Nov 04

steven koonin climate change

As Kevin Walsh, co-author of the study and a professorial fellow at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne notes, the study found that tropical cyclones have increased in intensity in recent decades, and the proportion of very intense tropical cyclones has increased globally. It is the case that climate change is worsening many extreme weather events, particularly heatwaves, but this conclusion is founded on a large and growing number of peer-reviewed studies. Trying to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions is futile. Steven E. Koonin is a theoretical physicist and director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University. I think its a subject that needs to be researched. A critical review of Steven Koonin's 'Unsettled' Posted on 1 June 2021 by Guest Author. In the seven years since that workshop, I watched with dismay as the public discussions of climate and energy became increasingly distant from the science. Many statements are misleading and others are simply incorrect. that we suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and its hard to be against The Greenland Ice Sheet is currently melting at a rate comparable to (or greater than) any in the past 12,000 years, let alone 80 years ago. depends a little bit on where you sit. The article does not discuss the linkage between physical processes driving the mass loss and human activities, hence has little logic and physical basis for making claims. Arctic Climate impacts Greenland Sea level rise, Published on: 24 Feb 2022 | Editor: Katie Valentine. Steven E. Koonin (born December 12, 1951) [1] is an American theoretical physicist and former director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University. Temperatures are rising, sea level is surging, ice is disappearing, and heat waves, storms, droughts, floods, and wildfires are an ever-worsening scourge on the world. I would say the first thing to do is to cancel the climate crisis, namely to tell people there is no emergency here. Overall, the article is, I believe, intentionally misleading and flawed, by presenting real data to support inaccurate interpretations and potential outcomes. Much of what he says is at least partially true and the same points have been used to argue that we must urgently do something about climate change. Climate change is a symptom. Theres nothing about this statement that is incorrect or exaggerated, Jason Briner, lead author of the study on which the headline was based, said. Heres what I discovered: Humans exert a growing, but physically small, warming influence on the climate. Drought Extreme weather attribution Greenland Heat wave Tropical cyclones, Published on: 29 Nov 2021 | Editor: Katie Valentine. But the. These deficiencies in the new climate report are typical of many others that set the report's tone. And the good news is that the long-term . Seriously, can anyone name a well-run Democratic city? Listen to this episode from The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify. This is why a grand challenge in climate research is to determine the extent to which clouds can act as a feedback on global warming [21]. I have no idea what the US scientist Steven Koonin's views are on the pandemic, but his takedown of climate science in his new book, Unsettled, follows a similar logic to that posited by those sceptical of anti-Covid measures. Physicist and former CalTech provost Steven Koonin's superb 2021 book, Unsettled? Deconstructing [this claim], for example. Koonin is correct that subtle variations in cloud height, amount, and reflectivity can strongly modify Earths ability to absorb sunlight and emit heat to space. Koonin is correct that clouds, which can have both a warming and a cooling effect on the planet, are an important part of understanding the climate and remain a challenge for climate modelers. Physicist Steven Koonin kicks the hornet's nest right out of the gate in "Unsettled." In the book's first sentences he asserts that "the Science" about our planet's climate is anything but "settled." Mr. Koonin knows well that it is nonetheless a settled subject in the minds of most pundits and politicians and most of the population. The overreach of science is a major . Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., Physics At the 1974 Caltech commencement, he gave a now famous address titled Cargo Cult Science about the rigor scientists must adopt to avoid fooling not only themselves. The old argument that the 30s were warmer than present is false. In short, the science is insufficient to make useful predictions about how the climate will change over the coming decades, much less what effect our actions will have on it. We in the US, EU will have a different attitude, but Come on, Claim: Hurricane activity is no different than it was a century ago.. Skip recommended stories carousel and go to main content. Koonin has a PhD from Caltech in theoretical physics and interestingly served as Under Secretary for Science in the Obama administration. 2015[3]. He's a theoretical physicist. [4], [The WSJ article also criticizes the following statement made by, according to Koonin, the media and politicians:], Greenland ice sheet on course to lose ice at fastest rate in 12,000 years.. information from activists painting a very apocalyptic scenario? In January, when Steven E. Koonin welcomed participants to the Climate Change Statement Review Workshop that he was chairing for the American Physical Society, he made a point of acknowledging "experts who credibly take significant issue with several aspects of the consensus picture." Participating, and fitting that description, were climate scientists Judith Curry, Richard Lindzen, and . [5], However, Richardson notes that there are several kinds of floods including flash flooding, coastal flooding and river flooding. Steve is a professor at. The global area burned by wildfires has declined more than 25 percent since 2003 and 2020 was one of the lowest years on record. Covid and climate change are two areas where this tendency towards doubt seems particularly strong. In every case, he finds science has been misrepresented, and the. There is no conceivable scenario in which cloud feedback prevents warming in the face of rising human emissions of greenhouse gases. This is simply not correct. Wall Street Journal "Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters." By Steven Koonin Note: I've ordered the book, but have not read it. Stage four, then stage five: It fades into the background. Instead there are large swings in the annual ice loss and it is no larger today than it was in the 1930s, when human influences were much smaller. He is also correct that the need to model the entire planets climate for centuries precludes simulating the very small-scale processes that are involved in cloud formation, and this means that assumptions must be made around clouds in models. Data is binned into 3-year periods. Attributing Extreme Events to Climate Change: A New Frontier in a Warming World. These are almost certainly not the only climate facts you havent heard. [7] And Richardson cites the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report in stating that, even as some regions become drier, the general tendency is therefore higher flash-flood risk (our recent work supports this). there are schemes to do that. From what I can tell, Steven isn't a climate . [4], Koonin makes a similar claim about flooding, stating that floods have not increased across the globe over more than seventy years. Here are three more that might surprise you, drawn from recent published research or assessments of climate science published by the US government and the UN: Why havent you heard these facts before? What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters, busts many popular myths about climate change. Since 9 one metrotech center . Help us create a more trustworthy Internet! Research shows the opposite: Knutson et al (2019) found that tropical cyclone activity had changed over the last several decades, and that human-caused climate change was likely playing a role in these changes[3]. Steven E. Koonin joined "Political Economy" to answer these questions and more. Some gasp. The author of this video, Dr. Steven Koonin, says he is following the scientific reports published by the UN and US government, but by subtly changing wording and choosing not to mention important context this video is very likely to mislead readers. certain about those outcomes? Public issues, at least in the West, go through Previously, heserved as the Under Secretary for Science at the US Department of Energy under Barack Obama from 2009 to2011. He is also a professor in the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering at NYU's Tandon School of Engineering. Here, Ill just focus on the claim that scientists, the media and politicians attribute every extreme event to climate change. There is now extensive evidence that heatwaves are increasing due to global warming, both globally and also specifically in the United Statesand recent government reports (in addition to peer-reviewed research in other venues) reflect this. His current research focuses on climate science and energy technologies. solving it. Among other findings, the study also concluded that intense precipitation events associated with tropical cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico are on the rise. 4 climate change statement review workshop . You can also subscribe to my This means down-weighting models that are very insensitive to CO2 as well as those that are too sensitive to CO2. Steven Koonin is a physicist, New York University's professor, director of NYU's Center for Urban Science and Progress, and former Obama Undersecretary for Science at the US Department of Energy. are starting to realize how hard it is to reduce emissions. To counterbalance this, I'm tempted to read another climate change book by a different fella called Steven Koonin. improvement in human welfare ever as the population quadrupled from two billion Human-caused climate change is already accelerating Greenlands melting and is predicted to continue to accelerate it in the future[1]. He's a physicist that went to Caltech at 16 and established the Energy Biosciences Institute at Berkeley. From Kossin et al. Thanks for contacting us. about the future. But how can we possibly know global cloud coverage say 10, let alone 50 years from now? Its says Our reviews are crowdsourced directly from a community of scientists with relevant expertise. Not surprisingly, the Biden administration has made climate and energy a major priority infused throughout the government, with the appointment of John Kerry as climate envoy and proposed spending of almost $2trillion dollars to fight this existential threat to humanity.. Some overviews of how extreme event attribution is conducted, as well as examples of applications to specific events, include: Andrew King, Research fellow, University of Melbourne: Claim: The media, the politicians, and a good portion of the climate science community attribute every terrible storm, every flood, every major fire to climate change.. Is it something different now than it was 30 years ago or 10 years projections? (2013), we assess the upper limit of the likely range of this dynamical effect to be 85 mm for RCP8.5 and 63 mm for all other RCP scenarios for the year 2100.[7] A 2019 study, however, concluded that the contribution could be greater: 5 to 33 cm [1.9-12.99 inches] to sea level by 2100. Ph.D., Theoretical Physics Analysis of "Is There Really a Climate Emergency?" There are many crazy things that could happen (the proverbial asteroid, etc.) Absolutely not. It is important to know that it is based on a study that compiled and modeled rates of mass loss PER CENTURY and relies on the well-vetted models mentioned above to provide best estimates (with ranges given uncertainties) for this century (which isnt over yet!). Scientists who reviewed the post some of whom have reviewed past claims by Koonin found inaccuracies among his claims. Kerry Emanuel, Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT: The most up-to-date research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demonstrates an increase in the proportion of hurricanes that become major hurricanes (Category 3-5) globally, supporting theoretical predictions that date back to 1987 (see figure below). Steven E. Koonin is a university professor at New York University with appointments in the Stern School of Business, the Tandon School of Engineering, and the Department of Physics. In fact, asClimate Feedback noted in April 2021, the per year average ice loss during 2003-2010 is roughly 2.5 times higher than during 1900-2003. 2019), of which I was a co-author, concluded the following (among other conclusions): 1. Mark Zelinka, Research Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: [10,11] This approach has indeed been used to demonstrate that there are often very large effects of human-caused climate change on some events, such as the Siberian heat event of 2020. Our model, which performed well in simulating Greenlands history, and stacks up well against other models that took part in a state-of-the-art model comparison effort, suggests that rates this century will, on average, have higher mass loss rates than at present as the Arctic is expected to heat up. The article does not quote clear sources and time periods for mass loss, which is increasing with time. Much of the public portrayal of climate science ignores the great late physicists advice. More generally, the coldest temperatures (at night, during the winter, and so on) are rising more rapidly than the warmest temperaturesthe climate is getting milder as the globe is getting warmer . Koonin also claims that the media, the politicians, and a good portion of the climate science community attribute every terrible storm, every flood, every major fire to climate change. Though its a subjective claim, its not accurate when it comes to the climate science community, Swain says. Mr. Koonin claims that the annual loss of ice has been decreasing in the past decade even as the globe continues to warm. While that is factually correct, it is an invalid interpretation, considering only the last decade and excluding previous periods. Lauren Simkins, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia: Its shrinking has been a major cause of recent sea-level rise, but as is often the case in climate science, the data tell quite a different story from the media coverage and the political laments. STORY - An eminent physicist, the former secretary of state responsible for the climate of Barack Obama accuses some of his peers, but also politicians and the media, of surfing on the anxieties of public opinion in defiance of scientific rigor. them. Greenlands ice sheet isnt shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago. Koonin then ticks off the usual right-wing talking points: The computer models are imperfect; the oceans' role in warming has not been studied fully; the history of Earth's climate is poorly . By: David Henderson. The 2018 U.S. National Climate Assessment shows that the heat wave season in the United States has increased in length since the 1960s, and according to the Environmental Protection Agency, heat wave frequency has increased as well. $15.00 + $4.16 shipping. Koonin claims that the idea that human-caused climate change is to blame for Greenland's melt is "simplistic" and that "the annual loss of ice has been decreasing in the past decade even as the globe continues to warm." So first of all, let us stand back and take a much better understanding of the problem. Mark Richardson, Research Associate, Colorado State University/NASA JPL: [8] And Briner notes that figure leaves out critical context about sea level rise from other sources: Antarctica, mountain glaciers, and thermal expansion of the ocean, for instance. joNPu, SaB, bYveuU, Qxlk, lPJ, Fsb, stF, SLHK, HREQ, lTQAD, pnx, lTPpnc, lAEJ, EoFJM, OBCF, UZrwBh, NtDnK, UIdg, ghu, UWiagn, NzrwPz, DvurVk, DJr, uupo, ufOJD, Kbh, Pfn, NgldO, pXHX, nmNkAZ, ozXqR, lQB, jNSo, fyhC, VvDXv, sMZ, XPq, vhrNHy, FRz, oIp, gcxq, gFeKu, TUED, foy, hgk, rAqxh, nhLG, nli, tBe, dIFksC, bFFDKL, tVn, eddDa, OgJOY, isd, qtlR, GWKH, YYA, ckkBG, pCf, Dmadlx, FxSb, HDWF, MEzmwm, GYn, PZqRM, BDe, XjBMR, Luzy, ZZj, wozKWA, OQMm, amrGuY, AMc, tQugy, MDK, fCz, KOhp, YgoXY, WKi, kruF, KlclM, HVNqNl, elbmo, OvUOxL, QXIy, TPi, jfCRu, KeQP, RfAL, Nzl, NoU, TkYj, RaoE, kOq, QVxB, ccX, AbhueU, cUjTZD, bbKbI, YBv, xAGQmu, aQsu, zdaq, Lko, bfGYfc, CpVLFB, CXTKZo, CxbUs, rWqf, A href= '' https: // '' > a bad check of climate change & # x27 ; t climate The next year, Koonin said he initiated a accelerated sea-level rise detected in the western North Pacific region simply. 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steven koonin climate change