the practical conditions and formulations of environmental insult Shahidi, in Managing Global Warming,.... Of cookies hazardous to the operating personnel nor those of the ever-increasing human population, supported by accelerated land is... Of populations affected as part of my data collection procedure Ecology of Oil and Gas activities in Tohoku. Justice issues are accordingly dealt with in two main forums Sustainable Resource Recovery and waste! 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planetary health topics